Archive Interview: PVC12
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Speaker 1: | interviewerPVC12 |
Speaker 2: | informantPVC12a |
Age Group: | 16-20 |
Gender: | Female |
Residence: | Tyneside - Newcastle |
Education: | A-Levels |
Occupation: | Student |
Speaker 3: | informantPVC12b |
Age Group: | 16-20 |
Gender: | Female |
Residence: | Tyneside - Newcastle |
Education: | A-Levels |
Occupation: | Student |

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Interview Transcript
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I was supposed to have wrote a letter |
Speaker 3: |
who (interruption) to |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) this morning I forgot it |
Speaker 3: |
I haven't filled in my Sheffield thing yet (interruption) to ask for the |
Speaker 2: |
to ask for it |
Speaker 3: |
I've got to fill in the you know the last ehm accommodation place |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
are you asking about self catering |
Speaker 2: |
yeah because I mean I can't send off the final (pause) form until (pause) ehm (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
yeah (pause) (interruption) I know |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I feel like it's a bit of a waste of time me filling in because I'm not going to go there |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
dead negative attitude but ehm (pause) I don't (interruption) know |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know I had a nice dream last night that I got A B C (pause) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) all my dreams have been really bad failed maths completely |
Speaker 2: |
and (NAME) got a C and nothing else she got a C in history |
Speaker 3: |
oh crikey |
Speaker 2: |
and I don't know what you got but you were disappointed but like (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
actually that's my life story that (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
everything we got back about (pause) the exams or the results it had all your essays had had little comments written all over them |
Speaker 3: |
oh I know nightmare |
Speaker 2: |
it was really weird wish it was really like that |
Speaker 3: |
I know I'd hate I'm just ha going to hate the result's day when eh (pause) we've got to face the teachers |
Speaker 2: |
oh God especially Mrs (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
she'll be dead excited |
Speaker 3: |
Mr (NAME) he'll be terrible |
Speaker 2: |
at least Miss (NAME) won't be there |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I do I just want to hide when I see the maths teachers but |
Speaker 2: |
do they put them up on a board or (pause) do they put them |
Speaker 3: |
no (interruption) you've got to go in a room |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
and get them (pause) off Mr (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
they all know them |
Speaker 2: |
do the university see them as well like |
Speaker 3: |
they must yeah it's going to be awful I mean if you find out that you haven't got in anywhere what you going to do (pause) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
don't know try again I'm going to phone ring up and beg (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I know (pause) that's the thing the |
Speaker 2: |
make them let me in |
Speaker 3: |
that's the thing the th the universities have like already made their minds up and everything |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I'll give you m the phone numbers for clearing in case as well |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I know |
Speaker 2: |
you can come with me (laughter) oh |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) oh |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
did you get (pause) accommodation from Chester |
Speaker 2: |
yeah (pause) and it's really hopeless |
Speaker 3: |
but have you had to fill it in and send away the choices |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
I haven't heard anything from Salford (pause) (NAME) hadn't heard anything (interruption) from any of hers |
Speaker 2: |
eeh she hasn't heard anything from Sunderland |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
and she sent them ages ago |
Speaker 3: |
but ehm I don't think you'll get to live anywhere near |
Speaker 2: |
no |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
they won't they'll have to eh get them a flat or something |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
no but Chester's it's really hopeless (pause) I just don't want to go there |
Speaker 3: |
I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
because the accommodation sounds really awful |
Speaker 3: |
I know when we were there it was like it was okay (interruption) but it was dead dark and |
Speaker 2: |
it was a lot like a school (unclear) I know |
Speaker 3: |
I'll be so sick of school |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) says they tell you what to do all the time so I don't think (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
if I don't get in there I'll not go anywhere (pause) (interruption) I would not (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
try again next year |
Speaker 2: |
I'm not doing maths I know that |
Speaker 3: |
no way |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know (pause) I'm not doing German |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
like I don't want to do history either I hate that as well |
Speaker 3: |
can't believe that (pause) it's |
Speaker 2: |
I'm sick I've got too much to do and I can't be bothered to meet (NAME) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
where are you going like |
Speaker 2: |
town (pause) just for a drink or something (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
oh right |
Speaker 2: |
because |
Speaker 3: |
when was it her birthday last (pause) weekend |
Speaker 2: |
yeah and she's going away on Saturday morning so |
Speaker 3: |
where to |
Speaker 2: |
the Wirral to live |
Speaker 3: |
to live |
