Archive Interview: Y10i021

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Age Group:





North Tyneside - Wallsend


Higher Education


University Student

Speaker 3:


Age Group:





Northumberland - Blyth


Higher Education


University Student


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  Interview Transcript

Speaker 1:

Oh well. So do yous have Sunday dinner?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So tell us what a typical Sunday is like?

Speaker 2:

Em. Well normally, well in the morning we just sort of normally like (pause) well as a typical day we sort of just chill out really. Em (pause) some now and again we will go out for the day

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Em, like to the lakes or up the coast or something or to the town where if we're just staying in then we just sort of chill out for the morning and then w- we have like Sunday dinner at tea time like I know some people have it

Speaker 1:

(interruption) At lunch time

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

But we have it at tea time. Em, yeah just like do we own thing my brother sort of comes over 'cause he's got his own house so he comes to visit. And then my dad's in charge of the Sunday dinner (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter) so he does the cooking?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Aww (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah, he generally cooks em just because he, well he's retired now and he went before that he was part-time so he used to and he used to get in before my mam did so he was sort of in charge of getting tea ready for when she came in so em he does the Sunday dinner. Oh yeah, he's in charge (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(laughter) Do you not help out?

Speaker 2:

Em, not with Sunday dinner, I probably won't -- wouldn't know what to do. (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I could chop the veg and stuff but I wouldn't know how long stuff gets cooked for and anything like that (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah it's yeah. In our house yeah it's kind of the same we don't usually go out on Sunday it's Saturday usually when we go out like to go and see my family and stuff. Em and yeah sometimes we just have my Granma and Uncle over it just d- depends. Em we had my Granma this week

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Em and then yeah in the morning we just kind of chill out. And my mam usually prepares the veg the night before like (interruption) em

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Um, my dad does it in the morning yeah

Speaker 3:

Em and then yeah she just she just she cooks it all and stuff and s- some and s- sometime we have to just help her like dish it all like on the plates and stuff

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And then I usually help her with the dishes em

Speaker 2:

Oh you're nice to do that (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah but then I didn't used to I didn't used to I only do it now because my Granma like (interruption) not as well as she used to be (interruption) and then my

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah (interruption) Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

My mam and Granma did the (interruption) dishes

Speaker 1:

(interruption) yeah

Speaker 3:

That's like quite a recent thing

Speaker 2:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

So you're taking over the tradition?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's quite good

Speaker 3:

Yeah so my sister helps with the preparation and I help with the clear up that way

Speaker 1:

Uh hmm. Yeah that's good

Speaker 3:

Yeah but I don't like cooking (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I quite like cooking but I don't really do it that often

Speaker 3:

Yeah sometimes well when my mam was em working at the cleaning we used t- to me and my sister used to take turns to do the tea through the week so we did a bit of cooking there and by far she always enjoyed it more than me (laughter)

Speaker 1:

So when you have Christmas dinner does your dad still cook?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah (interruption) I mean my mam helps then

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Aww

Speaker 2:

Em 'cause then obviously then there is a lot to do with things, and then we all -- we all help with Christmas actually like my dad will do the veg em and the meat and stuff and my mam will sort of help when it's being cooked and like my brother and me will help like dish it like dish it out and like bring to the table and clear up (interruption) and

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

That sort of thing and put -- set the table and all that (interruption) sort of thing so we all help then

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah and kind of the same thing except we don't really help (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

My dad calves the meat em. Which he does on a Sunday as well, em yeah. It's pretty much the same as a Sunday dinner in our house

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah seems pretty much the same. Except there's two types of meat we have Turkey and Pork

Speaker 2:

Aww, do you?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah we have a lot of (interruption) meat yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Do you have the chipolata sausages?

Speaker 3:

Eh. No no we don't. We (interruption) do but we have em

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Ahh! They're the best (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Pigs in blankets, (interruption) uh yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Ah, they are the same

Speaker 3:

Are they

Speaker 2:

Yeah with the bacon

Speaker 3:

(interruption) The bacon?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 3:

Oh I didn't know, (unclear)

Speaker 2:

They just like called the really little sausages (interruption) with bacon

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 3:

We only have a couple of those

Speaker 1:

Pigs in blankets

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah. I love (interruption) them

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I love them. Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

It's the only time we have them

Speaker 2:

Yeah, same here

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

All right. Tell us about a good memory of Christmas. Like a good Christmas that you've had?

Speaker 3:

A good Christmas?

Speaker 1:

Like a good memory

Speaker 2:

Em em

Speaker 1:

Or like you had nice gift. Someone gifted you a really nice present or anything like that?

