Work package 2: Understanding current practice
We will quantify the numbers of PWD with a fall-related injury presenting to primary care, paramedics and the emergency department (ED). Usual care will be captured through prospective diaries.
We will interview selected PWD, carers and health and social care staff providing or commissioning their care to identify care needs; explore the opportunities for and the barriers to improvement in their care; and identify and prioritise the outcomes. We will also observe existing falls interventions (e.g. exercise classes; falls clinics).
Objectives of Work Package 2
prospective observational study over 6 months with qualitative study
3 UK sites (Newcastle, Stockton, Norwich) each including 3 settings: primary care consultations, paramedic attendances and ED attendances.
Health technology assessed
Procedure for ascertaining person has a diagnosis of dementia, estimation of number of PWD presenting in each setting, identification of services they are directed to after the fall. In each site a subgroup of 20 PWD and their carers will keep a diary of service usage for 3 months, to describe the type and quantity of care accessed and care pathways followed by such individuals. Qualitative interviews to explore their perceptions of what their care needs were, whether they were met, what might have been improved and what outcomes were important to them. Qualitative interviews of care professionals they encounter, to identify their perceptions of the health and social care needs of PWD, ideas for service improvement, barriers and facilitators to change.