Archive Interview: PVC15

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle





Speaker 3:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle






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  Interview Transcript

Speaker 2:

the solstice

Speaker 3:

we had that one

Speaker 2:

yeah I think it was on last year but there there wasn't that all that he kept going on about was the darkness and (pause) you know what (NAME)'s (unclear) like he was moaning every five minutes

Speaker 3:

(unclear) sleeping sleeping (pause) patterns and stuff like that

Speaker 2:

ah yeah he slept he slept (unclear)

Speaker 3:

well the first one I saw was (pause) the basketball one

Speaker 2:

well yeah (pause) stayed awake for like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like three or four days because it was like light

Speaker 3:

(unclear) is that when it's light all the time yeah

Speaker 2:

aye I thought it was really good (pause) but eh

Speaker 3:

so it's like sort of half a year gone now s s from

Speaker 2:

supposedly I think so aye (laughter)

Speaker 3:

the summer solstice to the winter

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I just think it was dead funny hibernating and all he comes downstairs (laughter) that's the (unclear) it's weird (pause) eh (pause) what did you do last night I never saw you (unclear)

Speaker 3:

tore my hair out (pause) all night

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

just thinking

Speaker 2:

about what

Speaker 3:

everything (pause) life

Speaker 2:

ah (pause) my God you philosopher oh I didn't have that problem I was training last night (pause) so I'm a bit sore today it was eh two hours and I got wrong (pause) again (laughter)

Speaker 3:

too aggressive

Speaker 2:

yeah just like school I'm always getting wrong (pause) eh (pause) had to go to see him afterwards as well for eh an informal chat (pause) because he was looking at the records and he said I like I haven't been there (pause) very much (pause) and then I told him I wouldn't be there next week because I've got parents' evening it was like (pause) 'tut tut tut tut oh (NAME) what are we going to do with you wasting it' he says he's trying to get us to take a class for him (pause) I'm not too keen on it (pause) I couldn't be bothered (pause) I mean five year olds asking me for help and that (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) not be paid for it

Speaker 2:

I don't know you see eh (pause) (NAME) just took over a class two two weeks ago (pause) and the one they landed him with was a real (pause) dead beat class he had to pay money out on his first day (pause) because he only got about four or five (pause) students and the money he got from them didn't even cover hiring the hall (laughter)

Speaker 3:

so you're given all the responsibility of the fees and everything

Speaker 2:

mm-hm it'll be dumped on me see don't think I wouldn't get done if because we'd be keeping the books because they've got an accountant for that (pause) I've just got to hand them over to him see (pause) I'd be in charge of (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't do it

Speaker 2:

I know

Speaker 3:

it's a liability (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I says (pause) 'so if anything goes I'll be up for flack' (pause) (unclear) like so I'm covered by insurance he says 'no you're not eighteen' I says well if someone breaks their leg I get the flack for it (pause) like it's a contact sport someone's bound to get hurt once in (pause) a while so I says 'no no thanks' so (pause) definitely in his bad books now I've got to go away for a week with him as well (laughter)

Speaker 3:

what (pause) training over summer

Speaker 2:

aye I've got to train over summer yeah

Speaker 3:

so you're definitely definitely going

Speaker 2:

no I didn't want to I didn't want to go (pause) but eh

Speaker 3:

your dad forced you

Speaker 2:

you know (pause) it's been basically decided for us (pause) again

Speaker 3:

by your parents

Speaker 2:

yeah eh my mam's dead keen on going she thinks it's a great laugh

Speaker 3:

what does she do (laughter) like

Speaker 2:

oh she'll just sit and talk to the other mums (interruption) I go out there and eh

Speaker 3:

(laughter) loads of (unclear) all the time

Speaker 2:

sweat (pause) yeah sweat to death for two hours in the morning two hours at (laughter) night and run about during the day I'm I'm exhausted by the end of the week (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

is that (unclear) (pause) is that (pause) all the organisation just two hours' training in the morning and two in the

Speaker 2:

two hours' training on the morning (pause) they usually or you've usually got the day to yourself (pause) then at night time you've got another two hours but on certain days of the week you've got like (pause) they do cross country runs or they do (pause) training down on the beach or you go for swims and ugh I'm an exhausted student they keep forgetting this I need to recuperate over these six weeks not push my body to its limits (pause) like I did last year (pause) I nearly broke my arm (laughter) (pause) so what you doing this summer

Speaker 3:

don't know

Speaker 2:

geography project

Speaker 3:

ah yeah

Speaker 2:

aye (unclear)

Speaker 3:

although I think we're going to be loaded down with eh (pause) loads of maths as well about three or four projects of maths

Speaker 2:

over the one holiday

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

told you you shouldn't have took that last year

Speaker 3:

there's three different teachers

Speaker 2:

three different teachers and they all give you (unclear)

Speaker 3:

all expecting their work done

Speaker 2:

so they don't like (pause) do they not (pause) just talk to each other say well 'I'm giving him homework this week'

Speaker 3:

no not really well I mean we've got (pause) two of the teachers are giving us our (pause) big tests next week and (pause) the other one (pause) doesn't really (pause) make any allowances for it

Speaker 2:

well I'm glad I didn't do maths (pause) I couldn't be chewed with it (pause) chemistry's quite good like that because eh you don't get tests or nothing like that (pause) you get a like little tests (pause) every couple of weeks (pause) you know what we've done but not like you do maths (pause) I don't get by far the (pause) amount of work you've got to do actually I've only really take two and a half A levels (pause) that (pause) all I get is my notes they say 'learn your notes you'll be fine' answer some questions through the week and that's it (pause) it's a doddle (pause) I you wouldn't think that from my exam but (pause) (laughter) eeh you know eh (NAME) the you know her that always late

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he got (pause) he

Speaker 3:

she was late again today

Speaker 2:

he got really chewed with her (pause) yesterday (pause) sh

Speaker 3:

is she late for every lesson

Speaker 2:

she's l she comes in about three (unclear) like lessons like (unclear) chemistry

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she came at three o'clock thinking 'hunky dory I'm going to be fine' he said 'well if you we're getting fantastic exam marks I wouldn't mind but you're not'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'I want you here on time (pause) every lesson' me and (NAME) were in hysterics at (laughter) the back of the class because he kept going 'what did you get then for your exam (NAME) what's on your report' dead l dead funny couldn't believe it (laughter) just really laugh at her all the time you know when you get the little model kits (laughter) sitting making them yesterday models of the like the like the compounds and that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

you know like methane you've got like carbon in the middle and four hydrogens around it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

you get these precise little models in chemistry had to sit and had to sit and make them yesterday (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because you're doing eh optical isomerism (pause) you take methane (pause) and you put it there and and you say a mirror's there and you put it there it reflects itself (pause) and that's it so you got you got all the compounds out (pause) and you look at them like that (pause) seeing whether you can superimpose them on each other (pause) it's really complicated stuff (laughter)

Speaker 3:

waste of time

Speaker 2:

aye I know that's what I thought (pause) I can just learn enough we thought it was a good laugh though because it gets a bit monotonous chemistry I think it's just every lesson we get like notes given to we

Speaker 3:

so you didn't have to stre stretch your brain (pause) mentally or (unclear)

Speaker 2:

mm mm understanding some of the stuff's quite hard (pause) but that's about it and it's learning it's what I hate especially organic (pause) I'm going to hate that next year and I don't get any lessons of it but eh it's memorizing reactions (pause) 'three six eight five plus blah blah blah gives you this this this' and you've got to have the conditions and you've got arrows everywhere (pause) ah (pause) I had one the other day it was like that long had like chain of arrows moving like that there's like (pause) no words in it (pause) like (pause) 'thirty one C twelve and blah blah blah blah blah' like that all the way through

Speaker 3:

lots of compositions (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah over the exam (pause) I realized just how hard it was (laughter) (pause) just looking at it and going (laughter) 'oh my God' like that's it there (unclear) at us I've got to learn all that and there's nothing there I can just cross off it that's not that important (pause) because I've got to do (unclear)