Speaker 2:

There's been like there's been a few good ones, em. Just trying to think of one that sort of stands out

Speaker 3:

Probably when I was younger but I can't remember. I always remember getting my bike and that err the computer that me and my sister got one year

Speaker 2:

Uh um

Speaker 3:

It was like the first year we had a computer. And we came downstairs and my dad had set it all up and stuff (pause) Well Santa had set it all up

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Em I remember playing on that and they had brought us a Harry Potter game (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) aww

Speaker 3:

(laughter) So we were playing on that waiting for Christmas dinner I always remember that Christmas and yeah

Speaker 2:

Yeah I remember -- I remember getting a bike yeah em, I also got one when I was really little I got one of them em big em car things, the red and em yellow ones. (interruption) Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh yeah. We used to have one of them in School in the playgroup, (interruption) yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yo -- with the little steering (interruption) wheel mm and then yeah

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah remember one of them

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I used to; I got one of them, that was cool (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I haven't seen one of those cars in years (laughter)

Speaker 3:

It used to be like such a competition to get one of them in the playground. And the nursery used to have the two and I don't think I ever got on one them for years

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah everyone (interruption) used to (pause) queue up

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 1:

Did yous have the craze of scooters when (interruption) one

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 1:

Christmas when everyone, come in like oh we've got a scooter for Christmas. And then

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:

I think I think I got one for my birthday don't think I got it for Christmas

Speaker 2:

I never got one but I know lots of people in school got one really

Speaker 3:

Yeah. That's it, I've got a quite a bad scar on my knee from (interruption) falling over from the scooter (laughter) yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) aww (laughter)

Speaker 3:

It's healed a bit now but it's still (pause) scarred for life

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yes (pause) yeah I went flying like head first

Speaker 2:

Oh dear no. Did you hit (interruption) your head?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) yeah (pause) Well no. I think -- I think I was like thrown my arm over something

Speaker 2:

Ah to stop yourself?

Speaker 3:

Em, but I did the same thing off my bike actually I went head first off my bike and hit my (pause) and if I didn't have (pause) my baby teeth had fallen out

Speaker 2:

Uh hmm

Speaker 3:

At the time so I didn't have any teeth

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

At the front. But if I had I would have lost them (laughter) So I was quite lucky that it was then

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah my mouth was all like swollen so of like this and I was getting funny looks at school

Speaker 2:

Aww (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Like looking at my nose

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Eh, do yous believe in God?

Speaker 3:

No (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 1:

(laughter) That was quick

Speaker 2:

Em, well I was brought up like as a Christian em (pause) but I don't know but recently I've thought in the past few years I'm sort of more open minded I think it's just when you sort of learnt things at school like and about like evolution and things like (interruption) that

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah that's true

Speaker 2:

And like I'm sure like evolution is right so it kind of makes us think hmm (pause) you know

Speaker 3:

Hmm yeah

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We had loads of arguments about this in our house because I kind of thought like my dad. But not except as close minded as my dad (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Em my sister is q- quite (pause) she s- started to go to a Catholic school she left our school

Speaker 2:

Uh hm

Speaker 3:

Em for sixth-form. Because she didn't like the sixth-form there so she started to go to a Catholic School and she has always been like more of a believer in like of God and Christianity and all that stuff

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And my mam was raised Catholic as well so she kind of believes it but then she goes to church, so we were kind of r- raised to believe it in but not prac- practice

Speaker 2:

Yeah (interruption) that's what my family is like yeah

Speaker 3:

(interruption) If you know what I mean. Em but yeah my dad doesn't hold. He's like very 'science is right'.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Anti-religious kind of thing even (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 3:

Religion causes all the problems in the world (laughter) is kind of his attitude em, but yeah I kind of agree with you the whole (interruption) e- evolution stuff

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah I think it's (interruption) just

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Big bang

Speaker 2:

I think -- I -- I'd like (pause) I'd sort of want to believe that there is (interruption) something after death

Speaker 3:

(interruption) hmm

Speaker 2:

But there's there's as well though

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So there's something's that I'd sort of believe in and some things I don't. I'm quite sort of not sure

Speaker 3:

I should be -- I don't if I believe in God but I kind of, it the same thing really. Like you get the idea of fate (pause) there's the same thing really

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But I wouldn't call it God. I don't know

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'd would have to take issue with the Christian idea of God

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 1:

Oh right okay then. So what do you like to do in your personal time? Do you like going on MSN chatting to people or Facebooking?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Facebook yeah

Speaker 3:

I don't really go on Facebook that much (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I go on it quite a lot and I do like -- like the Internet

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

For just everything really (laughter)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

E-mails, Facebook, shopping, I'll look at stuff like online

Speaker 3:

Do you?

