Newcastle University
Dana Ofiteru
My research lays at the intersection of (bio)chemical and environmental engineering. I am a classically trained chemical engineer and a modeller of biological systems with a track record of work modelling the engineered biological processes at the level of the metabolism, the individual and the ecosystem. I have used individual based models to simulate biofilms. A microscale individual based model that captures the fundamental processes taking place in biomineralization is also the core of this project.
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Manpreet Bagga
Research Assistant, School of Bio and Environmental Engineering
I am interested in microbial and molecular research, playing around with genetic constitutes, new techniques and advanced instruments.
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Aleena Alex
Research Associate, School of Engineering
I work with multi-scale mechanical modelling of cementitious systems. I’m interested in investigating the fundamental structure-property relationship of materials with complex microstructure and a wide range of constituent phases. I work on the computational modelling of such materials using simulators such as LAMMPS and have experience in continuum and particle-based models. I also have expertise in the nano mechanical characterization of the constituent phases using nanoindentation and nano-DMA techniques.
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Eduardo Duque-RedondoResearch Associate, School of Engineering
My research aims to find relationships between atomic scale structures and macroscopic properties in a wide range of systems, with a special focus on cement as a sustainable construction material as geopolymers. I also have experience in the modelling of organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites and in the study of aggregation processes of photoactive molecules occluded in nanostructured matrices. I use different molecular simulation methods, from density functional theory (DFT) to molecular dynamics (MD) with empirical potentials.
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