Archive Interview: Y10i026
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Speaker 1: | interviewerY10i026 |
Speaker 2: | informantY10i026a |
Age Group: | 81-90 |
Gender: | Female |
Residence: | Tyneside - Newcastle |
Education: | Left school at 14 |
Occupation: | Retired |
Speaker 3: | informantY10i026b |
Age Group: | 21-30 |
Gender: | Male |
Residence: | Tyneside - Newcastle |
Education: | Higher Education |
Occupation: | Postgraduate Student (PGCE) |
Speaker 4: | informantY07i001c |
Speaker 5: | informantY07i001d |

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Interview Transcript
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) No I don't drink I don't drink. |
Speaker 2: |
And er (pause) sherry or something like that. At the end of the day we were at the bar. And (pause) of course I must have been there was a couple |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Well I didn't know if they were German or not but I knew there were two fellows sitting there. And of course I'm just talking away. And I heard course (pause) I didn't let on to (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
Worky ticket. |
Speaker 2: |
erm, but I heard one of them saying (pause) English (pause) English |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah |
Speaker 2: |
(pause) And I just leaned forward |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(pause) and (NAME) says 'what you doing?' I says (pause) 'I'm just having a look at who's sitting next door' |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
At the next table. I says 'couple of fellows sitting there' |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
He says, 'well what you looking at them for?' I says 'I'm just having a look'. I says |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
But they knew that I knew |
Speaker 1: |
So they shut up! (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
And -- and they just dropped their eyes and within minutes |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
they moved |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I just gave them that look |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) (cough) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) I had to put up in the |
Speaker 3: |
You had a nice holiday though (pause) Portugal was the first time you been on a plane wasn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes that was with |
Speaker 3: |
And they got you in the sea just about. |
Speaker 2: |
(sigh) Oh God (pause) I says God I hope nowt happens to me 'cause I can't swim (pause) They says 'can you not swim?' I says 'why no'? 'Did you not learn at school?' I says 'listen took us all my time to get to school never mind the days that |
Speaker 3: |
Oh God that's miles away. |
Speaker 2: |
Oh God (pause) so you know by right you should always feel very very sorry for me. |
Speaker 3: |
Oh I do I do. |
Speaker 2: |
Yes (pause) No I've had it |
Speaker 3: |
You do. |
Speaker 2: |
And it's a shame I can't do it now. |
Speaker 3: |
Oh you can. |
Speaker 1: |
Was that a big hobby of yours? (interruption) Dancing? |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Oh yes (pause) Our (NAME)'s going to a ball tonight. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
That's (NAME)' (pause) (interruption) younger brother. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Brother. |
Speaker 1: |
Yes |
Speaker 2: |
He says, |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
St- s- starting his third year now |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And he says um |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Th- That he told me and he said 'eee' he says 'grandma when I think I used to come to the -- the -- the k- erm (unclear) (pause) Where did granddad used to go? |
Speaker 3: |
The army dinners. |
Speaker 2: |
The army dinners down in the town. |
Speaker 3: |
Next to (interruption) St James' Park. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) East Park. |
Speaker 2: |
Well they had their (pause) yearly dinner on. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
And of course we were naturally invited you know (NAME) and me and I used to make Christmas cakes and take them down as -- as -- to put in the raffles |
Speaker 3: |
About (NAME) (interruption) dancing with you. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Oh yes and he said (NAME) came one night with (NAME) to pick us up (pause) and it was finished and I was still dancing (pause) and I was doing the jive |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
But our (NAME) (pause) 'cause I was up with different |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
So I had to get up with anybody else that came and got us and |
Speaker 3: |
He wasn't that happy about that was he? |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) No. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
But there was nowt he could do about it (pause) couldn't get up dance he's -- well he did I used to let him get up for the last once |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) If you could call it a once |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
He jus- just (unclear) just throw us around and |
Speaker 3: |
I think I got those genes. |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
And er but erm (pause) oh our (NAME) says 'ey grandma when I used to watch you dancing' he says 'with them different men and you just' and one would say 'excuse me my turn' |
Speaker 1: |
Speaker 2: |
And er he says 'ey I -- I -- I've just been telling a lady that we thought we were going lose' (interruption) In hospital |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) mm |
Speaker 2: |
He says 'she t- took a bad turn' and then he says all of a sudden he says 'she took a turn for the better' (pause) and he says 'I was telling sitting talking to her' |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) But this is how -- this is how he talks |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
he's been given |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
He's been given marvellous results |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
for I mean (pause) patients parents took (pause) bottles in for him chocolates |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