Speaker 2:

Em like I don't know New Look, look on the website look at shoes and things. (laughter) Even though I don't want to buy anything I just have a look

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Em, but em, what else? Em, I'll read now and again not that often but em yeah couple maybe a couple few books erm yeah em (pause) I like watching TV

Speaker 1:

What films, programs do you like to watch? Do you like Desperate (interruption) Housewives or Lost or anything (interruption) like that?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) I do. I love Desperate Housewives

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I love Lost (laughter)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah a- a-

Speaker 2:

You watch Desperate Housewives?

Speaker 3:

Yeah I watched it last night and it was so good (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I've never, I've seen a bit of one episode but it's

Speaker 3:

Oh you should watch it. (interruption) You would like it

Speaker 2:

Yeah (interruption) it seemed quite good

Speaker 3:

It's quite like friends and that. It's the same kind of humour and like

Speaker 2:

Yeah em (pause) I like the X-Factor

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So what did you think of the X-Factor results this week?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Who went out?

Speaker 2:

Belle Amie

Speaker 3:

Oh yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

I thought they would go out actually

Speaker 3:

Yeah I didn't like them

Speaker 2:

It who I thought who would go and

Speaker 3:

Yeah poor Simon

Speaker 2:

But I know now he's only got one group left. I thought em

Speaker 3:

Yeah but saying that in the actual sing off I thought em they sang (interruption) better

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Better yeah

Speaker 3:

Than Katie but I thought (interruption) she was very good

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I thought that. The judges were saying that Katie sang (interruption) better

Speaker 3:

Yeah (interruption) she didn't

Speaker 2:

Than the group and that she sang better than the Saturday (interruption) show but

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

I thought she was worse and awful

Speaker 3:

I really liked her em last week with the Jungle Book song

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah (interruption) she was all right

Speaker 3:

(interruption) I thought she was really good. That was the only time when I liked what she sang

Speaker 2:

I don't really like Katie much. (interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:

(interruption) No

Speaker 2:

I was hoping she would go last week

Speaker 3:

I think she might go next week

Speaker 2:

I think she will go soon, I thought it might be Treyc in the bottom two though

Speaker 3:

Yeah she was last week

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah she was and I don't think she did as very well, she did okay on

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Saturday but I didn't think people would pick up the phone for her 'cause she just doesn't seem to stand out as much as some of the other people

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like everyone talks (interruption) about

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah that's true

Speaker 2:

Cher and Katie em and (interruption) em

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Rebecca

Speaker 2:

Wagner and

Speaker 3:

My grandma loves Rebecca

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

She was calling her. She's saying I like that Rebecca Ferguson, is it Rebecca or is it Sarah and I'm just going it's not Sarah Ferguson.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm like no, she's Andrew's wife, (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I'm not that big fan of Rebecca. I mean she's got a nice voice but I don't think she's a great performer like (interruption) she

Speaker 3:

(interruption) No no

Speaker 2:

Like you can tell she's really shy

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah but she has, she has a nice voice

Speaker 2:

She's got a nice voice though, I like (interruption) Matt the best

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah I agree with Simon what he was saying about Leona like when she was a bit

Speaker 2:

Oh Leona Lewis yeah

Speaker 3:

Matt didn't do very well like, I didn't even see it you know

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm talking about but I saw the results but I didn't see the actual singing

Speaker 2:

So you just saw the little clip (interruption) things?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yes, yeah but then they were saying Max didn't do as well

Speaker 2:

Em, he was still good, like he did em 'Bleeding Love' by Leona (interruption) Lewis

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And em it was, I don't think it was really his type of song, (interruption) but well I think he done

Speaker 3:

(interruption) No

Speaker 2:

A good job it even though

Speaker 3:

Did he?

Speaker 2:

Like given the song. Em he was still good but just wasn't as good as his past weeks 'cause his past weeks had been like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Who should have thought Billy should do Britney Spears the other week did he just like give (interruption) him like girly songs (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Give him girly songs (laughter)

Speaker 3:

He did a good version of Britney Spears but you know I like that one

Speaker 2:

Yeah I like that one as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I quite like Aiden as well (interruption) although I don't think

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

He's done as well as in the per -- (interruption) like in the recent weeks

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

I thought the first week h- he was b- brilliant but now he's kind of going

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Downhill so I think next week he has to do something different

Speaker 3:

I like Mary

Speaker 2:

Shmm, Oh yeah

Speaker 3:

For like the first two weeks we would vote for her

Speaker 2:

Did you?

Speaker 3:

Well (NAME) had it saved 'cause then we went out for (NAME)'s birthday

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Em (pause) but (NAME) had voted for her that week but then the next week we voted for her again (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(laughter) Which was good

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I quite like Mary

Speaker 3:

Hmm hmm

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's good. So yous watch Friends?