Speaker 3:

is it not is there not like a few rules and then you learn those rules

Speaker 2:

physical there is

Speaker 3:

with a few exceptions

Speaker 2:

physical's all just applying stuff that you've learnt that's really quick that's much easier really I think but organic's just learn learn learn learn learn (pause) all the time

Speaker 3:

sh you would think there'd be rules behind everything

Speaker 2:

oh well they've got like

Speaker 3:

there would be like (pause) tendency for the (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah th that's you've got that but what all you do is like you get a reaction of say between you know dehydration and (unclear) give you a (unclear)

Speaker 3:

mm-hm them sort of things

Speaker 2:

but then you just apply it to all of them

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's what I mean like you don't have to learn like every single one (pause) for that like because there's like thousands of carbon chains and that but like that's it that's the basic thing is you just learn the principles of one reaction

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

there's that many reactions to learn (pause) there's like ten ways you can make ha eh (unclear) from an alcohol (pause) because there's loads of halogen cabinets so you got to learn all of them you think I'l just learn one (pause) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

totally lost us (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) well that's what I mean like like (NAME) in the exam he he said to me 'I' like he came to my house and said eh 'oh I've just done this' and he showed us he'd picked one reaction for each stage we'd done in chemistry

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like out of about ten (pause) and 'I'm just learning that' (pause) he said that's the way of preparing it (pause) but in w in the exam they'll say 'prepare such and such by this method' so you they give you the name it's lots of work

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

lots of learning that's about it though (pause) I get rest of the the term off (laughter) apart from homework (pause) it's not like maths where you just slog slog slog slog slog (laughter) I've seen your folder that's all yous ever do

Speaker 3:

yeah I'm on my third maths folder just keep

Speaker 2:

third maths folder

Speaker 3:

filling them and putting them to the side and come back to them later for revision

Speaker 2:

Jesus I think I've eh (unclear) (pause) got the bigger folders for all my subjects now because they're getting about half full (interruption) to full

Speaker 3:

no I'm just going to take the stuff that I'm not doing at that point in time and put it in s another smaller folder

Speaker 2:

that's what I was going to do (interruption) but knowing me (unclear)

Speaker 3:

you see because if I lost a big folder with (pause) two years work in it I'd be pretty cheesed off (laughter)

Speaker 2:

well I was going to do that but eh I've got like eh my house is just cluttered with folders at the minute (pause) got my folders all over my desk and underneath it (interruption) in big bags and that

Speaker 3:

got something like eight or something ten just lying there with (interruption) work to be done (laughter)

Speaker 2:

my mam keeps my mam keeps getting us and saying 'are you going to shift these folders or what' I say 'no they're important' and saying 'no you haven't looked' and there's dust

Speaker 3:

you should have a shelf

Speaker 2:

there's dust shelves are full of books man (laughter) they're not work books my drawers are full

Speaker 3:

your mam's (pause) romantic books

Speaker 2:

oh yeah God I remember when she asked me if she could put them in my room

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because I've got like this one bookshelf I don't use I've just got that's cluttered with papers now and she says 'can I put my books in there' so all my friends go in my room and see all these dead romantic books on the wall I says 'can you imagine my life at school the next day' like (pause) oh what a (unclear) (laughter) no way man (laughter)

Speaker 3:

so where does she put them now it seemed pretty full

Speaker 2:

I think she's got them under her bed I says 'well can we not just throw them out'

Speaker 3:

I know and (unclear) (interruption) must have read them

Speaker 2:

'you've read them all' she said 'no' I'm going to burn them next bonfire night she'll not know I'll just I'll just take (pause) a big stack and take them outside the house (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

does she read them again

Speaker 2:

no she reads everything once it does my head in she's got like books books books all over the house she just reads them once I think what's wrong (pause) she said 'throw them out no I paid for them' 'well can't you just throw them' 'no' so we just going to like have a big collection you know she says 'yes' I said 'eeh there's no talking to you' eh do you get on with your mam all right (pause) lately

Speaker 3:

of course yes

Speaker 2:

God (unclear)

Speaker 3:

she's very eh

Speaker 2:

what's she (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

because I did mention (NAME) to her and she (unclear)

Speaker 2:

oh (interruption) you idiot

Speaker 3:

oh no I've never heard the end of that now

Speaker 2:

I know you sh you

Speaker 3:

I don't know I don't know what made us do it

Speaker 2:

well how did you bring that out

Speaker 3:

(laughter) I don't know just so chuffed I just brought it out in

Speaker 2:

you just what you just sit there go 'oh by the way I met this lass'

Speaker 3:

every every conversation I would bring it up yeah

Speaker 2:

so (unclear)

Speaker 3:

probably my sister because she would be a nightmare

Speaker 2:

oh your sister (laughter) she might but eh (pause) you know the one who's living at home now (NAME) she was giving me mega loads of gyp when I come back because I says she says eh 'wh how many is there other like schools' I says 'aye yeah' 'is there any lasses there' I says 'yeah' she goes 'oh well mam' she goes and shouts of my mam (laughter) I'm going to tell and she says '(NAME)'s been away and there's been loads of lasses' I said 'so what does that mean like' so 'what's in your mind (NAME)' (laughter) aye she's keep she's bugging us all the time now (pause) but threatened to leave home again (pause) again

Speaker 3:

where would you go like

Speaker 2:

I don't know

Speaker 3:

what you (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I'd j it's just a threat usually sh she shuts up if I thr threaten to leave home (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I don't know my sister sh

Speaker 3:

so you threaten your sister

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

that you're going to leave home

Speaker 2:

no I s tell my mam and then sh she gets my sister to shut up

Speaker 3:

oh right I was going to say because your sister'll just keep going

Speaker 2:

oh my sister'll keep going yeah she wants rid of us her

Speaker 3:

'go on then do it do it get out'

Speaker 2:

yeah 'go on' (laughter) well that's what she says to us she says 'well what you waiting for she says I'll help you pack your stuff' I says 'well I've got exam I've got an exam tomorrow I can't just leave just yet' (interruption) she drives us nuts man because I'll I'll come in I'll be sitting working at my desk and she'll come in through the room and she she'll be nebbing about in my stuff

Speaker 3:

(laughter) mm-hm

Speaker 2:

I said 'what you doing' she says 'just looking at your work' I says 'well don't (pause) because you wouldn't understand it anyway' (laughter) she's going 'oh would I not' so I'd g the first thing I'd grab is my organic chemistry folder I just dump it in front of her and I say 'right do you understand this do you know what happens to that' (laughter) and she just goes 'well I've a there's no words here there's just like (pause) symbols' I says 'well that's what I've got to learn (pause) right do you understand it well go away' oh she's bad there's one thing I think they should ban I don't think your your older brothers or sisters should be able to come back home once they've left no if they leave they leave 'go (pause) don't come back' it's unbearable all (unclear) does all day (pause) and I always get wrong

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she runs off and says 'mam (NAME) said this (NAME) said that' and it's '(NAME)'

Speaker 3:

at twenty one is it twenty two

Speaker 2:

she's aye I says she calls me immature she says 'you're so immature you' I says 'oh (pause) oh yeah I'm immature and you run off crying to my mam when I insult you' (laughter) she's mad eeh        (laughter)

Speaker 3:

hamster's getting better I think

Speaker 2:

your hamster

Speaker 3:

mm-hm yes

Speaker 2:

what an exciting pet

Speaker 3:

well its tail's drying off

Speaker 2:

so you didn't like O D it

Speaker 3:

wipe its bum every day

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I know it's very drowsy now (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) it's still alive it's not like (laughter) walking about (laughter) looking stoned all day

Speaker 3:

I think it is a bit drowsy because I pick it up and it it's always going for my fingers and it but it doesn't hurt anymore just (pause) just (unclear)

Speaker 2:

just a (unclear) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

aye it can't even break the skin anymore (interruption) it falls asleep

Speaker 2:

here's my here's Mr Paw

Speaker 3:

love (unclear) I think it's addicted to the medication it keeps going 'gurr'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

grabs the end off the syringe and won't let go

Speaker 2:

junkie hamster (laughter) eeh hey that's what my little cousin wants another hamster another one

Speaker 3:

how many's he had now then

Speaker 2:

haven't a clue a couple I know of he (unclear) he (unclear) be bothered with them though (unclear) I says you shouldn't get them you don't like look after them properly

