Archive Interview: Y10i017
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Speaker 1: | interviewerY10i017 |
Speaker 2: | informantY10i017a |
Age Group: | 31-40 |
Gender: | Male |
Residence: | Wearside - Penshaw |
Education: | A-Levels |
Occupation: | Unemployed |
Speaker 3: | informantY10i017b |
Age Group: | 61-70 |
Gender: | Male |
Residence: | South Tyneside - South Shields |
Education: | Further Education (ONC, Ordinary National Certificate) |
Occupation: | Engineer (retired) |

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Interview Transcript
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
well I read it and I didn't take it in |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
apart from the few things. But it was informative -- informative anyway |
Speaker 2: |
ah huh. I don't know, it was strange 'cause I remember driving back from (pause) oh God |
Speaker 3: |
err |
Speaker 2: |
It's a government |
Speaker 3: |
um |
Speaker 2: |
never been that close to a rainbow where you could actually see it |
Speaker 3: |
did you not find it like? |
Speaker 2: |
no |
Speaker 3: |
'cause you never let on |
Speaker 2: |
there was no pot of gold |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
there was a few cow poos but I don't think there was any pot of gold but I've |
Speaker 3: |
well that place |
Speaker 2: |
eh- every time that you look it always seems to move further and further away 'cause it's obviously refraction of light |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 2: |
but er |
Speaker 3: |
well I can remember doing that refraction of light and things like that in physics or chemistry or something by then in college aww donkey's years ago, |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
I think that's somewhere near aww dear me just where they've taken that cab that em car that goes up Saltburn there's a car that goes down from the cliff tops |
Speaker 2: |
um |
Speaker 3: |
to the bottom to the beach and the pier |
Speaker 2: |
yeah yeah yeah |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
but that's |
Speaker 3: |
and I think there's a big dome or a big golf ball there |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know about a golf I just -- I just remember driving there we were coming back and there was there's a pub probably about three four miles away and er the amount of times that I've come past the place and there's |
Speaker 3: |
uhh |
Speaker 2: |
so obviously there's -- some- there's something going on there |
Speaker 3: |
mm no |
Speaker 2: |
but it's a strange one |
Speaker 3: |
ey might get a television series out of it you know like em |
Speaker 2: |
you get a you get a bizarre radio signal as well 'cause it just drops it just as soon as you get in the valley it just wipes the -- your signal out |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I think it's further |
Speaker 3: |
Whitby to Scarborough |
Speaker 2: |
yeah it's going across the moors |
Speaker 3: |
ah huh that's Whitby to Scarborough the one seven one |
Speaker 2: |
aye so no |
Speaker 3: |
I've done it a few times |
Speaker 2: |
it's a strange place |
Speaker 3: |
in fact the last time I come across that road it was going back -- ah tell you I've been retired four years |
Speaker 2: |
um hmm |
Speaker 3: |
and we were following an order to door with the Co-op and we ended up pulling out of a pub half way across and having a meal 'cause we didn't go until about five o'clock |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
it does it does |
Speaker 2: |
but rainbow. If you look on one side of the rainbow obviously the refraction is so that you can see if you go on the other side do you know what you see? Nothing 'cause the refraction doesn't happen on that side |
Speaker 3: |
well I never get the chance to look 'cause |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
then your mother tells me look at that |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
so consequently I never see rainbow, unless it's I'm out walking |
Speaker 2: |
that sounds like mam that doesn't it |
Speaker 3: |
it does doesn't it |
Speaker 2: |
have a look at this but don't look at it |
Speaker 3: |
that's right (pause) I mean the DFDS boat comes in half past eight every morning |
Speaker 2: |
um huh |
Speaker 3: |
so consequently when we leave here about twenty five past eight, two minutes to the coast road and go down the coast road towards the town |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
you always see the boat and she'll sit there and say there's the boat again look it's either just going into the piers |
Speaker 2: |
that's a woman I was just about to say that you've got no chance of winning |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
even when they're wrong they're right |
Speaker 3: |
that's right |
Speaker 2: |
and I'm finding that out quite -- quite readily |
Speaker 3: |
ah yeah even I think even (NAME) will be pushing that by now is she eh |
Speaker 2: |
aye had a little bit of a ding dong with umm |
Speaker 3: |
with who? |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