been marvellous for looking after my mother you know and I says well when he first started they said to him 'have you had any experience?' He says 'no' I says 'you should have said yes' (pause) I says 'both you and (NAME) had experience' |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I said 'you had three year of it with your mother'. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
'yous looked after her |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
'you seen to her food, took her to the toilet'. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Seen to her and everything. I says 'and played her music didn't you?' (pause) And I says 'so what more experience do you want than that when you done it' (interruption) done that you know |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) lucky we didn't sing to her |
Speaker 2: |
and of course |
Speaker 1: |
Mm |
Speaker 2: |
of experience |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
That m- more or less had shown when he was in the hospital they were surprised at how he could talk to people in |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
You know and that and er |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I mean he done it just the same. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And er (pause) so th- th- that's helped him a lot and he's er (pause) he's put in for when he finishes he had to write down two places of where would |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah (pause) would that be in Newcastle? |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes yes uh-huh sa- and er he's off today and he's going to his ball tonight |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Think |
Speaker 3: |
Gaw, he'll be coming home late grandma you better get him told off. |
Speaker 2: |
(tut) (pause) (NAME) never bothers me when he comes home late (interruption) I don't see him so he doesn't bother me. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 1: |
So do you play a musical instrument (NAME)? |
Speaker 3: |
I don't, I DJ. |
Speaker 1: |
DJ (pause) what sort of music? |
Speaker 3: |
A bit of funk, hip-hop, soul, drum and bass, dub-step bit of everything. Black music mainly. |
Speaker 1: |
Have you DJed for (NAME) before? |
Speaker 3: |
I haven't she's not so keen although I think she's heard us through the walls haven't you? |
Speaker 2: |
I've heard you through the walls |
Speaker 1: |
Your type of music or not really? |
Speaker 2: |
I used to play the piano but |
Speaker 3: |
W- We went to a concert together didn't we? We went to see the Frank Sinatra (pause) sing-along thing recently. |
Speaker 2: |
Yes but (NAME) took us to see La Boheme |
Speaker 3: |
All right all right (pause) (interruption) I d- didn't win that battle |
Speaker 2: |
'Cause I (interruption) 'cause I used to like to go to the opera |
Speaker 3: |
You like the opera's don't you? (pause) So (NAME) took you to see La Boheme a- at the Theatre Royal (pause) I missed out on that one. |
Speaker 2: |
Thoroughly enjoyed it (pause) c- couldn't get over it when he seen the big orchestra |
Speaker 3: |
Mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
Hey 'does -- doesn't she |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
And er (pause) of course I'm -- I'm here on my own I don't just please myself and listen to it |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And I have erm (pause) the |
Speaker 3: |
The fivers (pause) the three tenors. |
Speaker 2: |
The three tenors yes I love t- Pavarotti |
Speaker 3: |
Or you like erm (pause) what's his face? The blind one (pause) (interruption) that (NAME) and (NAME) went to see the other day. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Oh yes |
Speaker 2: |
Well he's brought us a |
Speaker 3: |
Bocelli. Andrea Bocelli. That's it. |
Speaker 2: |
But he doesn't -- he hasn't been able to put it |
Speaker 3: |
Why not? |
Speaker 2: |
Well (pause) I asked him (interruption) to put it on |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Just need to plug it in. |
Speaker 2: |
Ey? |
Speaker 3: |
I just need to plug it in. I'll plug it in for you. |
Speaker 2: |
Well put it on. (interruption) Go on. |
Speaker 3: |
I will. (interruption) Not now. Not during the interview. |
Speaker 2: |
What interview? |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
They might like to hear it. |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
Can I get you something to eat now? (pause) What time what is it? |
Speaker 3: |
We can w- we can wait we'll just wait a bit longer till he's done with his questions and then we'll |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Oh I didn't know you were |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) It'll just be another (pause) ten minutes or so. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) He's got a bit more. |
Speaker 2: |
Sorry love. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) We d- we won't do all of them. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Sorry. |
Speaker 2: |
I'm very sorry. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) No no no worries. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Don't be sorry. |
: |
But do you need anything? |
Speaker 3: |
Do you want anything? |
: |
Do you want tea? |
: |
(interruption) I can fix it for you. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) No no |
Speaker 1: |
How do you think the city's changed over the last fifty or so years? |
Speaker 2: |
(sigh) |
Speaker 1: |
Massively? |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know. Listen I could -- when I was a child I could go anywhere in Newcastle |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
For my mother (pause) if she sent us to (pause) Shields Road |
Speaker 1: |
Mm hm |
Speaker 2: |
Probably be lost now |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
'Cause well apart from the fact that I don't go out on my own now |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Erm (pause) the er (pause) the other thing is |
Speaker 1: |
Mm hm |
Speaker 2: |
Re built |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Flats and what not |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Some of it for the better. |
Speaker 2: |
Some of it for the better yes. |
Speaker 3: |
Swan House. Um what's it called? The bit next to the train station was the most ugly building in the world wasn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
The which? |
Speaker 3: |
Remember there was |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Ah yeah uh-huh yes |