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because I didn't look after mine really like I used to clean it out once every (pause) month (laughter) but (laughter) I've just remembered about it (unclear)

Speaker 3:

just when it started to smell

Speaker 2:

aye it's gnawing it was like cl climbing the bars trying to get out from the smell of its own cage I I better cage better clean the cage I think but eh

Speaker 3:

I'm going to have to clean mine out I clean it out every other day at the minute

Speaker 2:

every other day

Speaker 3:

aye (interruption) antiseptic

Speaker 2:

I used to do mine once every (pause) three days sometimes

Speaker 3:

oh I wo I wouldn't normally do that

Speaker 2:

that was about it

Speaker 3:

just once a week when it's just because it got

Speaker 2:

when I in the holidays I used to clean it out nearly every day because (pause) I used to get it out like (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) bored

Speaker 2:

used I used to put it on the floor (pause) (unclear) (pause) I used to put it in that little ball (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

used to let it run round the house (laughter)

Speaker 3:

yeah they look mad in them things

Speaker 2:

until it was exhausted because I was trying get it exhausted for the night time because I I could never stop the wheel to like to get it stop squeaking

Speaker 3:

that's the good thing about my wheel

Speaker 2:

it's like everyday it was 'eek eek eek'

Speaker 3:

makes absolutely no sound

Speaker 2:

my dad used to be shouting '(NAME) will you get it off tha get it off the wheel man'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'don't get any sleep for it'

Speaker 3:

my old one I used to (pause) take it out and put it outside my my door bedroom door and then just shut the door (interruption) leave it on the landing

Speaker 2:

(laughter) then and aye then your sister and your mam comes out (pause) and (laughter) 'will you get that hamster back in your room or what' (interruption) mine was savage (pause) I don't know what it is all my pets have been savage

Speaker 3:

(laughter) well it depends what you get I think females are more

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

vicious than the the males my first one was a male and it was just (pause) docile (interruption) it'd wouldn't do a anything

Speaker 2:

aye so was mine aye that's what I had it just used to sit there

Speaker 3:

I loved it because it just used to go fall asleep on you and stuff like that it was great

Speaker 2:

used to go to sleep and used to go to sleep on top of my arm

Speaker 3:

put it in your pocket

Speaker 2:

aye that was it

Speaker 3:

and then it'd still be there the next day

Speaker 2:

(laughter) didn't used to even move think 'oh what a boring pet I want another one' (laughter) 'mam I want a another one' (laughter) aye (laughter) I've had a fe I had a female one it was totally savage it used to bite us 'arrt arrt arrt' had big scars (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

my last two have been

Speaker 2:

no it is my dogs have been savage even had a I had a rabbit that was a psycho and all (laughter) must be me must be my effect on animals

Speaker 3:

remember (NAME)'s once staying over at (NAME)'s one night and he he gets his hamsters out every night and lets them run around

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

in the balls and they got them out and I was just holding one (unclear)

Speaker 2:

look at it

Speaker 3:

and it went 'phh' it attacked us and jumped on my lip it was hanging from my top lip (laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) a hamster's hanging from your lip (laughter)

Speaker 3:

yeah bleeding from the top and bottom but

Speaker 2:

(laughter) 'get it off get it off'

Speaker 3:

aye swinging it about

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (unclear) swinging about she was like 'wahay' bouncing off your lip and that well my sister's kitten did that to me she told us to pick it up (pause) so I picked it up (pause) and I turned it round and it went 'scratch' and it dug its little claws in to the side of my and it it like hooked underneath because I had these really stupid marks on my face and there was like any amount of stick from the lads (unclear) 'how'd you get that (NAME) oh I thought you were hard (unclear) have you been chinned' I said 'no no I haven't been chinned' these little marks little paw marks on my face shh cat put the dog out 'get it kill' (pause) I think eh me and my sister's trying to get to see wor former head of year you know because eh my little c my little niece got suspended (pause) just yesterday (pause) for giving wor (NAME) some gyp

Speaker 3:

your (NAME)

Speaker 2:

aye so she just 'can you not have a word with him' so I says 'no I divn't even know him now man he's not my head of year'

Speaker 3:

the head of your year

Speaker 2:

yeah he's head of year like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

my niece

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yeah I think she asked for it anyway so (pause) it's all the same like

Speaker 3:

is that the one that lives on Hadrian Road

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh aye

Speaker 2:

a and my my other nephew

Speaker 3:

got a mouth on her her hasn't she

Speaker 2:

aye she has that's what I says I says 'did you like did you give him some flack'

Speaker 3:

s so's her brother (laughter)

Speaker 2:

she says I says 'did you give' she says 'I didn't say a thing' I says 'you're lying because you always talking you' he he's the frightened (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

the only good thing is he's terrified of Storm my other Alsatian he's terrified of her so as soon as he comes down all I do is I let her into the passage 'sit there' he'll not come in the house (laughter)

Speaker 3:

never used to be that bad when I was when I used to knock around yours when I was in the first year

Speaker 2:

wh who

Speaker 3:

your that nephew

Speaker 2:

wey it's because since he's lived up there man because he's got a chip on his shoulder he's in the reefer gang (laughter) they all wear the reefer coats (laughter) there's about twenty of them that are walking along that are 'gurr (pause) gurr' (pause) and they're all about average height's about four foot two (laughter) but there's a gang of twenty of them so they think that they're like they're solid (laughter) I just laugh at them (pause) when he comes down with his friends they've got 'gurr' I says 'eh you should be careful hanging about in Benwell of a night and walking like that you could be like phew done'

Speaker 3:

I've just realized this is the eh Economics Room that's why (NAME)'s hovering outside (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) oh yeah tough (laughter)

Speaker 3:

yeah tough go and find another room

Speaker 2:

but (NAME)'s not even in is he

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's like so (NAME)'s coming in (pause) he only got he's like he's the only one person in economics class and he's come in

Speaker 3:

has been for the past couple of weeks

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I love that I would just wait (interruption) for another teacher

Speaker 3:

(NAME)'s coming in this afternoon he said yesterday

Speaker 2:

what for double geology

Speaker 3:

yeah I don't know

Speaker 2:

if I was going to take the week off I wouldn't come in for double geology

Speaker 3:

no he was only going to take up until Wednesday because that's when his medication's finished with and he's

Speaker 2:

ah but he thought he'd have economics off

Speaker 3:

I don't know it's totaly mad

Speaker 2:

did you watch Psycho last night

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it was really good it was saying why he killed them and that I thought it was cushty had like these flashbacks to the original film and that (pause) yeah (pause) the bit at the top of the stairs 'swoosh swoosh' (laughter) it was cush so I'm knackered now it finished at about half past twelve last night when my dad came in (pause) from work

Speaker 3:

it was about that time I c I went to bed

Speaker 2:

so I got up and I got back up and went downstairs to see my dad (pause) asked us about training try and get some more money off him (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

well I'm skint now

Speaker 3:

you should have a big bank account (unclear) gets

Speaker 2:

I know

Speaker 3:

money every week off him

Speaker 2:

you're joking I get money every month or something if I'm lucky actually eh the money (unclear)

Speaker 3:

have you used all the stuff that you took to Ford

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

well then ask him for more

Speaker 2:

(unclear) because I'm going to go away a couple a weeks time with that so I need some more (laughter) (pause) I says 'dad give us the money (laughter) and I I'll not s I'll leave you alone' (laughter) 'how much do you' (pause) I could con him but I I'll probably feel guilty when I get my money (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

if I'll probably say like I had some school trip or something but eh I usually just ask for it now

Speaker 3:

what what

Speaker 2:

just listening to football eh that's what everyone was talking about last night the World Cup and I was sitting there virtually half asleep in the bar and eh after I got in yeah like football football football right (laughter) oh see his goal one thing that was that really came out was Leonardo's elbow (laughter)

Speaker 3:

oh yeah (unclear)