mm? |
Speaker 2: |
about her part in the school play and a consequence of what (NAME) had said to her um (NAME) was to be a fire fly so she gets to dance about the stage which she was really chuffed about saying that it was the best part that she could have got any -- er |
Speaker 3: |
she went really down |
Speaker 2: |
sh- she cried for the next two hours so I -- I ended up speaking to (NAME) yesterday and er she was in tears by the end of it |
Speaker 3: |
then -- then you get wrong off (NAME) did you? Haha! |
Speaker 2: |
I didn't she -- she actually said |
Speaker 3: |
ahh well that's a nice change |
Speaker 2: |
well it's not the trouble is (NAME) and (NAME) are so -- so alike that they'll argue black's white |
Speaker 3: |
umm |
Speaker 2: |
erm even when you prove them wrong they'll still argue that they're right and err once -- once they start arguing it, it just becomes a shouting match |
Speaker 3: |
so how did the barrow do? The wheel barrow |
Speaker 2: |
the wheel barrow or yeah good they're |
Speaker 3: |
is it ad adequate for the job? |
Speaker 2: |
yeah yeah it's -- it's huge so erm no but they're -- they're at the stables most of the nights now so I think they're quite pleased with it |
Speaker 3: |
'cause that front tyre will probably need blowing up every couple of months of something like that 'cause it'll just naturally loo- lose air so it'll get |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
well I've got a I've got an inflator here for it that's what I mean |
Speaker 2: |
no -- no if they want to pump up a tyre for a wheel barrow that they use on the on the horses they can do, I'm not going to go down and do it for them |
Speaker 3: |
no no I'm saying you can have the pump and give it to them |
Speaker 2: |
the only thing I would give to them is if I snapped it off their heads err especially 'cause I the car stinks of horse |
Speaker 3: |
does it? Orr |
Speaker 2: |
there's -- there's hay there's other bits of horses excretions that shouldn't be in cars and the whole place is just a mess but never mind that's |
Speaker 3: |
aye I had |
Speaker 2: |
how did that happen? Orr sorry |
Speaker 3: |
no it's just that I phoned him to 'cause when we were down there -- there was er at his |
Speaker 2: |
twenty-fifth |
Speaker 3: |
twenty-fifth silver wedding |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
anniversary do (pause) it was in a small room 'cause the hotel was getting done |
Speaker 2: |
hmm |
Speaker 3: |
and it was very compact and they had a disco on and it was horrendous the racket so consequently me and your mother went upstairs to bed about half past nine or something like that just to get out of the room and the noise and em they didn't cut the cake and things like that until after that |
Speaker 2: |
mhmm |
Speaker 3: |
so |
Speaker 2: |
umm hmm |
Speaker 3: |
and there was that many people in his house it was untrue you couldn't sort of tell him to cut a bit now because there was that many people there |
Speaker 2: |
mm hmm |
Speaker 3: |
and he sent a piece up the other day |
Speaker 2: |
mm so you got a crumb rather than a piece of cake |
Speaker 3: |
that's -- that's very true yeah well he always falls on the right side did I tell you when he booked his trip to America? |
Speaker 2: |
no (pause) not unless it's recent |
Speaker 3: |
well he f- no this |
Speaker 2: |
mm hmm |
Speaker 3: |
so he wrote away to Q and R to get on the QE2 and he knew it was going a lil quite a bit of money and he didn't want a exclusive cabin sort of thing 'cause it was going to cost too much |
Speaker 2: |
yep |
Speaker 3: |
an inside cabin and he requested on the e-mail to them that he only wanted a table for two people 'cause he wanted to keep it intimate 'cause it was his |
Speaker 2: |
not even the captain |
Speaker 3: |
that's right and it's when his booking came back verified the found out he was sitting on a table with another eight people so he e-mailed them and said look you haven't kept to your contract that I've asked you to |
Speaker 2: |
he got deck side |
Speaker 3: |
he went from the water line |
Speaker 2: |
he got an outside cabin with a balcony (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
to an outside cabin with a balcony |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
and a suite of rooms it must've been the deck below the captain it was |
Speaker 2: |
yeah yeah yeah |
Speaker 3: |
before all that was taken in and so so it must have been at least a five thousand pound touch he said we had wor own personal wine waiter wor own |
Speaker 2: |
that's the way to do it |
Speaker 3: |
undoubtedly. I've tried to tell him I'll send him a couple of grand if he can sort of book me in by the waterline and get us an upgrade up there |
Speaker 2: |
that's -- that's what you need to do you need to have someone who works for a company and the purposely to get your thing |
Speaker 3: |
definitely (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
and then or sorry about that I don't know how that happened but here you go there's the captain's table yeah |
Speaker 3: |
there's not many people that can manage that |