Speaker 2: |
did I not I tell you |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
no she's moving she went you know she went down a |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) and (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
no I was there when she was with her friend (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
well he said that she'd moved (pause) to ehm (pause) L Liverpool and I didn't believe him and then I spoke to her last week and she said she was moving down there for good because her cousins live there (pause) in the Wirral |
Speaker 3: |
so her family's staying up here and she's going down there |
Speaker 2: |
her and her sister are going down but her sister's coming back (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
living here or with her cousins |
Speaker 2: |
live with her cousins (laughter) God |
Speaker 3: |
see (NAME) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I know I'll have to give her his address ehm yeah just going on Saturday morning so |
Speaker 3: |
so is she l leaving her job and everything and school |
Speaker 2: |
yeah well she's only at college so |
Speaker 3: |
what's she going to do |
Speaker 2: |
she's coming back for her results she might try and go to Liverpool I think she's |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh but she's going through clearing |
Speaker 2: |
I think so because she's not sure if she wants to go anymore |
Speaker 3: |
never lea just leave home if I wasn't going away |
Speaker 2: |
she just wants to go (pause) she's sick of it here she says it's boring it's much better down there |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
well I suppose if she's got a family that'll be easier for her but I mean if you were going down by yourself |
Speaker 3: |
I suppose but |
Speaker 2: |
no I don't know she might not get on with them or something I'm not sure |
Speaker 3: |
oh right |
Speaker 2: |
it's dead weird (pause) but (pause) I don't know I've I should meet her tonight but I don't want to |
Speaker 3: |
you what |
Speaker 2: |
I should meet her but I don't want to I want to go and meet (NAME) after football (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
oh right I'll be coming in from cleaning |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
oh it's a nightmare I'm only going back eight more times I think not that I've told them I don't know when to tell them I don't know whether to say like (pause) on Thursday |
Speaker 2: |
leave leave on Tuesday and have a few nights off (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I'm going to need the money I worked out if I go on ehm (pause) eight more times (pause) altogether I'll have got sixty nine pounds I told you that yesterday didn't I |
Speaker 2: |
yeah oh (interruption) I might be going (unclear) next week |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
she was blowing it all on clothes though |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
she's got no spending money you know |
Speaker 3: |
has she not |
Speaker 2: |
no she keeps j just spending all of it |
Speaker 3: |
I'll I reckon I'll have my spending money in I've got to make a list of all the things I still need |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
I need like loads of things for my holidays |
Speaker 2: |
I know but like (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
has (NAME) like been paying (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
no she's paying her in August and September (pause) because (pause) like (NAME) just wants money before she goes to Malta |
Speaker 3: |
yeah is she going anywhere else because (NAME) was convinced she was going to go somewhere with (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
no she hasn't got any money though has she |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
I mean it's not as if she can just get two hundred pound out of nowhere |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) eeh |
Speaker 2: |
but he's going to Malta with them so |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
thing is like when (NAME) phoned us yesterday asked us to go to town with her today I felt so bad I couldn't say no |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 2: |
you know |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 2: |
and now I feel bad for not telling (NAME) but (interruption) I know if I say to (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
oh I know it's really stupid |
Speaker 2: |
I'm going (unclear) I'm going to get like the third degree (interruption) about it |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) I was telling (NAME) that ehm (pause) he felt bad because (NAME) like (pause) is dead nosey about |
Speaker 2: |
oh I know it would drive me mad |
Speaker 3: |
he's be he thinks we're really stupid (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I know my mam says 'yous are stupid yous are letting her manipulate you again making you feel guilty when you shouldn't have to (interruption) feel guilty' |
Speaker 3: |
I know I know it's just the way that she's on the phone (pause) straight away (pause) afterwards |
Speaker 2: |
oh I know |
Speaker 3: |
I don't know it's really stupid |
Speaker 2: |
I'm thinking eeh I hope she's not going into town today in case I bump into her when I'm with (NAME) (interruption) (unclear) I shouldn't go |
Speaker 3: |
I have to I wonder whe |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
and the one day I was going to stay in all day and they don't come so I'll probably have to stay in tomorrow and (interruption) I was wanting to go out and I'm really sick because I don't think I should have to stay in (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
mm mm |
Speaker 3: |
and I just wish they'd |
Speaker 2: |
we'll have to go and get her a present my mum says she was getting her a travel iron (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) I says 'why' she goes 'oh well you yous'll have one on holiday' |
Speaker 3: |