Speaker 2:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Tell us about your favourite episodes

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Ooo! There's lots

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Erm, anything with Ross. (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Anything with Ross. Aye

Speaker 3:

Actually I always say I like Chandler the best but th- like my favourite episodes tend to have Ross (interruption) on

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah I know what you mean

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I think I didn't used to like Ross much but a now he is

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

He's probably one of my favourite

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Or one of my favourite's, em

Speaker 3:

I think em the one with when Ross is tanned in series ten

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 3:

That was so funny

Speaker 2:

I like the one where they make the New Year's resolutions

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And Ross gets stuck in the leather pants (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 2:

That is so funny and he put all the

Speaker 3:

(laughter) And then when he wants Joey (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Yeah (laughter) And he puts all the em cream and the talc on

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

And (interruption) and gets stuck

Speaker 3:

(interruption) That's so funny

Speaker 2:

Aww, that one was good

Speaker 3:

Wh- what is that? Is that series five or something like that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Is that

Speaker 2:

Y- five or six

Speaker 3:

Five or six

Speaker 2:

I think yeah

Speaker 3:

I like the series five where Ross likes cracks up. Like you know when he

Speaker 2:

Oh when he shouts at his boss

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah 'You threw my (interruption) sandwich away'

Speaker 2:

(interruption) sand- (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I love that one. And he's coming, he come in with like candyfloss. What is it that he's eating? And he's like, is it candyfloss?

Speaker 2:

Err, yeah (interruption) I think so

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah and he's just been fired from his job and he's been given like some kind of antidepressant and he's (laughter) all like 'hi'. (laughter) That's funny

Speaker 2:

I like the one where em they bet the apartment and they play that (interruption) game

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah I like that one.

Speaker 2:

And they end up losing the apartment

Speaker 3:

Yeah but I think it drags on for a bit though in that series like

Speaker 2:

Eh, yes, yeah

Speaker 3:

It's just a few episodes really you just want them to swap back

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Monica do- does the little apartment up to

Speaker 3:

Yeah to be the (interruption) hostess

Speaker 2:

(interruption) To be the best yeah

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, yeah

Speaker 1:

So are you excited to see the new Harry Potter film?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Have you seen the trailer? I saw it over the weekend

Speaker 2:

I saw it on; it was during a program on channel four I think I saw it

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I saw it a couple of times on the Friday at my grandmas and every time -- like while I was putting a film on that what we had been watching like Harry Potter trailer came on I was like ahhh! Yeah

Speaker 2:

Yeah the world just stopped

Speaker 3:

It did it did

Speaker 2:

Then it came on and I was -- was like I'd got off my seat to go to get a drink from the kitchen and Harry Potter

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah Harry Potters on

Speaker 2:

I sat back down (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah it has that affect

Speaker 2:

'Cause it was a long trailer (interruption) like it wasn't the

Speaker 3:

(interruption) It is. Yes, yeah I think it's

Speaker 2:

It hadn't been (interruption) online before

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah I think it's em, does it show bits from the two. Like the two film?

Speaker 2:

Oh I don't know

Speaker 3:

Because some of the trailers before have and I couldn't work out if that one did or not

Speaker 2:

Oh I don't know

Speaker 3:

Because em

Speaker 2:

It was quite different from the online ones

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It seemed better

Speaker 3:

Yeah it did

Speaker 2:

Because I wasn't fussed on the original ones but they were really

Speaker 3:

I saw a few and (pause) they looked like they've changed a lot which I never agree with

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Em, but yeah that one does look really good. Can't remember what was even on it now

Speaker 2:

No, just (interruption) a lot of action

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (interruption) I just remember it was really good (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Is this is the last film or the second last film?

Speaker 3:

There is two parts

Speaker 2:

Two parts yeah

Speaker 3:

So this is the first part

Speaker 1:

First part of the last (interruption) one so you've still got one more to look forward to?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah is it out next summer?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

The last one?

Speaker 3:

Yeah I think so

Speaker 1:

All right okay. So tell us who's in your social circle. Bit about your friends

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(laughter) Erm, (NAME) Erm, there is like a group of us (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Yeah we kind share the same (interruption) main

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Friends. Yeah

Speaker 2:

Group of friends, yeah

Speaker 1:

Oh that's good

Speaker 3:

(NAME), (NAME), (NAME), two (NAME) and two (NAME) in the group. But I don't know why I've just said that. Em (laughter) Em (NAME), who else? (NAME)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I think that's fair enough, is there (laughter) there is so many of us

Speaker 3:

I think it's everyone

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, apart from (NAME) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Well we still talk to (NAME)

Speaker 3:

Yeah we do we do

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But then like get on with the main group that's like the main group. Yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So how did yous meet each other?