Speaker 2:

it was like was (unclear) some technique that (unclear) you know I sh I sh get on the (unclear) was going 'gurr' (laughter) (unclear) 'gurr' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

how did he do it like is is

Speaker 2:

yeah right he had the ball

Speaker 3:

just running up behind him and all of a sudden

Speaker 2:

the American grabbed a hold of him

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he was virtually swinging him round the American got the ball from him kicked it away and then he still had a hold of him (pause) so like the referee came running over to give the American a yellow card

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

laid on him and went 'bang pow doosh'

Speaker 3:

what happened to the American then

Speaker 2:

he split aye the guy was down he had to have stitches in his head he was on the floor he had to be carried off

Speaker 3:

but he didn't get a yellow card

Speaker 2:

(laughter) he was on the floor (NAME) (laughter) give him a red card that guy was off for the rest of the game anyways well they tried to get him patched up at half time to get him back on (pause) but they didn't so they played with ten men (pause) until half time (pause) then they brought somebody else on in the second half

Speaker 3:

when was was

Speaker 2:

Brazil still won so

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

with ten men (laughter)

Speaker 3:

USA finished on ten with that thirty seven year old (pause) first time I'd seen him

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Clavijo or something

Speaker 2:

oh aye (pause) Clavijo what a name no well

Speaker 3:

said they were all they were going for was a draw

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

yet they were going to sort of play all out for nil nil and then (pause) win it on penalties

Speaker 2:

the Americans said that

Speaker 3:

yeah (unclear) before the game

Speaker 2:

well they would do because they couldn't beat Brazil no way

Speaker 3:

I think they could if they'd if they

Speaker 2:

I divn't know (pause) I could see them doing it just because Brazil were easily the better team because you see every now and again you get the odd

Speaker 3:

yeah but

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

they haven't played that well throughout the World Cup I don't think

Speaker 2:

mm they're still doing all right (interruption) still through

Speaker 3:

mm (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no just that when you saw the start of the game

Speaker 3:

I thought the the fact that it was a

Speaker 2:

they were making all the chances all the time

Speaker 3:

I thought the fact that it was Independence Day and it was

Speaker 2:

no I I think you can

Speaker 3:

America in their own country

Speaker 2:

get the the crowd would be psyched up but I don't think it would really affect the team if anything (interruption)

Speaker 3:

well you know what the Americans are like

Speaker 2:

I thought it might I thought it might make them play worse because they were like so hyped up playing like sloppy balls and stuff but they knew they'd get beat typical yanks man (laughter) who do you reckon's going to win the World Cup then

Speaker 3:

I'm going for the winner of the eh

Speaker 2:

so you're not going for Belgium (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I I go for the winner of the Italy Spain game

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) no (unclear) for that

Speaker 3:

whoever wins that game will win the World Cup

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to say anything because I all my prediction (interruption) all my predictions is (unclear)

Speaker 3:

that's because I want them I always go for the teams I want not what the pundits say

Speaker 2:

all my I got all my Wimbledon ones wrong

Speaker 3:

well you got to the final didn't you (interruption) did you pick did you pick your

Speaker 2:

I got both I got both into the final but they both lost (laughter) I thought Navratilova would win the field just for (interruption) I don't know

Speaker 3:

just for old time's sake

Speaker 2:

I I just thought she would just do it because everybody wanted her to I thought like that she would because I hadn't I haven't seen the other one play that much

Speaker 3:

and you picked these right at the start of the

Speaker 2:

right at the start

Speaker 3:

well then you did well to get into the final

Speaker 2:

and I I I was I picked Goran Ivanisevic straight away because I heard he was on form and he was until the final

Speaker 3:

I would have gone for Todd Martin personally

Speaker 2:

I went well I thought about Todd Martin but at the eh he got who did he play

Speaker 3:

he was knocked out by Sampras but he he bea he'd already beaten him so I (unclear)

Speaker 2:

well that's what I thought but he w he played somebody else didn't he eh (pause) who put Agassi out

Speaker 3:

I don't know I didn't watch it (interruption) the really early ones

Speaker 2:

I can not remember but what I remember is I looked at the like the draw and I know I saw he was hit s hit hit someone else then he would play Sampras and I thought well no

Speaker 3:

yeah because you can tell can't you it's like (interruption) split into two halves and you can see

Speaker 2:

yeah you can yeah yeah yeah you can tell I says 'well if he keeps winning he's going to hit Sampras eventually that's if he gets past like this guy' can't remember the guy's name now so I thought 'no he'll not get the final' but I thought (unclear) were on his first (pause) because the men's game's too boring it's just serves that's all it is (pause) so I just watched the watch most of the the female women's Wimbledon just because the tennis is better though of course

Speaker 3:

(laughter) right

Speaker 2:

oh yes

Speaker 3:

I believe you

Speaker 2:

I got a total shock when eh Steffi Graf went out oh I couldn't believe it I thought she was going to (laughter)

Speaker 3:

there was another big upset wasn't there

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I don't know just just (unclear)

Speaker 2:

oh aye it's it might have been because Sabatini beat somebody she was expected to get beat (unclear)

Speaker 3:

no there was a another big one went out or did sh just the men's

Speaker 2:

that was the men's mind Stich went out straight away

Speaker 3:

oh yeah and

Speaker 2:

and Edberg he went out as well so Stich Edberg Baker Gordon they were out in the first set (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) the West Germans or Germans ex West Germans

Speaker 2:

Germans Germans how about that Russian guy he got seeded for his first Wimbledon eeh I thought anybody else there's no way they would have got seeded you know what I mean like yet he he hasn't won any Grand Slam tournaments

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he's just like a up and coming star so they seeded him for his first Wimbledon ever never been done

Speaker 3:

where did he get

Speaker 2:

I think he got about he got to fourth round or something

Speaker 3:

that's quite good

Speaker 2:

yeah what about Jeremy Bates ev everyone says I was dead unpatriotic because I wanted him to lose because he's got so

Speaker 3:

who to to the Frenchman

Speaker 2:

as soon as he got on the field I wanted him to lose I thought you because he's such a big head since the last one have you heard him when he was on Channel Four's tennis club going 'oh well I'm sure I can do very well this Wimbledon' Chris eh what's he called

Speaker 3:

Bailey is it

Speaker 2:

Bailey yeah he's even what do y he says and he said 'what's the three things you need to be a good tennis player' he goes 'oh (pause) talent' 'well you haven't (laughter) got any you're not be a great tennis player are you'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) that's what I felt like saying (laughter) oh talent speed and determination I said well yeah I felt like saying 'you must have n have neither because I mean you're not exactly doing fantastic are you' although he's played some good matches like he's huge him

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he's dead big same as Ivanisevic he's about six foot something six foot five

Speaker 3:

Todd Martin's quite quite a size as well

Speaker 2:

he's more than that I thought he would have beat samp I had a feeling he might beat Sampras but I didn't know because Sampras was alw was seemed to be getting better with every match he never dropped like a set against anybody except

Speaker 3:

he did

Speaker 2:

oh he dropped one set I think that was against Todd Martin as well

Speaker 3:

that was in the whole

Speaker 2:

that was in the whole thing

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

same as Ivanisevic he only dropped one as well

Speaker 3:

did you watch the final I didn't watch the final

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

what happened in the last last set (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

well I saw I saw the eh I saw most of the first one and it whoever wa was like serving was just winning

Speaker 3:

really close the first two sets because (interruption) it was the the tiebreak

Speaker 2:

yeah all it was was serve no one there wasn't a break of serve at all and then eh had two tie breaks and there was the same with the serve again but Sampras had the serve for each time like on the end shot

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so he kept winning (pause) and Ivanisevic was just (pause) totally totally like ticked off (laughter) (pause) when he came out for eh

Speaker 3:

the third one

Speaker 2:

the third set

Speaker 3:

what happened

Speaker 2:

he was just totally demoralized he had his eh Sampras serves first

Speaker 3:

was he sort of ehm

Speaker 2:

he won the game

Speaker 3:

swinging at everything was (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah he was (pause) there was no focus to any of his shots he was just batting it about his he served for broke in the second game he got he got he still got loads of aces but thing

Speaker 3:

must have been broken a couple of times to lose six love

Speaker 2:

it was broken all the way through the last set it only broke at the first time that was it but that was it it was all over like two nil