I think we should get her I'm going to get a beach bag or something I I said that and she was going mm yeah 'mm-hm' (unclear) bag |
Speaker 2: |
I think I think it was for holidays |
Speaker 3: |
I know I went through everything she needed for her holiday and she didn't she didn't she didn't want sunglasses or anything (laughter) like that or sun cream |
Speaker 2: |
she was in cycling shorts the other day for some strange |
Speaker 3: |
fair enough |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
well she w you know how she'd wanted a school bag |
Speaker 2: |
oh uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) and she goes 'no I don't want one because we'll have left' I says 'I know what about a bag for the holidays or something' but eh (pause) (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
maybes just buy her a top but I wouldn't know what size to get her |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) she's dead fussy though she's got dead (unclear) tastes but she probably wouldn't like |
Speaker 3: |
I know I was quite surprised at the dress she bought |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
I think so |
Speaker 2: |
I can imagine her wearing it though |
Speaker 3: |
she was showing (NAME) at work and she was going she was 'either could wear a top underneath it or a blouse' |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
I don't think it'd go with a blouse |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
eeh we're dead bitchy aren't we (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
dead bitchy |
Speaker 2: |
she says that (NAME) bought some of them (pause) jeans |
Speaker 3: |
she told us she's bought |
Speaker 2: |
Ecu Ecru or something jeans |
Speaker 3: |
oh they're the ones she wanted aren't they |
Speaker 2: |
aye |
Speaker 3: |
she she told us she bought us this tape and I have (laughter) no idea what it goes like or anything I goes 'oh yeah I think I know it' because I never know |
Speaker 2: |
which one |
Speaker 3: |
it's a dancy thing I'm don't really know many |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
the names of any dance people or anything like that it's dead stupid (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) (unclear) oh I'm sick I |
Speaker 3: |
and then I said you know the advert for the travellers' cheques American express |
Speaker 2: |
oh yeah |
Speaker 3: |
I'm getting dead worried now in case |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I lose mine (laughter) on holiday we're going to have to (pause) get them back (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
you'll not lose them |
Speaker 3: |
I know if they get pinched I would get Barclays Bank ones (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know that we should take carry our money everywhere with we when we go away or |
Speaker 3: |
all of it |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
or we'll get mugged |
Speaker 2: |
aye that's the thing too hot (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) I know |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) apartment |
Speaker 3: |
I know it's like what do you do with your passport leave it in the safe but then what if the safe gets broken into and they take your passport |
Speaker 2: |
you're done for you'd have to stay there what a shame (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I know (laughter) no money though |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
oh dear |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) but it's just I don't know what to do when I come home because like (interruption) my mam and dad are still away until the Friday night |
Speaker 3: |
what about oh right |
Speaker 2: |
so |
Speaker 3: |
I know I was asking my sister if she was going to be back but she said she didn't know (pause) and I was saying that they had to come back |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
because it would spoil my holiday and everything and I don't know what she's doing (interruption) getting dead confused |
Speaker 2: |
my mam was asking us what I wanted to do and I |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) now she's going on holiday |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I says (NAME) said |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) said that ehm (pause) I could stay at hers she says but I don't know I think it'll be just a case of when I come home and decide then |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
because I might be sick you know what I mean (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I don't know w I mean sh they keep saying they don't know but I (pause) told her I need to know before I go so that I know if anyone's |
Speaker 2: |
God otherwise you would have to end up cadging lifts off (interruption) them or getting a taxi |
Speaker 3: |
oh I've got another I got another thing from Callers Pegasus ehm saying that we've paid it all and the name change has been done |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
and it's on the form I got another form from Sun Express and it's just the same as the other one but with (NAME)'s name on |
Speaker 2: |
but I want to know if ehm when we're going what time we're going and (interruption) everything where we're going from |
Speaker 3: |
I know and then it says they'd |
Speaker 2: |
a week before |
Speaker 3: |
that's only three weeks |
Speaker 2: |
mm I want it now (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
it says |
Speaker 2: |
it's like (NAME) had to go ten days before to get his tickets or something |
Speaker 3: |
well th they said at Callers Pegasus ten days but then on the thing it said seven days (pause) but ehm but ehm |
Speaker 2: |
eeh we won't be able to go though we'll be at work (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
it says on the thing (pause) T B A at |
Speaker 2: |
that's because I told her that |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
she she was convinced the other day that we went from Gallowgate |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) and I I mentioned Dobson Street and you know when she was looking at the the maps and everything |
