News & Events
ACHS 2020: Futures

ACHS 2020: FUTURES, the fifth biennial conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies took place as a fully virtual conference across August and September 2020 featuring On-Demand presentations and live Q&A/discussion sessions. The conference was chaired by Professor Rodney Harrison of the UCL Institute of Archaeology in association with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Heritage Priority Area.
On 28 August 2020 Claske Vos, Francesca Lanz, Jacopo Leveratto and Francesca Gotti of the en/counter/points team participated in a panel on ‘Questioning the politics of belonging through culture and heritage in contemporary belonging’. This panel was organised by Associate Professor of Art History at the University of Jyväskylä, Dr Tuuli Lähdesmäki, and Senior Lecturer in Media, Culture, and Heritage at Newcastle University and en/counter/points Project Lead, Dr Susannah Eckersley, and discussed the politics of belonging within heritage policy discourses and governance at EU, national and local levels. Moreover, it explored feelings of belonging and nonbelonging among diverse heritage communities in Europe.
During the conference Claske Vos presented the paper: “The European Cultural Space as Contact Zone: Southeast European encounters with the Creative Europe Programme”. In this presentation Claske Vos shows that while the EU has opened up its Creative Europe Programme to non-EU states as a means to encourage new forms of European belonging amongst its participants, cultural workers from Southeast Europe often perceive themselves as insiders as well as outsiders of the European cultural space the EU aims to facilitate. An examination of the reasons behind participation and the actual participation in the programme, reveals that the Creative Europe Programme is not only an opportunity for cultural workers to(re)connect to the larger European community. It is also a confrontation with persisting inequalities and a reminder of their marginal position within the same community.
Additional resources:
- Claske Vos' full conference presentation
- RE-using the Public SpaceRE-using the Public SpaceRE-using the Public Space and associated paper by Francesca Lanz, Francesca Gotti, Jacopo Leveratto Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Last modified: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 16:22:50 GMT