Speaker 2:

Different ways really

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I met

Speaker 3:

(interruption) It was a bit random

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (NAME) at the locals night (interruption) out

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

On the Sunday like before fresher's week

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And that's how I met other (NAME) as well (laughter) and (NAME)

Speaker 3:

And (NAME), yeah

Speaker 2:

Em, and then we were sort of a group then you (laughter) and (NAME) knew each other from school

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And they met (interruption) (NAME)

Speaker 3:

And met (interruption) (NAME) who knew (NAME) from

Speaker 2:

From Partners (interruption) scheme

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Something. Not Partners

Speaker 2:

No, (interruption) some sort of like master class

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (interruption) Yeah something thing like that

Speaker 2:

In University, through A-Level or (interruption) something and then, em

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And I knew you from Partners and also (NAME)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah and (NAME)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But kind of didn't hang around with her then

Speaker 2:

We didn't hang around straight away but then we used to have like lectures together and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We started sitting next to each other

Speaker 3:

Yeah English Language and

Speaker 2:

And seminars and some (interruption) seminars together

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Some seminars. Yeah but I didn't have that seminar though

Speaker 2:

No you didn't (interruption) did you?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) But syntax and stuff you all were hanging together

Speaker 2:

Yeah 'cause syntax

Speaker 3:

And that's how yous met (NAME). Ah well if you know what I mean

Speaker 2:

Yeah that's how I met (NAME) 'cause I didn't know (NAME) at all but then we saw her in the seminar we used to do the group work with em (NAME) in the syntax module (NAME) was in our group and then we went on the em, it was like a English (pause) night at the Hancock Pub

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And we went to that, me, were you there?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I don't remember this

Speaker 2:

It was me, (NAME), I think it was me, (NAME), (NAME) and (NAME). It was just the four of us I think. Em, so got to know (NAME) better then and got know (interruption) everyone else better as well

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

Yeah so kind of came together

Speaker 1:

Oh that's good

Speaker 3:

Seems years ago now

Speaker 2:

I know, I can't believe it

Speaker 3:

Yeah it's long, b- but I can't believe it's only two years

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So how would you say what helped you become friends such a strong relationship? Like did yous go out socialising a lot after once you knew each other?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Coffee

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Lots of cups of coffee

Speaker 2:

Lots of lunches out

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

Campus Coffee

Speaker 3:

Yeah And the Tyneside

Speaker 2:

And going to the Hancock pub and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And (interruption) just through Uni

Speaker 3:

(interruption) We haven't done that for a while

Speaker 2:

Yeah we haven't

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah and we go to the Theatre as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And we go to see comedians and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Then Musicals and plays and things

Speaker 3:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

So what did yous go and see last time?

Speaker 2:

Eh, last would be John (interruption) Bishop

Speaker 3:

(interruption) John Bishop, yeah

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

There was only four of us wasn't there

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Wasn't there five?

Speaker 2:

Four I think

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Four or Five?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Four? (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(NAME), it was (NAME) (interruption) (NAME) and (NAME).

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (NAME) and (NAME), so it was five yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

At the Sunderland Empire yeah

Speaker 3:

And then are the same people going to what

Speaker 2:

See Jason (interruption) Manford

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Jason Manford

Speaker 2:

At the City Hall

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Which is in?

Speaker 3:

Is that next week?

Speaker 2:

Two weeks (interruption) on Friday

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Two, is Peter Kay first or after?

Speaker 2:

Peter Kay is first, it's on the twelfth. So that's a week on Friday (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I'll remember, I'm not going to forget 'cause I'm really excited (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 1:

S- so you go out for lunch together often?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So where do you go?

Speaker 2:

Campus Coffee (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 2:

But em, just like during term time

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But if it's like in the holidays then we might go somewhere else like the Tyneside

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Cinema cafe

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But so we go to Pizza Hut before we go to the Theatre

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's like our tradition for that

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Erm (pause) yeah

Speaker 2:

Been to Northern Stage before

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But we haven't been for a while

Speaker 3:

(laughter) What was it that (NAME) had there? Hummus or something?

Speaker 2:

It was Hummus sort eh (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

(laughter) Hummus

Speaker 2:

Hummus and eh em, what was it? Some sort of pita bread thing

Speaker 1:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I wasn't even there but I remember the story

Speaker 2:

And (NAME) picked it (laughter) and then (NAME) thought oh I'd go along with that as well and then she, I bet you regretted that one (interruption) did you?