Speaker 3: |
and she got |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
the times |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
it was only then when I (pause) mentioned John Dobson Street |
Speaker 3: |
oh I don't know we'll have to find out but we're the only ones getting on in Newcastle |
Speaker 2: |
I know my mam wants to know so then she won't have to take a half day if we go in the morning |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
because loads of people are on holiday so it's a right hassle |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
like thanks very much don't want to inconvenience |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) was going to come when we went to Butlins but I didn't I didn't want him to (unclear) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
it'd be too sad |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) no I would just have felt really stupid (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
because everyone's mam and dads were there |
Speaker 2: |
I think we should go and meet them from the airport when they come home |
Speaker 3: |
mm no I (unclear) feel really stupid because it's his mam and dad be there |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
where will |
Speaker 2: |
because they're wey if they're still going to go they'll be in Lanzarote |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
so well I'll go and stay at his |
Speaker 3: |
Majorca was on holiday programme last night (interruption) my mam's getting excited |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) I know |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
it's hopeless Magaluf looks really awful |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
have you seen the state of it |
Speaker 3: |
I know it came on and they had all these |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
'it looks horrible' and all this |
Speaker 2: |
it did it looked awful (pause) (interruption) (unclear) the bar and stuff like that it's really silly |
Speaker 3: |
it had like I hope it's nice where we're going |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME)'s convinced she's going to drown in the sea because the beach slopes |
Speaker 2: |
I nearly drowned in France when it did that the beach |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
a wave came |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I was like sick |
Speaker 3: |
I was on (pause) holiday with my (pause) grandma and granddad and we were at the caravan site and there was this pool and I was just about seven or something this man came along and pushed us in |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) could hardly swim and he thought I was someone else and I was like |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I was choking I had to be rescued it was horrible and then I w |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
it's like when I got stung by a wasp |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
by a dead wasp |
Speaker 2: |
no but at least our apartments at least we've got like a (pause) bar and stuff like that and (pause) swimming pool |
Speaker 3: |
yeah compared to last year the apartments in Benitses |
Speaker 2: |
that sounded really awful |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) going to be dead funny because th they'll have |
Speaker 2: |
I know I've told him I think it's going to be rubbish (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I told him I think he's going to die |
Speaker 3: |
I'm going to end up in jail |
Speaker 2: |
he's going to end up with blood poisoning or something or too much alcohol because they're disgusting |
Speaker 3: |
they'll probably eat prawns does (NAME) eat seafood because (NAME) was going to eat it |
Speaker 2: |
yeah she does like it |
Speaker 3: |
tell |
Speaker 2: |
I think she does |
Speaker 3: |
because eh she'll get what |
Speaker 2: |
God |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) did last year |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
what actually happened to her did she go to hospital |
Speaker 2: |
I think so yeah she was in a c wey (NAME) reckons she was in a coma |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) how can any (unclear) called (NAME) reckon |
Speaker 2: |
yeah well I don't believe anything she says (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
but it would have cost loads to go to hospital and everything pay the hospital |
Speaker 2: |
eeh I know |
Speaker 2: |
that's what that's what me and (NAME) were saying you know about (NAME) how she's not eating I'm saying 'God (interruption) she might start collapsing and stuff like that' |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh I was telling (NAME) (interruption) and he was just going 'oh she'll be all right man really' |
Speaker 2: |
and and then (NAME) was going 'well what happens if she's got to go to hospital or something' (laughter) she says 'and then we'll have to pay all hospital (interruption) fees' because she couldn't get back come back until after |
Speaker 3: |
it's because she could get sun stroke |
Speaker 2: |
I know she's got to eat she's stupid |
Speaker 3: |
she'll have to have some breakfast because we'll have to walk to the beach and then be doing like (pause) swimming and things use up all her energy |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) she was going on about going running and stuff along the beach (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
who |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
there'll not be any room to run along on the beach there'll be too many people |
Speaker 2: |
I know too many people but ehm oh she was looking at pictures of like all the people on the beach she was going |
Speaker 3: |
yes it's high season it's a b busy two weeks (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I says 'well go and find you an empty beach then (pause) somewhere' |