Speaker 3: |
They finally knocked that down didn't they |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes it's all -- it's all changed completely now |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
Even since I was a bairn it's changed hasn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
Much more multi-cultural (interruption) now was well |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) in fact when sometimes when (NAME) and (NAME) take me out for a run and we |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) mm |
Speaker 2: |
And you just -- it's not just in Newcastle as well it's -- it's around and (interruption) you know |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) Around yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Finding erm lots of different places have all changed. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah (pause) What do you think |
Speaker 3: |
Like down by the Baltic and that. |
Speaker 2: |
Oh well I think that's very (interruption) good erm yes uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) It's lovely isn't it. Yeah, I like it yeah. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
I mean (pause) there again you'd be sick of hearing me saying this but as I say it's just naturally I can only say years ago |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
I used to go (pause) on a Sunday morning (pause) along the Quayside |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
'Cause I had all the |
Speaker 3: |
All the market used to be there didn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
Market was there and (interruption) people doing their little tricks |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) but they stopped using that (pause) ages ago didn't they? |
Speaker 2: |
And you know (interruption) people having a dance |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) used to stink along the Quayside though didn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
But erm |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Ay (pause) well (pause) yeah (pause) no. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I liked -- I liked the -- the Baltic and that. I -- I don't like the new (pause) apartments the new fancy apartments that just look the same as each other and (pause) It's definitely changing the kind of people that are around that end of the city. |
Speaker 2: |
I find well not that I've been in a lot but I finding also looking at them that they seem to be making smaller (pause) rooms in places |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
you know for people instead of (interruption) just of course erm |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Charging a fortune. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
w- we're used to seeing |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
and that in the town and (pause) great big places but eh you know it's -- it's all it's flats and |
Speaker 3: |
You like the bridge though don't you? New bridge |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes (interruption) that's lovely |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) It's nice isn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
And it's lovely when it's the night time when it's all lit up. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
Flashes the different colours. |
Speaker 2: |
Yes definitely. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
I -- It's not sad that they got rid of that big boat that was a nightclub (pause) Tuxedo Royale. |
Speaker 2: |
(sigh) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) (pause) Used to be (interruption) parked underneath the Tyne bridge. Yeah. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) Is that what it was called? |
Speaker 3: |
Nightclub with a revolving dance floor. |
Speaker 1: |
Was that a big hot-spot? |
Speaker 3: |
Yeah |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) (interruption) seriously? |
Speaker 2: |
Well I didn't go there. |
Speaker 3: |
Well I know you didn't go there. You just (interruption) go to the Bigg Market |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) I -- I -- No (pause) I went -- the only ship I went down on (pause) i- in the last f- few years was down when they had all the tall ships. |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
All the tall ships were here and I was invited down to one. |
Speaker 3: |
'Cause Uncle (NAME) was looking after the Bulgarian crew wasn't he? |
Speaker 2: |
Uh-huh (pause) And when I was on board, (NAME) (NAME) who you seen talking to (NAME) outside |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) She was a counsellor. Yeah |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) She was the last, she was a Lady Mayoress, yeah |
Speaker 3: |
Right. |
Speaker 2: |
A few -- couple of year ago (pause) and she just lives round the corner from me but she used to teach when (NAME) and (NAME) taught and erm (pause) I went on th- this tall ship and I'm s- sitting there |
Speaker 3: |
'Cause we were invited on for the closing party. |
Speaker 2: |
And erm one of the captains. |
Speaker 3: |
The Bulgarian captain. |
Speaker 2: |
(pause) Had to come down on my ship (pause) Come down have a drink and says right okay fine fine after me |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
And (NAME) went and that and we had a great time down |
Speaker 3: |
Aye we was giving us his eh |
Speaker 2: |
He left |
Speaker 3: |
His eh (pause) His plum brandy. |
Speaker 2: |
He left his (pause) he give me (pause) his address and everything to send to |
Speaker 3: |
He tried to get me to go off on the boat with him. He just said 'aye come round -- come round |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
And er (pause) erm Bobby Robson was on there as well wasn't he? |
Speaker 2: |
Well (pause) (interruption) when I was on- |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) That was funny. (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(pause) Erm Mrs (NAME). |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME). |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) she was on and she says |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
The old (interruption) Newcastle manager. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Right |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. (interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 2: |