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah I did (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) yeah

Speaker 1:

Tell us about a funny situation when we all went out for lunch

Speaker 2:

Ohhh! (laughter) I can just think when I flipped that plate and (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

'Cause it was the time that when we went em, we were staying over at (NAME)'s that night at her flat at Richardson Road, and I was thinking I've just spilt on (laughter) these jeans that I've got to wear all day. But em yeah It was coleslaw or something

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 2:

But then what was even funnier than that was a couple of weeks later (NAME) says 'Do you remember when you did this' (interruption) then she did it (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Then she did it (laughter)

Speaker 2:

At that precise moment

Speaker 3:

Two weeks after that (NAME) had spilt something at Pizza Hut, (interruption) do you remember?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh yes, that was (interruption) the best

Speaker 3:

(interruption) It was when all three things happened

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And then the other day (interruption) (NAME) spilt coffee

Speaker 2:

Yeah (interruption) she spilt em, garlic

Speaker 3:

Yeah garlic sauce

Speaker 2:

(NAME) spilt garlic mayonnaise

Speaker 3:

All over her coat

Speaker 2:

On her coat

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We were all giving her napkins (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

'Cause they had us crammed in this little booth

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That was funny

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Why is it that everything happens with food?

Speaker 3:

(laughter) It's 'cause yeah

Speaker 2:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Do you shopping together?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(laughter) For people's birthdays, yeah

Speaker 2:

(laughter) Yeah for people's birthdays

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah 'cause we all chip in and buy stuff together

Speaker 3:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Which is fun (laughter)

Speaker 1:

So you like going shopping for people's birthdays and stuff?

Speaker 2:

Yeah (interruption) it's good

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

We all get to go together and (pause) pick stuff out, it's fun

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So what's your favourite bars and pubs that you go to together or anything?

Speaker 3:

The Hancock

Speaker 2:

The Hancock yeah

Speaker 1:

You been out recently?

Speaker 3:

Oh we went out with (NAME) for a particular time

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Em (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Oh w- well yeah we go out like, we don't go out -- out like that much though, (laughter) out -- out (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Em but we go to the er Hancock

Speaker 3:

Yeah (pause) The pub

Speaker 1:

Mm. All right. So did yous go anywhere nice this summer?

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Canada. Yeah I went there for two -- two and half month

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah it was quite fun (laughter)

Speaker 1:

So tell us what you did out there. Was it just (interruption) a general holiday or?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Em. Em, no I was er working in a summer camp. Em, like a girl guide camp

Speaker 1:

Hmm hmm

Speaker 3:

So it was like girls aged between six say and like sixteen

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And you would, well, the sixteen-year-olds were the least mature I think it's safe to say they caused the most problems but thankfully I wasn't working with them. My friend was though and she didn't sleep for a fortnight. Literally

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

She literally didn't shut up for a fortnight

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah they didn't have time like that. There's so much pro- there are so many problems with these girls

Speaker 3:

Like (interruption) there was an actual physical fights

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Aww. Really

Speaker 3:

And like bullying and (interruption) stuff it was really bad

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh, I bet you were glad you weren't with those girls (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah I was really glad I hadn't been put there 'cause I would have just like. I think one -- they were just like LITs so they were like leaders in training. Em so they had a couple of er weeks to get them they had four weeks, they had a couple of weeks where they were together like learning the theory of how to be a camp councillor and like other stuff and then they got put in sites with us. Em, so they can get hands on some experience, so there was one girl on our site and she was the one who caused like most of the trouble I didn't know this at the time and I -- I ended up being up to like two in the morning with her 'cause she was like unloading all of her family problems (interruption) on us (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (laughter) Really

Speaker 3:

(laughter) I was just like, I really need to go to bed I have to be up for seven o'clock tomorrow to raise all the children from bed

Speaker 2:

Aww (laughter)

Speaker 3:

And she was telling us about her boyfriend who smokes pot

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And yeah her parents who don't like her boyfriend and I was like I don't really blame them (laughter) yeah and she was yeah. She had quite a few issues. So yeah a lot of it was quite challenging but it was like loads of fun as well. I was working on the water front so I got to like learn to Kayak and Canoe and I had to teach kids how to do it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But yeah it was really fun. Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

What was the weather like? Was it good?

Speaker 3:

Uh hm. They had said that the year before it was like really bad but I don't know their idea of really bad isn't the same as, us (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Same as us yeah (laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

Because one day it was like really drizzly kind of and like and, one of girls (NAME) was like 'oh it's so cold oh and this is what it was like this every day last year' and I was just like sitting there and like yeah (interruption) this is like

Speaker 2:

(interruption) In a t-shirt (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah everyday in England. (laughter) So yes, yeah it was really good weather I still got a bit of a tan

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's good. What about you?