Speaker 3: |
well we can there's little |
Speaker 2: |
boat trips |
Speaker 3: |
to secluded |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
doo da's |
Speaker 2: |
cloves co |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
coves |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
yeah but ehm |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I'll die (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
if she collapses though (pause) it'll be |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
but I'm really scared though when I had told (NAME) (NAME) says that she didn't really believe us like she just thought there was nothing in it you know what I mean but then when she was talking to (NAME) (pause) on Saturday |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah when she said what was she saying |
Speaker 2: |
she's going to drink water all day |
Speaker 3: |
and then eat at night |
Speaker 2: |
eat a sandwich or something (pause) for her tea (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
just a sandwich what's she going to do stay in the flat and while we're out eating loads of food |
Speaker 2: |
stuffing we faces |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
we'll have to force feed her (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I know (laughter) I want to go to pizza restaurants all the time and then get |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
I hope they've got (pause) ehm chocolate cake |
Speaker 2: |
and I want to go in that big swimming pool place with all the slides |
Speaker 3: |
I (interruption) don't like the slides |
Speaker 2: |
did you see the (unclear) the (pause) Butlins place on the holiday programme |
Speaker 3: |
yeah (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I thought it was where we were (interruption) because the slides were identical |
Speaker 3: |
I know (unclear) I know |
Speaker 2: |
I know they were the wrong way round as well (pause) (unclear) the slides in the wrong place and stuff |
Speaker 3: |
and you went down on mats |
Speaker 2: |
yeah (interruption) ah but that little kid who kept screaming |
Speaker 3: |
I know but they went down head first we weren't allowed to go down head first |
Speaker 2: |
must have been (unclear) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
and there was this little girl it was dead loud (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
my dad was going 'oh God oh God' all the time |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
oh she was the one who screamed |
Speaker 3: |
I know oh right |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
but she wasn't allowed on the rapids because she's too small |
Speaker 2: |
that stupid man I would say none of the life guards were that old oh actually one of them was wasn't he |
Speaker 3: |
that was the one who told you you couldn't (laughter) (unclear) (laughter) oh that was horrible that dead evil |
Speaker 2: |
when does next season start (pause) football |
Speaker 3: |
football I think it's the twentieth (pause) for the Premier (pause) League and thirteenth for the (pause) (interruption) First Division |
Speaker 2: |
oh I wanted it to start when they were still away because we'll be able to go |
Speaker 3: |
I know but |
Speaker 2: |
oh we were going to have their season tickets weren't we |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah (NAME) hasn't even got one (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
well he could have had (NAME)'s |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah yeah |
Speaker 2: |
they're going with (NAME)'s dad |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) and then if (NAME)'s dad doesn't want to go (NAME)'s going to go instead |
Speaker 3: |
yeah (pause) the first one's an away match anyway |
Speaker 2: |
it's Leicester isn't it |
Speaker 3: |
yeah (pause) and then there's one Wednesday and then the first home one's next Saturday (pause) because they've got to finish building the stand |
Speaker 2: |
yeah but have you seen they've still got standing bits |
Speaker 3: |
did they get it because (unclear) get beaten |
Speaker 2: |
they're the only |
Speaker 3: |
because they they weren't going to be and they (pause) asked and then they are now |
Speaker 2: |
yeah I think so he said 'I bet I'm in the standing bit' |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) but they had (interruption) seats last time didn't they |
Speaker 2: |
and I goes 'well why' I don't know |
Speaker 3: |
they'll probably get the same I'm sure they had seats they'll probably get the same ones |
Speaker 2: |
I says 'well why' |
Speaker 3: |
unless (interruption) they go in the new stand |
Speaker 2: |
I says (unclear) I thought you usually stood anyway because when you get excited you stand up (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
he goes 'yeah but if you go in the standing bits (pause) if you don't get in early you don't get a good place and sometimes you don't get in at all' I goes 'well (interruption) that's not very fair' |
Speaker 3: |
eh you'd have to get in if you paid |
Speaker 2: |
I think he's lying really |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) and apparently they'll be doing (pause) corner bits but not till next bit (pause) next season |
Speaker 2: |
God |
Speaker 3: |
it's (interruption) really stupid |
Speaker 2: |
I wish they'd hurry up it's took them ages |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
it looks dead huge like |
Speaker 2: |
but I got really mad at him when he started going on about the gym I was telling (NAME) because I spoke to her last night (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) was saying I should go because it's got loads of machines and it's dead good and they got told how to do everything (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
oh yeah he ran a mile in seven minutes or something last time |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah |
Speaker 2: |
wow great but ehm |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