Speaker 2: |
never mind never mind |
Speaker 3: |
he always came out holding a song even when he put his hand down the loo (pause) eerhh |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
well these aren't doing much good are they |
Speaker 2: |
they're not |
Speaker 3: |
oh six another wicket gone |
Speaker 2: |
what happened at your golf? |
Speaker 3: |
orhh ha ha ha (laughter) don't say |
Speaker 2: |
what you don't want that on re you don't want that recorded do you (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
horrendous eee well the eighteenth can you picture it? |
Speaker 2: |
which course? |
Speaker 3: |
er |
Speaker 1: |
the Hunting |
Speaker 2: |
hunting |
Speaker 3: |
the Hunting oh of course you know as well |
Speaker 2: |
the one that goes down the hill that goes over the little burn yeah |
Speaker 3: |
down the hill to the burn and then across the other side and onto the flag |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
well I well I'd had a horrendous day as it happened anyway to from there and I hit a reasonable drive sort of to the |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
err well we'd all hit reasonable drives and anyway my second I thought I'd put in the burn but it had stopped six inches this side so I was okay (NAME) went hit the right hand set of trees |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) well you were the only one in play so I would |
Speaker 3: |
that's right |
Speaker 3: |
so as I say I was about six inches from the burn so I thought it was an eight it was roughy stuff so I took an eight hit it and it went hit the wall back over my head about ten yards anyways I was still |
Speaker 2: |
um hm |
Speaker 3: |
did just about the same I think and then them two proceeded on and lost their balls going for the green 'cause they went far left and there's like a big row of trees and they went far left into the rough stuff |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
couldn't find their ball so they had to drop it twice sort of |
Speaker 2: |
ye you cannot say you've lost this hole please don't tell me you've lost this hole |
Speaker 3: |
no we we didn't so anyway (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
to cut a longer story short I ended up taking nine halving the hole with the other |
Speaker 2: |
so you won six quid |
Speaker 3: |
so no so they won the front nine two nil two holes to none err |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
well it's the ten eleventh and twelfth and thirteenth that I don't like up and down that err that field |
Speaker 2: |
mmm |
Speaker 3: |
but of course when I came back |
Speaker 2: |
that's why you get a buggy |
Speaker 3: |
orrr ah but you've got to keep fit man that's why you pull a buggy you don't get an electric buggy I will next time (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
aye it's evil it's just |
Speaker 3: |
evil long well especially the ninth un all when you're coming back to the hotel I felt as though there was no I was never going to get to that green it was just that far away |
Speaker 2: |
well if you take a nine on the eighteenth I'm not surprised you probably would have taken fifty three wouldn't you |
Speaker 3: |
aye I would have done |
Speaker 2: |
why didn't you play the other course I actually think the other course is |
Speaker 3: |
'cause (NAME) had booked it 'cause now erm Slaley have got this thing I don't know whether it refers to your dad's erm timeshare whatever they've got |
Speaker 1: |
um (cough) |
Speaker 3: |
but |
Speaker 2: |
orr right |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
maths doesn't even add up there ninety for three thir- third of a point |
Speaker 3: |
no that was nineteen ah ha well maybes he might he might have got an odd number and then you know us three |
Speaker 2: |
did he drive up as well or did you drive up? |
Speaker 3: |
no no he drove up |
Speaker 2: |
orr so it cost |
Speaker 3: |
aye zilch nothing at all I didn't I just got sore knees walking on the course |
Speaker 2: |
and ye and you played pants |
Speaker 3: |
I did I played ee terrible but can you remember the last time where you there? No it was me |
Speaker 2: |
it was (NAME) it was the four of us or was it (NAME)? |
Speaker 3: |
day was it (NAME) and (NAME) aye that might have been it |
Speaker 2: |
yeah 'cause (NAME) wasn't up 'cause he was babysitting |
Speaker 3: |
no (NAME) was there 'cause he was the only one that hit a decent drive off the first tee |
Speaker 2: |
orrr that second day no and the blo |
Speaker 3: |
aye orr that second bloke that's right aye lads it takes you about four hours to get round this course don't hold anybody up (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
and not one not one of yous got off the tee did you |
Speaker 3: |
orr one did but he went up onto the I think he went up onto the practice ground on the left |
Speaker 2: |
eee I remember walking round with you disgusted |
Speaker 3: |
that's right he must have cried (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