So I said (interruption) 'oh yes I can see him' (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) (cough) |
Speaker 2: |
'Oh I'm on my way' |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
Was he a nice guy? |
Speaker 3: |
He was a bit confused 'cause he was standing (interruption) with his wife at the time. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) (cough) (pause) More than his wife he was standing in a just in a -- a group. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
And I just walked up to him (pause) I says 'hello Bobby'. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
'I don't know you' I says (pause) 'ah come off it'. I says 'don't say you don't know us' |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
''cause obviously you don't, I know that'. 'But' I says 'you know that I'm a Geordie and I'm |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
And then you told him you'd come to chat him up didn't you? |
Speaker 2: |
I says 'so come on' and he says 'pleased to meet you' I says 'that's all right |
: |
(interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
But er (pause) the others were all just watching us to see if I would have dared go. |
Speaker 3: |
Well I got to meet him out of it so I was happy. |
Speaker 2: |
And I thought |
Speaker 3: |
It was public mourning when he died wasn't it, round here. |
Speaker 2: |
(sigh) |
Speaker 3: |
I was crying my little eyes out. |
Speaker 2: |
(sigh) (pause) Shame well he was such a good footballer in his own right as well and years ago but eh (pause) your granddad |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I mean he'd be over a hundred and (pause) if I'm eighty-five he must have been a hundred and ten (interruption) or something like that. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) a hundred and ten yeah. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
But at the stadium. |
Speaker 2: |
But at the stadium (pause) them years back |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
he used to put it up on the b- |
Speaker 3: |
Best job going. |
Speaker 2: |
In the ground. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
In the ground and he used to do that put the -- the scoring. |
Speaker 1: |
So you're a Newcastle fan I take it? |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes our listen our (NAME) (unclear) (pause) her and (NAME), I mean they had s- season tickets right up to they were |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) they got relegated yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
They got relegated and she says 'oh' she says 'I'm not -- I'm not -- re- I'm not repeated my erm (pause) membership for another year'. |
Speaker 3: |
Think it was even before that. |
Speaker 2: |
And er |
Speaker 3: |
The Souness era, the dark days. |
Speaker 2: |
but eh for years |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) You used to go with granddad sometimes didn't you? |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yes. |
Speaker 3: |
And he went off to the cup finals. |
Speaker 2: |
He -- he went (pause) you know the year that Newcastle won the |
Speaker 3: |
FA Cup |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) The FA Cup. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) In fifty-five |
Speaker 1: |
Was that their last trophy? |
Speaker 3: |
No that was the Fairs Cup in |
Speaker 1: |
Oh right. (interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Ah but there was one (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
The equivalent of the UEFA Cup we won. |
Speaker 2: |
Yes and erm |
Speaker 3: |
That was the last English trophy was the FA Cup. |
Speaker 2: |
Is eh is your friend all right? |
Speaker 3: |
He's fine aye. |
Speaker 2: |
(pause) 'Cause I -- I'll put him right if he's not. |
Speaker 3: |
Aye he's fine (pause) so yeah big Newcastle fan. You watch it on the telly. |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
ah well in them days you know (pause) there was football every Saturday afternoon. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
None of these daft times. |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
and eh (pause) course we didn't have the |
Speaker 3: |
Aye I -- I remember watching it with granddad when I was little, we used to watch it and |
Speaker 2: |
Yes used to go and (pause) go down a lot. They got me to stand in the queue at the Central Station (pause) for bloody hours |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) To get to London (pause) oh what for sixty-six? The year England won. |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh. |
Speaker 3: |
They didn't get them though did they? |
Speaker 2: |
I did. |
Speaker 3: |
Did you? |
Speaker 2: |
I got two tickets and it was for him and he took our (NAME). |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
That's one of (interruption) my sisters. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Sisters. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
me knew I wasn't (unclear) I stood for them. |
Speaker 2: |
and er |
Speaker 3: |
Wasn't at the final though was he? |
Speaker 2: |
yes he was (unclear) I ha- had to stand for the tickets for hours (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Was he? |
Speaker 1: |
Was |
Speaker 2: |
Oh there would have been matches all (interruption) the time up here yes. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
Yeah (pause) it's b- big part to play doesn't it? |
Speaker 2: |
Yes |
Speaker 3: |
Everybody knows Jackie Milburn and everyone knows (pause) (interruption) Gallacher |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Kev- Kevin Keegan |
Speaker 3: |
Keegan |
Speaker 2: |
And all the rest of them. |
Speaker 3: |
and Shearer |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
Shearer, well Shearer |
Speaker 3: |
It's that one on the left. Do you want us to get it down for you? |
Speaker 2: |
Oh yeah |
Speaker 1: |
Got a picture? |
Speaker 3: |
It's a funny picture he's not -- it looks like he's in it but he's not. |
Speaker 2: |
Who? |
Speaker 3: |
Shearer. |
Speaker 2: |
He is in it. |
Speaker 3: |
He's not. It's a cardboard cut-out. |
Speaker 2: |
It's not. |
Speaker 3: |
It is. |
Speaker 2: |
Ohh I keep telling you (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
I know, but it's -- he wasn't actually sitting there |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