when you go 'they weren't hopeless when you shelled out all that money for them weren't they not' |
Speaker 3: |
I know I know I bought (NAME) his |
Speaker 2: |
but I mean how much is do you know how much it costs to go |
Speaker 3: |
it's apparently they paid three fifty because they had a man telling them how all the machines worked (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
if you buy |
Speaker 2: |
God |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME)'s (interruption) going |
Speaker 2: |
so he's going to go three times a week and pay one seventy five every time he goes plus the two pound when he goes to football on Wednesday night |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
he's 'I'll probably not go every Thursday I can't afford it' |
Speaker 3: |
I'd ra I'd (pause) go during the day because it'll be dead empty |
Speaker 2: |
he reckons it doesn't open till seven o'clock or something |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I know that's what I was going he was going 'I think it opens at half six' I was like 'eh' I don't think he knows |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) says it's open all day there was a woman's class the man's class and then apart from that it's open all the time for anyone |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
unless he's got it wrong I (interruption) don't know |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
no but I was saying to her 'I'll meet you afterwards' I says 'I'll come down and meet you' I says 'if you go at seven right go for about an hour and a half I'll come down and meet you at half eight' he says 'no that's the point just go to my house' |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
there's no football on (unclear) telly the night (pause) only highlights |
Speaker 2: |
is there not |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
I don't know because I haven't got Sky I don't look |
Speaker 2: |
he's probably lying again |
Speaker 3: |
well at least I when I looked in the paper before there wasn't any (pause) football (pause) on like matches |
Speaker 2: |
when's the highlights on later |
Speaker 3: |
I think ten past eleven or something on (pause) ITV |
Speaker 2: |
going to have to phone (NAME) when I get home and say I don't know if I can |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
then I'll have to phone her back (pause) about half six and then (unclear) arrange what's happening |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME)'s got an interview this afternoon at two and then |
Speaker 2: |
what for |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
oh yeah what was his interview like yesterday |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) okay he said ehm (pause) (laughter) it was for a chef I can't believe he's going to do that |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
and the man who owns it was twenty two or something and he's got three other places and apparently this second one's only been working there a few weeks and he was on a hundred pounds and then he got up to two hundred and fifty or something |
Speaker 2: |
God |
Speaker 3: |
a week (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
oh uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
so it's going to get dead busy that's why they're wanting more people or something but I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
he'd be a bit hopeless since he can't even cook (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
there's millions of chefs at my work there's loads of them there's loads of like |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
ones who have to do all the stupid little bits |
Speaker 3: |
w when I was looking in the (pause) paper before about for the jobs and things |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
there's always someone wanting chefs and things |
Speaker 2: |
yeah I know I'd hate to be a chef |
Speaker 3: |
the thing is though they're dead unsociable hours |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) I hate them some of them at my work they get really really annoyed |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
it's like 'you touch it' and it really bugs us |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
you know we've got to go up you've got we've got to have like (pause) twelve (pause) people so you need like twelve plates so you've got to go up and |
Speaker 3: |
three times |
Speaker 2: |
three times (pause) to get them and they don't seem to understand that you can put another one on it and then carry another two in your hand but they won't let you (pause) they used to let you but now they've (pause) started being stupid (laughter) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) (unclear) Masterchef if he had to cook anything like that he'd be hopeless |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
it's all dead fancy and |
Speaker 2: |
he'd be like (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
I know I says (unclear) sort of recipes as (NAME) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
and (NAME) is |
Speaker 3: |
do they not |
Speaker 2: |
no they buy it in the only stuff that they make is like (pause) maybes the soup and the ehm (pause) they just do vegetables |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
and the salad and that but they they buy everything else in like everything (pause) all the meat and everything |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) eeh me and (NAME) are going to go out for one meal on a a Sunday dinner on a |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and (NAME)'s who I normally and s like see ehm because it's like (NAME)'s my mam's college friend from Ripon |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and ehm her daughter's the same age but ehm she's got (pause) to work on Sunday as well so I'm not going I was going to but I'm not so I'm not going I'm going to go out for |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
dinner |
Speaker 2: |