yeah can you take a picture of us yeah yeah yeah is this the first time you've played no but it would have looked like it |
Speaker 3: |
hey but mind it was lovely on Wednesday even though it was blow blowing a holy |
Speaker 2: |
mhmm |
Speaker 3: |
'cause on the first it was right in your face and you yeah hardly got across is it the little stream there |
Speaker 2: |
the |
Speaker 3: |
on the first |
Speaker 2: |
is there a stream there? |
Speaker 3: |
is it a stream you've got to go across |
Speaker 2: |
there is there is just after the tee isn't there |
Speaker 3: |
aye just after the tee we hardly got across that with the wind ye the ball went up and then it just went up like that and then just dropped anyway we got off there to go on the second it was a calm day it was beautiful |
Speaker 2: |
I think you find that there must be westerly |
Speaker 3: |
and then the third |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
and when you hit the odd hole you got the wind again at you |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
but by the -- the weah time we'd finished the ninth and walked up to the tenth it was it was nearly a -- a due day it was beautiful the sun was warm and wind had gone it was a -- a ni- nice walk in the country sort of thing apart from the |
Speaker 2: |
was there not? |
Speaker 3: |
mm well we say not a soul there was the odd two ball or something like that |
Speaker 2: |
well that's what you want |
Speaker 3: |
but nobody at all |
Speaker 2: |
well I'll have to get to see if (NAME)'s back's up to it |
Speaker 3: |
oh you want that thing off |
Speaker 2: |
ah it's all right |
Speaker 3: |
it's in the car remind us on before you go |
Speaker 2: |
get up and er have a game if it's empty |
Speaker 3: |
so I think he said it was eighteen fifty for the Hunting is that the big one |
Speaker 2: |
'cause Hunting the Hunting's the big one the Priestman is er isn't it? |
Speaker 3: |
Prie- which one's the big one? |
Speaker 1: |
the Hunting's like the main course |
Speaker 3: |
is it well it's eighteen fifty for the Hunting |
Speaker 2: |
ah right |
Speaker 3: |
and that's chargeable so it must be thirty six pounds a round on the big course |
Speaker 2: |
it's it's certainly a lot more expensive in the summer |
Speaker 3: |
urrr |
Speaker 2: |
ah |
Speaker 3: |
although a -- a year or so ago it was that game when we went up then and played |
Speaker 1: |
mmm |
Speaker 3: |
I mean it was only about twenty it was that day you went and paid for the reef paid for -- for all |
Speaker 2: |
yeah but (NAME) (NAME) got -- (NAME) got dispensation didn't he |
Speaker 3: |
and you had to get it back on your card but (NAME) getting a priory I think it was only about twenty pounds or something like that I've never paid err paid money like thirty six pound |
Speaker 1: |
Speaker 3: |
what? |
Speaker 1: |
yeah but we get the discount so |
Speaker 3: |
eighty pound a round |
Speaker 2: |
that that's why when we got the vouchers I was thinking it was just that price and then that you'd get half again but since it was already |
Speaker 3: |
yeah well I lost I've lost quite a bit of whatever on that day that game on Wednesday I think I'll hang |
Speaker 2: |
aye you'll just have to get a buggy |
Speaker 3: |
that's it must take it out of us walking all that way round |
Speaker 2: |
it does it whack whacks right out |
Speaker 3: |
although I cannot claim that on the first from the first tee can you? |
Speaker 2: |
no you can't really 'cause the distance from the restaurant to the first tee's kind of |
Speaker 3: |
very true very true |
Speaker 2: |
very short indeed no had a |
Speaker 3: |
had a |
Speaker 2: |
had a game of cards Tuesday just gone |
Speaker 3: |
umm who was there? |
Speaker 2: |
and ah (NAME) (NAME) (NAME) and me and Mr (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) (NAME) (NAME) all right |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
never |
Speaker 2: |
he said he must have ran from the ground got to a press got it put on and then ran straight back to the pub |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
he says err what's the difference between sun Sunderland and Kevin Nolan (pause) err Kevin Nolan can deal |
Speaker 3: |
err or right |
Speaker 2: |
being as Sunderland couldn't all game er just s- sat there just laughing it was just it was lovely first time I've ever heard ever seen (NAME) not being able to talk about football |
Speaker 3: |
Never |
Speaker 2: |
he was like well er I said no fair enough we were hammered I was like yeah |
Speaker 3: |
so did |
Speaker 2: |
I did |
Speaker 3: |
did you did you win? |
Speaker 2: |
actually -- actually won |
Speaker 3: |
(cough) |
Speaker 2: |
brought -- brought my er losing streak to an end |
Speaker 3: |
ah right |
Speaker 2: |
must have been seven or eight games since I won an er |
Speaker 3: |
must be 'cause you're playing on a Tuesday night instead of a Wednesday maybes |
Speaker 2: |
well if that's the case we'll be playing on a lot more Tuesday er I've never |
Speaker 3: |
well (pause) did you see the match last night (pause) channel five |
Speaker 2: |