It's a computer, honestly (pause) it was his dinner but he wasn't sitting there. |
Speaker 2: |
He was he told (NAME) to go and (interruption) stand at the back so he could sit beside (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) ah okay right. |
Speaker 2: |
and that's him there. |
Speaker 3: |
Uh-huh |
Speaker 2: |
sitting next to (NAME). |
Speaker 3: |
mm (pause) so this was at the erm (pause) tribute to Alan Shearer dinner. |
Speaker 1: |
Have you met Alan Shearer before? |
Speaker 2: |
Ou- Our (NAME) has met him stacks of times and he's been and (pause) all -- lots of the players have been to the school when she was headmistress. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Seeing the children |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And taking them used take her maybes one or two footballs in |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Or an odd shirt or two so that she could give them (pause) to the children at special occasions f- for and then (pause) had reached |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
c- certain things |
Speaker 1: |
Really? |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Yeah she actually introduced the yellow card red card system in the school, yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) yellow card |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And th- th- th- the council |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) yellow card (pause) Some of them got them some of them got a red card and all. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) Aye it was in a rough area of Newcastle. |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) Because she w- she taught in the roughest area that I'm talking about |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 3: |
Benwell. |
Speaker 2: |
And erm (pause) it was nothing (pause) for the any really (pause) ruddy boy to act hisself to the teacher. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Give her a bite |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
Kick. Because they knew that teachers now are not allowed to touch them. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And it was one teacher I must be going back about three or four year now when (NAME) was |
Speaker 3: |
I think she retired two years ago now didn't she? |
Speaker 2: |
Uh-huh so it |
Speaker 1: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
teacher says |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
So she would say 'we'll call him Tom' but she knew you know. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
And she says |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
She says 'I've had to bring him to you because I can't teach the rest of the children'. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
And our (NAME) says 'oh oh that's all -- righto love just leave him (pause) leave in -- in my room with me' and er (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And she says 'and the phone was keep going all the time' she says 'if it was the |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And she says 'I would just pick up the phone' and she says course all the time this was going on she says 'I was hearing eee ooo wait till my father gets hold of you' |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
'Ooo we unt- ooo wait until I get home |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
'oh I thought you were saying something and then' she says 'I'd just get on with my work' she says 'I had loads of writing work to do answering the phone ringing up this that and the other' |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) (cough) (pause) (cough) (pause) (cough) |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
She says 'you see he doesn't like his teacher and he doesn't like being |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
But he quite happy here with me. |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
And he says (pause) she says 'he was muttering and oh God and the f-ing word was coming out'. |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
'Cause that's whe- what they were used to. |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Brought up with |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I says er so she says erm (pause) she just t- told the teacher to go away she says 'just sat there the whole time' and she says 'and of course then |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
'Wait until the morning comes or tomorrow comes' or whatever he said. |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (cough) |
Speaker 2: |
but erm (pause) just done that |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Just went home and she says all the staff were saying to us 'ey Mrs (NAME) wait until he gets home and tells oh they'll oh God if they come up tomorrow' you know (pause) this that and the other |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
And she says er 'you know' she says 'really mam' she says 'I was thinking ooo if his dad comes you know will I be ready for him?' |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Th- That looked after. And she says er 'I thought oh I'm going to have to be ready for this one'. And she says 'however (pause) knock at the door' |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
'Would like to see you' and she says 'I just said oh that's quite all right |
Speaker 1: |
Yeah. |
Speaker 2: |
Wondering whether she should hang around or what. And she says she says 'I just looked up and said to the mother |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Using the Interview Interface

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- The speaker panels on the right [3] provide background details for the interview participants. The colour of the panel corresponds to the colour of that speaker's utterances in the transcript.
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- Note 1: To preserve anonymity, personal names have been removed. They are replaced by "(NAME)" in the text, and silence in the audio. For the same reason, some references to places have also been removed, replaced by "(PLACE)" in the text.
- Note 2: Obscenities are blanked out in the text, and the 20 second segment of audio that contains them will not play. If the audio stops for this reason, click the fast forward button (>>) to resume playback with the next 20 second segment of audio.