Work package 4: Pilot implementation of intervention
We will assess the feasibility of delivery of the intervention within present NHS structures, and test acceptability, adherence to delivery of the intervention and outcome measurement. We will also test the procedures for recruitment of participants. This will allow us to assess the feasibility of a future trial and, if appropriate, to make recommendations as to the optimum design and setting for the trial and identify potential facilitators and barriers to its completion (and strategies to address these).
Objectives of Work package 4
To conduct a non-randomised feasibility study, to deliver the proposed intervention to 10 patients in each of the 3 sites
Rehearsal of intervention with process evaluation
As work package 2: 3 UK sites (Newcastle, Stockton, Norwich) each including 3 settings: primary care consultations, paramedic attendances and ED attendances.
Health technology assessed
Feasibility of participant recruitment, fidelity of delivery of the intervention, feasibility of outcome measurement. Qualitative study: assessment using normalisation process theory of factors influencing the acceptability and implementation of the intervention.
Final output: Description of a validated complex intervention with accompanying training materials for its delivery and measurement of outcomes.