Liverpool? |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
err they were one nil down and they looked pants (pause) the team the team |
Speaker 3: |
eee they did they were pants the first half and then they brought Gerrard on the second half ey what a difference |
Speaker 2: |
who were who were |
Speaker 3: |
a little lump of gold in the middle of a er |
Speaker 2: |
a pile of poo |
Speaker 3: |
err aye a pile of iron file iron filings he was fantas- he scored a hat trick |
Speaker 2: |
ah a I read that well I saw the comments this morning aye |
Speaker 3: |
eh everything that he did well it it just sparkled |
Speaker 2: |
it just shows you how much how |
Speaker 3: |
it was magic definitely (pause) oh hopeless |
Speaker 2: |
aye |
Speaker 3: |
well -- well they're nothing on the team that em what they call him? The manager previous |
Speaker 2: |
Benitez |
Speaker 3: |
Benitez (pause) they're not a patch on what he had on the field |
Speaker 2: |
I mean the team they had out probably didn't have many of the stars |
Speaker 3: |
aye well the two holding players las- last night or was it? Aye last night were somebody called Smalling |
Speaker 2: |
Paulson -- Paulson and Smalling |
Speaker 3: |
no not Paulson |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
oooh too true |
Speaker 2: |
no no they were pants they were pants aye but the Newcastle game Tiotte he was just brilliant |
Speaker 3: |
who? |
Speaker 2: |
the guy who sits in the middle Tiotte |
Speaker 3: |
or yeah ah |
Speaker 2: |
ah he was just no he just made |
Speaker 3: |
the black fellow (pause) mmm hmm |
Speaker 2: |
he just played his he just never seems to give the ball away which makes a change for Newcastle so desperate to get down to the other end but |
Speaker 3: |
mm well mind Nolan's playing differently 'cause when he was at was it Bolton he was at Bolton? |
Speaker 2: |
mm hmm |
Speaker 3: |
he used to be more half back player |
Speaker 2: |
he was he always used to score his fair share of goals 'cause he as soon as he gets in the box he's a better player than what he his outside |
Speaker 3: |
aye but he never used to score like what he's scoring at Newcastle is he? |
Speaker 2: |
aye he's been quite prolific you can't argue with it though can you? |
Speaker 3: |
oh no |
Speaker 2: |
if you get a mid fielder scoring ten goals a season |
Speaker 3: |
well who have they got they've got Arsenal this weekend haven't they? |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
I think it could be haha (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
bit you never know 'cause they've just come back from Europe so |
Speaker 3: |
aye they got beat |
Speaker 2: |
but |
Speaker 3: |
there's a bit in there about Wenger being a whiner |
Speaker 2: |
he's French |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) not tryin- not trying to be completely nationalistic but |
Speaker 3: |
Holloway oh aye |
Speaker 2: |
and he he was trying to refer to Alex Ferguson |
Speaker 3: |
right |
Speaker 2: |
Alex McJockstrap no Alex McJock |
Speaker 3: |
Alex McJock |
Speaker 2: |
tha- that's what he called him couldn't remember |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I was just thinking well wait for you to go to Man-U you're going to get a great reception |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) Alex McJock |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
orr look at that one there |
Speaker 2: |
mi he might have ah I didn't I don't think he called him Jockstrap but just not a good thing |
Speaker 3: |
aye ehh |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
oh he does I bet he's a diff definitely a different manager |
Speaker 2: |
I think |
Speaker 3: |
you know (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
you'd enjoy playing for him to be honest he's just he's er he's honest enough (pause) too honest |
Speaker 3: |
mm hmm |
Speaker 2: |
Gordon Strachan without hair |
Speaker 3: |
well look at them the other night did you see that when they played (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
oh I didn't see the game |
Speaker 3: |
(cough) and I th- and they just won -- ah they won two-one, that was it and I wouldn't care, they |
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- You can also fast forward (>>) and rewind (<<) the audio. It will jump 20 seconds with each click of the buttons.
- Select a theme from the panel on the right-hand side of the page [4] to highlight related key words in the transcript. The transcript will jump to the first relevant key word in the text. Scroll down through the transcript to see further highlighted words.
- Note 1: To preserve anonymity, personal names have been removed. They are replaced by "(NAME)" in the text, and silence in the audio. For the same reason, some references to places have also been removed, replaced by "(PLACE)" in the text.
- Note 2: Obscenities are blanked out in the text, and the 20 second segment of audio that contains them will not play. If the audio stops for this reason, click the fast forward button (>>) to resume playback with the next 20 second segment of audio.