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

had his eh he's had his serve broke he's never like been out served by somebody and Sampras started getting more aces and he just went 'oh to hell with it' he just give up I was going 'what you doing what you doing hit the ball back hit the ball back' (laughter) 'oh my God'

Speaker 3:

huh (laughter)

Speaker 2:

I was diving about the room throwing my work all over the floor chucking stuff at him shouting at people for no reason (pause) (laughter) 'go away I'm watching the tennis come on (pause) run' (laughter) had good odds as well (laughter) so I lost about I lost about ten quid on Wimbledon ninety four (laughter) oh sick he beat Becker as well he totally trounced Becker from the back of the court

Speaker 3:

I didn't watch

Speaker 2:

his returns were brilliant Becker's a good player got to the semis didn't he (laughter)

Speaker 3:

but I prefer players like Becker and Agassi because they can throw them a bit further

Speaker 2:

I don't like Agassi I don't think anybody likes Agassi

Speaker 3:

I don't like him but I just

Speaker 2:

eh no one likes Agassi

Speaker 3:

prefer his play (pause) the w the way he plays tennis to the way (pause) Sampras and Ivanisevic and Martin can play tennis

Speaker 2:

oh I don't like the way I don't like the way he plays I just thought he would win got like (pause) is it huddle he's the fastest server is a hundred and forty eight miles per hour

Speaker 3:

who is

Speaker 2:

Ivanisevic (pause) and Sampras is only a hundred

Speaker 3:

oh yes (unclear) Sampras

Speaker 2:

and twenty something think he had

Speaker 3:

I think they were all they were both one was a hundred and twenty nine

Speaker 2:

I know that thingies was much higher like and he had like something over a hundred and fifty aces by the final

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and Sampras only had a hundred so I thought well if he just gets more aces (pause) that'd be it (pause) but (pause) he didn't saw some of his aces like pure brilliant thought 'wow' (laughter) I'm surprised his racket doesn't snap when he hits it (interruption) you heard eh Sampras's halfway through the second set he did a backhand like Ivanisevic served and he just (interruption) managed to get his racket to (unclear) and it was 'click' (pause) and the strings in the middle just go 'kung' (laughter) and bust (laughter) Ivanisevic just hit it straight at him (laughter) and just like hit the racket and went 'kung' bounced off (laughter) I thought get in (laughter) but they should have a rule you can't change your your racket halfway through a game that way Sampras would have lost (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter) (interruption) mm (laughter)

Speaker 2:

he came back and won it again (laughter) ah I couldn't believe it I always get it wrong I thought I didn't think Steffi Graf would go in the first round (pause) did you see what the eh the headlines in the papers were (pause) 'Steffi ran over by a Lori' (laughter) guess what paper that was in

Speaker 3:

eh what The Star

Speaker 2:

yeah or The Sun (laughter) 'Steffi ran over by Lori' (laughter) (pause) it's like when all the deodorant adverts were on later

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'oh I wanted the best performance of my deodorant it helps people win' (laughter) and I said 'well it didn't help you that day did it' (laughter) (pause) oh aye

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) she was going on about 'oh I'm going to go out on top (pause) going to go out in a blaze of glory' right lost in the first round how old's Todd Martin now

Speaker 3:

twenty (pause) two twenty three I think I'm not sure

Speaker 2:

is he

Speaker 3:

quite old

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's only his

Speaker 2:

yeah it's only like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

his first or second Wimbledon or something he won eh the Stella Artois (pause) could be (pause) master money I couldn't get over that (unclear) you know all of a sudden walking out

Speaker 3:

(unclear) aren't they

Speaker 2:

I thought (pause) 'bounce the ball boys and it was like' (unclear) it was massive

Speaker 3:

imagine serving from that sort of angle though (pause) must be a bit of a an advantage

Speaker 2:

aye well all the big

Speaker 3:

it basically bounced about that far over the net

Speaker 2:

all the big players are aye

Speaker 3:

comes straight down (laughter)

Speaker 2:

all the big players are like well all the champions and that they're all like a considerable height like Sampras is over six foot Ivanisevic is like big tall thin thing like Martin like a brick outhouse (laughter) massive but there again that's tennis for you it's over for a year (pause) won't be watching it again until next year (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Wimbledon is that the only one you follow

Speaker 2:

yeah I I sort of decided well I'll mainly just watch Wimbledon athletic season now

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so I'm watching that

Speaker 3:

what happened last night I was eh I didn't bother watching the (pause) the metre (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no good asking me

Speaker 3:

why was that

Speaker 2:

I was out I went out at four o'clock I didn't come back until about (pause) half past ten (pause) training (pause) massive training

Speaker 3:

opposite with me didn't go out until half ten (laughter) (pause) I just fancied a walk so I went out (interruption) mam was going 'where's he where are you going' 'just going for a walk'

Speaker 2:

where'd you go oh right

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

what were you thinking about mathematical problems (laughter) or are you just escaping your mam's taunts

Speaker 3:

well sh she just came in I'd been sort of (pause) thrashing things out

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

with myself and then I decided I needed to go out for a walk and (unclear)

Speaker 2:

where'd you go

Speaker 3:

just for a walk round Nunsmoor

Speaker 2:

you should have that's why I called for you the other day when I had the dog thought you would have come with me because I could have stayed in the house

Speaker 3:

aye well I would have if (NAME) was there

Speaker 2:

but (NAME) was there so I just thought 'oh I'll just gan' but then I thought I couldn't bring that psycho in your house (laughter)

Speaker 3:

is that the

Speaker 2:

vicious one aye

Speaker 3:

that's vicious it looked really

Speaker 2:

she looks a bit docile doesn't she

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

what do you expect I've been away for a week she hasn't done anything she was nuts when I got her on the field

Speaker 3:

you've got three dogs haven't you

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's the one I

Speaker 3:

the other Alsatian like is that the big one bigger one

Speaker 2:

big huge hairy monster my sister's one eh she's all right she's a bit daft like you shout at her she just takes no notice I think she's deaf she just wanders off she doesn't take any notice of me except when we're on like say town moor she like she follows us in case I run away from her

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because I once I hid you know (pause) eh (unclear) like you know there's like gentle like slopes on the town moor I hid because I was shouting of her and she wouldn't come back so I went and sat down I got hold of the other one went and sat down behind this hill and (laughter) you could I could hear her running about looking for us (laughter) and she was panicking like mad (laughter) I looked for her and she like looking all over running about dead stupidly go 'shh shh' I'm here stupid oh it's my sister man eh she goes mad at if I bring her back dirty

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she goes nuts if I don't take her out she goes nuts I says well she have you seen all the hair on her she's bound to get dirty wherever I go I take her on the field she's going to get covered in mud I always wash them when I get back but then again I just argue with my sister all the time so I think the dog suffers for that

Speaker 3:

do you bath them all like sort of in succession so like when it's one's bath time it's all three's bath time

Speaker 2:

sometimes some that just takes too long (laughter) like

Speaker 3:

I was going to say (laughter)

Speaker 2:

I just wash one

Speaker 3:

wrestle with one then you ready for the next round

Speaker 2:

never wash mine my Alsatian I never wash her never I wash my mongrel about once a week (pause) all the time (pause) I think she likes getting bathed her

Speaker 3:

is that the football

Speaker 2:

that's the football one the one who's round and looks like a football the one I just virtually roll along the floor

Speaker 3:

I suppose you've got to eh

Speaker 2:

well the Alsatian my sister's Alsatian takes about five hours to clean her (laughter) can take all night by the time you get her wet soap her down

Speaker 3:

then you put the curlers in the eh (unclear) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

and then (unclear) no she's got a natural perm (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's what e everyone says that to us 'your dog's got a perm' it's not my fault it's the way her hair grows aye spent the spent the most of eh Tuesday night brushing Harry my sister's Alsatian just a ball of fluff d I need them round my place like that's what I do I take them out you know one at a time take eh my mongrel and my sister's dog out together because I don't need a like a lead or anything for them I just take them out they just run about after us

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and they just run off together when I take mine out I usually wait until like the hard men are like parading around the streets

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so I put her on right I put her muzzle on and she looks ferocious when she's got her muzzle on and her eyes go you know like she's got a reddish tint to her eyes

