Cardiff University
Tony Jefferson
Professor, Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research interests: Numerical modelling of quasi-brittle materials Application of micro-mechanical solutions to the numerical analysis of cementitious materials Coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical solutions for concrete The development and analysis of self-healing cementitious materials.
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Iulia Mihai
Lecturer, Civil Engineering
Research interests: Fibre reinforced concrete. Micromechanics based constitutive modelling of cementitious materials. Numerical modelling of quasi-brittle materials. Self-healing concrete
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My area of expertise is the theory and simulation of materials and structures. At the sub-micrometre scale, I am interested in the relationship between structure development, mechanics, and ageing of cement paste. I am also interested in the multi-scale modelling (length and time scales) of the rheology, mechanics, and ageing of cementitious materials. In addition to modelling, I do experimental research on the hydration and nanostructure development of cementitious materials.
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Brubeck Freeman
Collaborating Research Associate, School of Engineering
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