Speaker 2:

Em, well I went to (pause) Cyprus at the start of June and then (pause) I started a scholarship through Uni, em, like through the school of English, I got awarded an eight week em scholarship, it was like em a project em sort of investigating the local dialect and that sort of em and I'm going to use that for the basis like as the basis for my dissertation

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

For the work, that's how I've already done some of the work for it

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Em, so I did that for like eight weeks just came into Uni and did some reading and went off and did questionnaires and em went to Scotland to Hawick (laughter) met lots of people asking them to do questionnaires em (pause) so that was fun. Yeah em, then once when that was finished it was sort of mid Ap- mid-August em I had a couple of weeks free and then went to Turkey. Em just with my family at the start of September

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I had a couple of more weeks off then started again. Yeah I had quite a busy summer as far as summers go (interruption) we don't normally do a lot

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Had quite a good one. Yeah

Speaker 1:

So what are your plans for the future?

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Eh, I want to do a masters at Newcastle but I don't (pause) really know what I want to do after that

Speaker 1:

Masters in (interruption) Literature?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) In literature yeah. Yeah but yeah, I don't if I want to do a taught or a research one

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah we'll see

Speaker 2:

Em, er, I would like to do a masters as well, I don't know what I want to do afterwards but definitely do a masters. Yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Em in English Language or Linguistics, I quite fancy one that's Language and Language Acquisition

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

(interruption) That would be good

Speaker 2:

Em, (interruption) see if they have a good choice of modules for

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So is there anything that you would like to do in the future that you've never done before like (interruption) bungee jumping something wild and crazy?

Speaker 3:

I would do something crazy like that (interruption) (laughter) a yeah I (interruption) would

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Don't think I would

Speaker 3:

I think I would like to do skydiving actually

Speaker 2:

Have you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah No (interruption) I would like to

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh you would like to?

Speaker 3:

Yeah you do it for charity and stuff I think. Yeah that would be good

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I would rather do skydiving than bungee jumping

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah I think I just

Speaker 3:

Bungee jumps too fast

Speaker 2:

Scared of the bouncing back thing

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

Em, I'd like to travel more, em go to like China or so- like Japan or somewhere like that. And I love America so I'd love to go anywhere in America (laughter)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I would go back to Canada. To see more of it, because we saw em like a lot of Toronto and kind of Ontario but it was like obviously a lot like it was huge. So I would like to see some other places maybe some other French (interruption) areas. Montreal and stuff. Oh well

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Uh hm yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So what did you do for Halloween yesterday?

Speaker 2:

I didn't really (laughter) (unclear) didn't do much, just answer the door for the trick-or-treaters

Speaker 3:

(laughter) Yeah

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, yeah. (interruption) Didn't really do anything

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Give them some sweets, didn't do anything at all yesterday

Speaker 3:

My niece and nephew had a little Halloween party I think

Speaker 2:

Aww (interruption) that's cute

Speaker 3:

They had (interruption) their friend up from school over on Friday. So they (interruption) were dressed up

Speaker 2:

(interruption) aww that's really good (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Then (NAME) was eh, em the bride of Dracula and (NAME) was a werewolf

Speaker 2:

Aww that's really cute

Speaker 3:

But, yeah

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (NAME) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

Did they have a good time?

Speaker 3:

Yeah they did. They did, they were raving about it on Saturday. (laughter) I still haven't seen any pictures though I must say

Speaker 1:

Oh well. Did you go trick or treating when you were young?

Speaker 3:

A couple of times (interruption) not really

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Em, yeah, not every year, probably most years some years like when I think it was sort of bad weather or stuff

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I wasn't really bothered

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

My mam wasn't (pause) em really bothered em but most years we went out. Em, yeah

Speaker 1:

Did you get good responses from your neighbourhood?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, (interruption) it was pretty good

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 1:

Did they used to be generous?

Speaker 2:

The ones who lived like the closest to you that know (interruption) you always give you more

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah, that's true

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Em they would give you plenty of things

Speaker 3:

(interruption) we used to go out and em. There was a (pause) group of kids who were similar ages in our streets em (pause) there was a couple of lads who were the same age as me and like em another girl who was a year older so we used to go out like all of us like the street and just like ss -- we had like a bucket and us used to like just split it (pause) em a lot of people like knew us because there were so many that they knew. We used to play together in the street and stuff. Em and then there was like we used to the estate behind us a little bit but yeah We did quite good

Speaker 2:

I just remembered actually, sometimes my mam used to take us, but sometimes my brother did as well. Bless him

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like he, I can't remember him dressing up but (pause) em he used to like take us and

Speaker 3:

Yeah aww

Speaker 2:

Like stand at the end of the drive and wait for us. (unclear) (interruption) It was just canny. (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) yeah, aww

Speaker 2:

It was cute

Speaker 3:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Talking about Halloween did yo -- do you believe in ghosts?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Em, my grandma does (laughter) my mam does. I don't know

Speaker 2:

I'm not really sure. Em, I don't know I'm sort of open minded (interruption) I don't

Speaker 3:

(interruption) yeah

Speaker 2:

Really have a strong view either way

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think you can really (pause) believe unless something has happened to you

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 'cause I've had no experience of it so

Speaker 3:

Yeah right so, yes, yeah

Speaker 2:

Then if I did, then I probably would. But em

Speaker 3:

My grandma has quite a few, she gets em s- she t- tells us about (pause) she would hear a knock on the bedroom door, she would just be lying in bed at (interruption) night and hear this three knocks

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Really

Speaker 3:

And then the next day she would find out that someone had died like (interruption) yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Seriously

Speaker 3:

And yeah spooky things like that. Yeah she gets things like that quite a lot but yeah, hmm

Speaker 1:

Have you had a dream that's really scared you before?

Speaker 3:

I really don't remember my dreams

Speaker 2:

No, I don't often remember them but, I em (pause) no I can't think of one that scared us no

Speaker 3:

I know once where I woke up younger shouting something about a dog, so that dream must have really scared us like I was being chased by a dog, but I don't actually remember that the ac- dream itself

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 'cause it always seems really (interruption) vivid and then like you wake up and then you like lose it (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yes, yeah

Speaker 1:

Have you ever had a near death experience?

Speaker 3:

No (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) No

Speaker 3:

No I don't think so

Speaker 2:

No I can't think of anything. I've never been -- I've have touch wood never like had any sort of accident like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No that's involved like broken bones or anything

Speaker 3:

Yeah (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (unclear) so no

Speaker 1:

Oh well that's good. Em, many people think that the language is changing these days, what would you say about this?

Speaker 3:

Em, (interruption) I think it is always changing,

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I think is yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We are probably biased with our subject that we study but still yeah

Speaker 3:

But yeah, like (pause) I talk a lot differently to how the parents talk and they talk differently to how my grandparents talk so

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And you're always getting new -- new words

Speaker 1:

Yeah Do you use a lot of Geordie isms and stuff?

Speaker 2:

I use a few

Speaker 3:

Yeah mainly when I'm in the house I would (interruption) say like yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah em

Speaker 3:

I say like 'aye' and just (interruption) (unclear) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah I say things like em (pause) when people say like 'give us' instead of 'give me' or em (pause) can't think of any more but things like that or em saying things like 'canny' a lot

Speaker 3:

Yeah Like I don't really say canny

Speaker 2:

'He's canny', I say that quite a lot

Speaker 3:

If my mam asks us a question and I'm getting really sick of being asked then I go 'aye man' (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Ah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so a few (laughter)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Do you think there is new slang words being introduced into languages?

Speaker 3:

In to Geordie?

Speaker 1:

In to Geordie? yeah

Speaker 3:

In to Geordie

Speaker 2:

Em, probably

Speaker 3:

'Nerna' remember that?

Speaker 2:

What was that?

Speaker 3:

'Nerna'. Did yous say that around where you live?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so what's that

Speaker 3:

We used to say that instead of just like (pause) i- it used to really get on my nerves, I never said it em, but like no, they used to say 'nerna'

Speaker 1:

We used to have 'narna'

Speaker 3:

Yeah it's a bit like that. (interruption) And yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh no I've never heard of that

Speaker 3:

Everyone used to say it at school like all the lads and it used to drive us around the twist and yeah

Speaker 1:

Um hmm (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah you be glad you never heard (interruption) of it. Oh yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) oh no, I haven't (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I never heard it in a while though. No

Speaker 1:

Would you say when you first come to Uni or when you first started work you were like not too sure about your accent and you wanted to change the way you spoke?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Because being at school for such a long time then you tend to speak like what your friends and people talk like but when you come to uni then you have (interruption) new friends

Speaker 2:

(interruption) yeah

Speaker 1:

And then do you think your language changed then?

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I think most of us are around from (interruption) here so.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) yeah Not as -- I don't know, em (pause) not like consciously but I probably did em but I -- I find it strange 'cause I thought when I first started Uni that I didn't think I had much of a Geordie accent

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But everyone that I met who wasn't from like Newcastle or in that area em was like 'oh you're -- you're from up here aren't you?' And I was like (interruption) 'yeah'

Speaker 3:

(interruption) yeah

Speaker 2:

And they could always tell (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah you become more aware of it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And everyone like someone who have a different accents and. Yeah

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So you're definitely aware of it but I dint think I've really tried to change it (pause) maybe just to like not use words that a lot of other people don't understand

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Do you put on a different accent like when you're on the phone or anything?

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