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

well they go really red when she's got this muzzle on she looks a right psycho so I always walk along (pause) and like see the lads hanging about outside (unclear) like pretend she's pulling us all over and pulling her back from them and that and they all just look and 'bloody hell seen that dog over there' (laughter) just a message to you (unclear) 'come round my house and this is what you're going to get' so there unless (unclear) when I get far enough away I just let her off

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

why I keep an eye on her surprised I haven't been caught for it yet

Speaker 3:

I've already rang (NAME) three times now

Speaker 2:

you've rang her th you've rang her three times since

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

when did you ring her

Speaker 3:

aye on Tuesday Tuesday night

Speaker 2:

so you did

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Tuesday oh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

you never told us 'doosh'

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen you

Speaker 2:

so it's yesterday you (unclear) or was it not

Speaker 3:

it wasn't appropriate (laughter)

Speaker 2:

not appropriate yeah

Speaker 3:

no and she g she got my

Speaker 2:

she got your phone number aye

Speaker 3:

she got my phone number because she wanted to ring us back later because you know she had her exchange student there

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh dear but it's a bit eh awkward if you just leave (interruption) them in the room with the rest of your family though

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so she's she got back to her exchange student

Speaker 2:

so was your mam out

Speaker 3:

when I rang the first time

Speaker 2:

aye I thought so (laughter)

Speaker 3:

she was in when she rang back later on

Speaker 2:

so that's how it come out 'who's phoning you (NAME)'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

did she go like 'who's phoning you' you go 'oh oh (NAME) are you all right' (laughter) eh 'watching football' (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's what I used to do at my granddad's I used to go and phone people so I says first time I phoned a lass I used to go 'eh you all right (NAME) eh (NAME)' (laughter) I'm playing football tonight all 'right' (laughter) so did you phone her last night as well

Speaker 3:

mm-hm that was just because (interruption) that was just because

Speaker 2:

well just no wonder your phone bill's sky high your mam coming in shouting at you

Speaker 3:

no because I went that I did it when I went out last night so I did it from just a public phone box

Speaker 2:

so you're now you're s that's why you're skint because you put like five pound in the phone (laughter) it's dead easy to keep slipping it in (laughter) isn't it when you're talking (laughter) you just (pause) you just keep each hand (laughter) in your pocket (laughter) putting more coins in (laughter) I divn't know what I'm putting in here (laughter) put five pound in that's what I did the other day I phoned here I put a quid coin in and she kept us talking (laughter) so (laughter) I put some more money in (laughter)

Speaker 3:

no (laughter)

Speaker 2:

'I'd better go in a minute' (laughter) ah she says 'no no I'm by myself keep talking to us' I thought 'right' I says 'oh I'll get some more change' (laughter) aye I put two pound in the phone (laughter) again (laughter)

Speaker 3:

you didn't seem to be that long though

Speaker 2:

I know it was just ea it was eating them man the the thing was just going down straight away

Speaker 3:

what time was it when you rang

Speaker 2:

I don't know

Speaker 3:

oh it was after six because we'd had the we'd had tea then

Speaker 2:

aye just going down she was shouting at her brother all the time (unclear) so going out this weekend then

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

how long's she got her exchange student with her like

Speaker 3:

three weeks

Speaker 2:

three weeks

Speaker 3:

till the summer

Speaker 2:

God I'd kill her I'd get rid of her me (laughter) you should have to

Speaker 3:

yes but she goes across for three weeks next year

Speaker 2:

oh well

Speaker 3:

to Tanzania

Speaker 2:

eeh stuck up

Speaker 3:

yes she's going to all these functions (interruption) every night

Speaker 2:

boy or girl

Speaker 3:

eh it's a girl I've got (pause) (unclear) (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

she goes to all these functions every night so they meet all these councillors from on the northum (pause) umberland eh committee sort of thing

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so she like said the first night they were had caviar and all sorts of eh (interruption) stuff like that

Speaker 2:

that's what you want a completely rich lass there

Speaker 3:

she said she didn't touch it

Speaker 2:

who lives in a converted church (laughter) so have you arranged for anything in the summer holidays then

Speaker 3:

no not yet

Speaker 2:

just going to wait until your mam goes out again

Speaker 3:

don't know

Speaker 2:

(unclear) just keep it a se quiet round school though

Speaker 3:

oh of course yeah

Speaker 2:

so you're speaking into a tape (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) it's not going to be broadcast is it

Speaker 2:

(unclear) be broadcast 'this is what I heard' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

this is what I talk to you about it (interruption) (unclear) in front of everybody else

Speaker 2:

aye (laughter) in front of Mr (NAME) (laughter) (unclear) (NAME) me and (NAME) last night yeah you know our Rutherford commemorative mugs

Speaker 3:

have you got them

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

you've got yours

Speaker 2:

yeah (pause) yes all it says is Rutherford School on it

Speaker 3:

I know but my mam's hers because sh sh through the PTA but I haven't got mine yet

Speaker 2:

I divn't know you can have mine it's only a it's only a I says we must I says 'we're the Rutherford mugs man for coming here'

Speaker 3:

'from eight eighteen seventy seven until nineteen ninety four'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

bit of a waste

Speaker 2:

oh what a shame that's probably why they're giving the prizes out now you know

Speaker 3:

I know because yeah (interruption) because they'll lose all they're giving out the GCSE ones I think on prediction

Speaker 2:

(interruption) because you know (interruption) lose all the on prediction

Speaker 3:

yeah because they th

Speaker 2:

eeh hey (unclear) nowt (laughter)

Speaker 3:

they'll lose the ehm sort of

Speaker 2:

oh brilliant because eh (NAME) said I was getting thirty quid (interruption) I think he heard aye thirty quid off

Speaker 3:

did he that's three is that three awards do you think

Speaker 2:

is that three awards it must be aye (unclear)

Speaker 3:

piece of cake

Speaker 2:

(NAME)'s getting two

Speaker 3:

is he

Speaker 2:

that's what he said I said 'I w'

Speaker 3:

getting a chemistry one no a biology one and

Speaker 2:

I know well

Speaker 3:

oh I could be getting geology damn I've just realized I've I've knacked up geology come in fourth (pause) that's not going to get us

Speaker 2:

there's only two geology ones isn't there did he come second in geology

Speaker 3:

probably did yeah joint

Speaker 2:

aye no he just beat (NAME) by about a percent didn't he

Speaker 3:

did he so you think that's the second one could be chemistry though couldn't it

Speaker 2:

better not have that actually I should have that there's one science prize for the school only one

Speaker 3:

mm you'll get that then

Speaker 2:

eeh if he gets that I'll nut him

Speaker 3:

he'll not

Speaker 2:

he will do he's doing two pure sciences and (pause) I'm only doing one (pause) eeh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

bang (laughter)

Speaker 3:

just one science one for about thr

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I think it's just the sch

Speaker 3:

biology chemistry physics

Speaker 2:

Doctor Rutherford or something science prize so he might end up getting it eeh (interruption) get a hold of him

Speaker 3:

probably give two out

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

no what happened

Speaker 2:

you know how you get kids       

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

now you've got a teacher's        they were just like praising him like mad like his hel his head was like swell and eclipse the sun (laughter) he was just like they filled every line were praise about him 'oh he's ex (NAME)'s brilliant blah blah blah blah blah blah blah'

Speaker 3:

what was his ehm result his percentage

Speaker 2:

didn't even give him a percentage man just gave him a predicted grade

Speaker 3:

what was that A

Speaker 2:

A yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but guess what they gave the other two

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

B's and C's and they're completely brainless

Speaker 3:

I didn't get any predictions

Speaker 2:

I know it's stupid isn't it do you know what it is it's because they haven't done enough work to get assessed have you seen his folder still half empty like everybody else is filling folders in every subject

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (NAME)'s done no work in biology he's got one folder for biology and it's not even full the if you put your (unclear) like put your physical geography and your human geography together

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

your folder would just be packed wouldn't it be falling apart

Speaker 3:

yeah (unclear)

Speaker 2:

he's got like nothing he's just got his they're giving them they're giving them the exam results but they're not releasing their percentages because (NAME) told me he did rubbish in the biology exam (unclear) he says he got nearly all of it wrong he still got an A in his report

Speaker 3:

it's not as if he's going to drop out at this late stage though is it

Speaker 2:

I know

Speaker 3:

so they've got no reason to

Speaker 2:

he is good though because when I was there you could tell he'd been like reading books and that

Speaker 3:

reading around the subject

Speaker 2:

yeah because he kept coming out with comments like about stuff we'd never done it's the first week he was going on about the syllabus like just looking at him like oh hey I'm not having this (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) geography

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh right so

Speaker 2:

that's the

Speaker 3:

(NAME)'s the easier target

Speaker 2:

oh right

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he said that he said you'd say that as well says 'if you g'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'if you go to eh geography (pause) (NAME)'ll not be happy' says 'why's that like' he said 'because you'll be'

Speaker 3:

nick my top spot (laughter)

Speaker 2:

aye that you'd be pinching his top spot (laughter) probably beat (NAME) at biology anyway it's better in the first week I got they gave we a test on we first lesson on like general biology stuff

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I beat (NAME) in that he'd done all this reading around (pause) just sheer brilliant man I can't help it (pause) sheer big headedness as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's waffle you know what I'm like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I got it from you I used to look at your English essays and think 'how the hell you wrote that much' waffle so I thought 'oh I'll just take a tip from you waffle waffle waffle waffle' becoming a master of it now (pause) especially at geography and the essays well you just waffle all the way down the page (laughter) turn over and waffle down that side as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

what's eh (NAME)'s getting a prize

Speaker 3:

is she

Speaker 2:

what for (laughter) coming bottom of everything

Speaker 3:

what's her third subject she's doing if she takes biology and geology

Speaker 2:

she be getting geology

Speaker 3:

oh chemistry she (laughter) takes chemistry as well (laughter)

Speaker 2:

can't get the chemistry prize (interruption) with ten percent ten percent

Speaker 3:

(laughter) mm

Speaker 2:

ten percent I think with it was her anyway it was one of the three well they're all the same anyways aren't they yeah (pause) I think she aye I think it was her te

Speaker 3:

probably biology they're probably giving them all (interruption) there's only three biologists so they'll probably give them it

Speaker 2:

aye they must be giving like se mm giving them all a prize (laughter) that's sad that is so they're giving GCSE prizes on prediction

Speaker 3:

I think so I'm not sure

Speaker 2:

that's (unclear) that

Speaker 3:

because they'll lose the ehm (interruption) the like

Speaker 2:

yeah because they they won't be in Rutherford next year so they can't have it the Rutherford prize and all that

Speaker 3:

well I think you know how they were sort of put aside ba by past people and stuff like that well we'll lose all all those eh those

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

they'll lose all they'll just lose all that that eh that sort of eh

Speaker 2:

mm yeah I know what you mean

Speaker 3:

pool of money because they'll no longer they'll no longer give it to the school

Speaker 2:

I know well I couldn't

Speaker 3:

without them most of them are sort of dead and gone (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah I couldn't think what the

Speaker 3:

it's just like isn't it it's only a eh a pr prov provision made in the will

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but as soon as the school changes its name I think we'll lose them all

Speaker 2:

yeah I know it stops it yeah I couldn't I was trying to think what the prizes would be for if they weren't the subject ones like last year I because I thought they can't be the subject ones because the GCSE results aren't in beccause we got our prizes for ours

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and the others got theirs for theirs but eh I don't know

Speaker 3:

I think they might keep a couple but

Speaker 2:

glad ours wasn't on prediction or we'd've got nowt (laughter)

Speaker 3:

you'd have got more of them

Speaker 2:

(laughter) they would have been my predictions were basic        (laughter) well you know they would have

Speaker 3:

I'd have been top

Speaker 2:

I know you would (laughter) ah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

you know when you you had six A's (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I had exactly the same as you

Speaker 2:

for predicted

Speaker 3:

I oh no because I got science A's (interruption) didn't I

Speaker 2:

no you didn't you had six I had three

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I did I had two B's in science (pause) two B's in English C maths and a three in my options three a's in my options

Speaker 3:

you were predicted two A's in (pause) English weren't you

Speaker 2:

no I wasn't you had two B's in English and two A's in science and A in maths and your three things but that all changed when the real results came (laughter) just saying I would have got nowt if it had of been on prediction you would have got it all wey (laughter) (pause) how much did we get that day

Speaker 3:

can't remember now

Speaker 2:

don't know about twenty something quid twenty or thirty quid

Speaker 3:

had a good geology book that's about it

Speaker 2:

well that's what I got it with aye went to Thorne's 'what can I get' they're always for Thorne's aren't they

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

why aren't for like HMV or something (laughter) that's for Thorne's what am I going to spend thirty quid on here what a bummer (laughter) 'oh that'll do for me' it's a hard back it's on geology 'that'll do' I just looked at it the other day it's actually quite good I just picked it up randomly as well like it's the only geology book they had (laughter) (pause) at that time it was a hard back as well it was only twenty five quid I'll have to buy some more chemistry books soon they're hassling us about reading around (pause) in various subjects like I'll have to get on with it (pause) got inorganic next year as well see you're lucky your maths course just continues mine totally changes my chemistry course it's all in inorganic chemistry it means I've got to revise my organic on my own time you mean you don't get any lessons of it now

Speaker 3:

that's organic finished with until eh

Speaker 2:

organic'll be finished in two weeks' time

Speaker 3:

and who who do you get for that

Speaker 2:

(NAME) so I get must get

Speaker 3:

so you won't get (NAME) you won't get Mr

Speaker 2:

it's Mr (NAME) next year (pause) so I'm getting (NAME) for ge geology (NAME) for inorganic chemistry so I'm getting him four times a week (laughter) because (NAME) I get for six hours a week (laughter) I'm going to be taught by the same people all the time so that's (unclear) (NAME) was going to leave you know because he applied for another job (pause) at eh some college but he didn't get it (pause) maybe because (pause) the salary he wanted was like seven grand more than somebody else who'd do it who'd just (laughter) left university (laughter) we'd do it for seven grand less he didn't get it (laughter) does that mean because do you know who'd have taught us for chemistry though if he had have left

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh great

Speaker 2:

so yes that would have been like (pause) seven (pause) hours with him (pause) six with (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) teacher

Speaker 2:

oh God aye can you imagine that ugh one teacher seven hours half the A level course no thank you horrible that mm ah well that's school talked about (interruption) hate school (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) so what you know eh the Saturday we the Saturday after we start summer

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

is the party's still on is it

Speaker 2:

yes and no

Speaker 3:

and no

Speaker 2:

yes it's on no I don't know if you'd wan if I I or you would want to go (laughter) because I've been asking about and eh everyone's virtually vetoing it (laughter) they're not going just like basically (laughter) they're not going to go

Speaker 2:

I don't know I eh I think she's upset somebody oh she was unbearable last night at the training every five minutes she was talking so like go away go away sick of her

Speaker 3:

she's got to mention it (laughter)

Speaker 2:

it's every five minutes though it's not just like slipping it in like the conversation every five minutes (unclear) can't (unclear) 'you've got nothing planned have you' I said 'well I I I don't know I I might have something planned' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

the thing is we we break up on the Wednesday now isn't it

Speaker 2:

yes she knows that as well so I I I think I don't need to give her an excuse I'll just not go if I divn't want to go

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I want to ask wh I want to I says to her t 'who else is going' she says 'oh I'm not sure up to now because some are going on holiday'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so I went 'how many's going to be there roughly' she says 'I wanted fifty' so I says 'are they all from your school' (pause) she says

Speaker 3:

what school is it

Speaker 2:

yes it's a all girls' school I thought (pause) (laughter) so like fifty girls from your school (laughter) I thought 'I I I don't know if I could like spare the time' (laughter) right I says 'oh well I'll see' then I asked 'who who's ha having a party at their house' because eh (pause) (NAME) at training she's rich

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean rich she's got a house the size of the school she's got like an estate (laughter) it's on a it's going to be happening in her garden the garden that's got a it's got a stream and a bridge and a pond (laughter) and a f a mini forest in the back garden as well so (unclear) my (unclear) she says up to now she knew only ten people who said that they were going to go so I says 'I'm not going if there's only ten' too boring plus she the way she carries on if there's more people I can like disappear

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

into the crowd (laughter) and she'd just be following us about are you going to go to see that Christopher Lambert film

Speaker 3:

I don't know (NAME) just asked us if I want to go I said 'it doesn't really appeal to us'

Speaker 2:

doesn't look that good to me when I saw it

Speaker 3:

another one of his future prison (interruption) things

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

because they had one child more than they're allowed had the a child you weren't allowed to have two children in the

Speaker 2:

aye (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

future and they had one and it died and they had another and they were put in prison (laughter)

Speaker 2:

aye over population aye it's stupid man mad I'm only saying because I I used you as an excuse actually (pause) so I can go to that party and she asks you whether I went to see Fortress this Friday I did right

Speaker 3:

oh right yeah

Speaker 2:

because eh

Speaker 3:

why what's happening this Friday

Speaker 2:

she asked us to go with her she's eh

Speaker 3:

what to see Fortress

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

is she into those sort of films as well

Speaker 2:

I says eh 'what do you want to see that kind of film for it's a violent film' she says 'I want to go and see it' (interruption) I remember I remember I mentioned it now

Speaker 3:

a bit of a crush on Christopher Lambert do you think (laughter)

Speaker 2:

I mention no I men I mentioned it last week I said I was going to go and see it so I said I thought I going to see it with you (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I says I'm going with (NAME) she says 'who is he' I says 'one I'm coming to the party with' she says 'oh right' she says 'you bringing a friend' I says 'uh-huh is that a problem' she says 'no' I went 'oh       ' (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) I says 'aye right' sick of her man (unclear) maybe I should start insulting her do you think that'll give her the message

Speaker 3:

look what it did to (NAME) though

Speaker 2:

oh she's not speaking to me at all now is she

Speaker 3:

is she not

Speaker 2:

no (pause) sixteen (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because she's just sick of us man it's about time took five days

Speaker 3:

I thought y you bumped into her in the park

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

did you not say anything (interruption) then

Speaker 2:

yeah I didn't say that I just spoke to (NAME) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

oh right well that could explain it (laughter)

Speaker 2:

aye (laughter) that's why it's did you not notice in geography yesterday she thought I was talking

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so she just shot off straight away oh I had to do something man she was getting unbearable

Speaker 3:

you did encourage her

Speaker 2:

I did not

Speaker 3:

yes you did

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

well there's I mean

Speaker 2:

everyone's saying that I did not lead her on right well (pause) well not really how how did I encourage her I spoke to her and that was it she took it as like 'oh he fancies us like mad he's speaking to us' (laughter) (pause) no

Speaker 3:

no but then when she sort of she hit on you and you ca you carried on playing the fool for her

Speaker 2:

I know I should have eh

Speaker 3:

the more she (unclear) the more you

Speaker 2:

I should have stopped it I should have stopped it dead shouldn't I I don't know oh but I didn't look like that expe that's my experience for the week that was my my bit of experience thought she would have got the hint you know but she didn't oh (unclear) just concentrate on the main objective

Speaker 3:

what's that

Speaker 2:

who do you think (laughter)

Speaker 3:

well who is it

Speaker 2:

who trouble is that's wha you know what eh

Speaker 3:

here at school

Speaker 2:

oh there's loads like her oh aye there's on at school

Speaker 3:

are we talking about away

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

talking about here or away

Speaker 2:

oh it just well it all depends

Speaker 3:

at home or away

Speaker 2:

oh there's two (laughter) there's two you know what I'm like I don't know (laughter) I just keep my options open me (pause) eh that's where she got it from you know because when I go and talk to (NAME)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she was there as well so she's got

Speaker 3:

is she best friends with (NAME)

Speaker 2:

I don't know you see I think that's what it's getting to be like that (pause) so (unclear) go over and talk to (NAME)

Speaker 3:

it used to be (NAME) and (NAME) didn't it

Speaker 2:

aye (pause) now she's thinking I'm talking to her I'm not like doing I'm not even directing the conversation towards her either but she's they're coming in aren't they

Speaker 3:

mm talk

Speaker 2:

interfering (laughter) basically (laughter) so I think she she's took it the wrong way I think I've convinced her now though so it shouldn't be a problem I hope not unless she gets like really psycho with us (pause) like s (pause) (unclear) probably knowing my luck she'll tell (NAME) what a nasty guy I am she'll have nowt to do with us either it's probably what's going to happen

Speaker 3:

mm well how can she (pause) tell (NAME) (pause) how nasty you are when you haven't really been nasty to (NAME)

Speaker 2:

eeh I know I know see I don't know how (unclear) (pause) if not just move on to somebody else (laughter) (unclear) so eh (pause) so who was it I saw the other day

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that was another party I got asked to you can come with us on that one as well that's in August

Speaker 3:

oh right

Speaker 2:

can't remember the date but I'll get I can find out (unclear)

Speaker 3:

is this another karate thing

Speaker 2:

this is the lads that

Speaker 3:

this before or after the training week

Speaker 2:

I don't know it yet can't remember they haven't decided it's probably going to be

Speaker 3:

because if it's after then I'll probably lost because they're all they'll all be going on about how how good the training week was or something like that

Speaker 2:

no you won't they never ever talk about stuff like that (pause) never (pause) it's it's an unwritten rule basically you never talk about training outside (unclear) unless it's like for a competition or something like are you bragging about how winning the competition

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but like with regards to training it's just you never talk about it outside just it draws attention anyways and they're all like me you know all aggressive gits

Speaker 3:

are they the (unclear)

Speaker 2:

oh yeah (laughter) actually I'm (unclear)

Speaker 3:

thrown through (pause) windows and

Speaker 2:

no I probably won't

Speaker 3:

have chairs broken on my head (laughter)

Speaker 2:

I never get I've never been got into a fight with any when I've be when I've been there none of them have got into fights just too easy and mellow really well it's just their confident you see you don't need to (unclear)

Speaker 3:

beetle meter I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I met him hat ant battle batter drat it cart can't carter pot totter bottle font salt I got it caught daughter chortle haunt I bought it boat total motor I wrote it put footer put it in boot Bootle hooter bite title mitre pint bite it out fount outer pit bitter brittle print I hit it hilt beak wreck back I seek it I wreck it I back it will I give bri a sheet just carry on okay bank lamp leap cap steep it lap it apron matron micro Metro leprosy petrol acrid atlas hopper butter hacker topple bottle hackle whisper custard after whisker doctor chapter jumper hunter bunker appear attend occur appearance attendance occurrence alpine alter polker staircase half past half cut automatic Jupiter epileptic sheet read breeze key gate made may bought load go boot brood booze brew out loud cow site side size sigh side knife five knives dive dial Friday diary I've got to do it tomorrow I had I had to put it off he meant what he said he's he's booking separate tables for supper a simple sentence pick up a packet of fire lighters pack it in or beat it he's putting it off he put in a bid jump up on the tractor he won't do that in a hurry put a comma in it

Speaker 2:

sheet beetle meter I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I met him hat ant battle batter drat it cart can't carter pot totter bottle font salt I got it caught daughter chortle haunt I bought it boat total motor I wrote it put footer put it in boot Bootle hooter bite title mitre pint bite it out fount outer pit bitter brittle print I hit it hilt beak wreck back I seek it I wreck it I back it bank lamp leap cap steep it lap it apron matron micro Metro leprosy petrol acrid atlas hopper butter hacker topple bo bottle hackle whisper custard after whisker doctor chapter jumper hunter bunker appear attend occur appearance attendance occurrence alpine alter polker staircase half past half cut automatic Jupiter epileptic sheet read breeze key gate made may boat load go boot brood booze brew out loud cow site side size sigh side knife knive knives (unclear) five knives dive dial Friday diary I've got to do it tomorrow I had to put it off he meant what he said he's booking separate tables for supper a simple sentence pick up a packet of fire lighters pack it in or beat it he's putting it off he pu he put in a bid jump up on the tractor he won't do that in a hurry put a comma in it

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