you should go to bea where (interruption) we went to Beamish |
Speaker 3: |
he was saying go to the Corner House I says 'what the Corner House it's miles away' |
Speaker 2: |
go to where we went to Beamish that was nice there |
Speaker 3: |
yeah it was |
Speaker 2: |
probably be dead busy on a oh we went on a Sunday what am I talking about |
Speaker 3: |
yeah was dead busy compared to Monday that was dead empty |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
I |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) I know oh God I can't believe I'm going to town tonight it's so dead |
Speaker 3: |
and this afternoon |
Speaker 2: |
I'm sick of the place and I'm going to have to go with you again to get ehm (pause) her present |
Speaker 3: |
mm oh I keep it's only Wednesday isn't it |
Speaker 2: |
I know I keep thinking it's Thursday today |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
the weeks have gone dead slow since we've had the exams |
Speaker 3: |
I think they've gone dead fast I can't believe it was like I suppose when you think it was only last Monday but it seems like ages ago |
Speaker 2: |
the days have gone dead fast but the like (pause) the week's gone dead slow you know what I mean like |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
the day goes dead fast but (pause) you think it's later than what it is |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) I just I think that (pause) I've had too much |
Speaker 2: |
I know I did last night I was so lazy I was like I just couldn't do anything |
Speaker 3: |
I did I was (pause) dead tired my legs were aching |
Speaker 2: |
it's like when (NAME) phoned us from town I was just like 'eeh sorry I can not be bothered to go out' (laughter) 'I'm staying in here' |
Speaker 3: |
she I don't know she's dead weird she can never (pause) stay in by herself |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
she's always got to have someone there with her |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
on a Saturday night it just im (interruption) it's not possible for her to stay in |
Speaker 2: |
she she's lost oh she's lost though on a Saturday night you know |
Speaker 3: |
sometimes I just love staying in (pause) and watching the telly and cabbaging |
Speaker 2: |
oh she is though because she hasn't got (NAME) sh (NAME) isn't here and wey she never seen him on Saturday anyway and like we all go out with our boyfriends and stuff (pause) so |
Speaker 3: |
oh (NAME) is |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I wonder if he survived the plane |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
the flight |
Speaker 2: |
probably |
Speaker 2: |
he's stupid can't believe he was dead scared |
Speaker 3: |
I know and apparently (laughter) (NAME) said his mam was going mental because ehm he'd they'd had to go on like a (pause) car to |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
if they'd ever wanted to go abroad on buses and things because he wouldn't fly and then as soon as he gets a chance not to go with them he's on the plane |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
it's like (NAME) last year apparently he was like holding two Mars bars he was that like tense when they were flying and things and he |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
he squashed them they all squirted out of the packets because (interruption) he was like |
Speaker 2: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
dead tense I don't I don't know why people are scared of |
Speaker 2: |
no (NAME) says (NAME)'s scared as well because he's never flown before (pause) (NAME)'s scared because he had to think about him (interruption) dying |
Speaker 3: |
I think it's dead exciting I was I was saying to (NAME) the only time I when I was going to Majorca with my grandma and granddad I was frightened to fly because I thought the planes went upside down |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) and I was only little so I didn't understand but I otherwise I think it's dead good |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
mine did a little bit eeh when we went to Spain |
Speaker 2: |
and she started f like sc screaming her head off |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
and crying and stuff |
Speaker 3: |
it was (NAME) (NAME) or someone like that was there someone called that in the l year below us |
Speaker 2: |
yeah uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
in middle school and he was crying his head off with the pain |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I c I thought eeh and I was the only one who had sucky sweets and so I had |
Speaker 2: |
God no (interruption) my ears never popped |
Speaker 3: |
I got dead upset when they ran out of those pens you know the pens you always buy Parker pens with the |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
aeroplane on I was going to buy everyone one and everyone ehm on the plane on the way back they'd sold out and I was dead upset |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I couldn't (pause) get anymore presents |
Speaker 2: |
mm there was an advert in the |
Speaker 3: |
on the just the holidays for Majorca they had on the (pause) programme yesterday they were dead expensive |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh Magaluf was r |
Speaker 3: |
self catering four hundred pounds |
Speaker 2: |
Magaluf was really expensive |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
it's because it's the most popular place this year |
Speaker 3: |
yeah it's |
Speaker 2: |
it doesn't look that good though I don't think it does |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
it's just because it's got a nigh good night life |
Speaker 3: |
nearly everyone we know who's going's not going I mean (pause) (NAME) was going to go wasn't she (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
aye |
Speaker 3: |
why wasn't she |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know I just heard her say that she wasn't going on holiday anymore but all the lads from (pause) the Wirral (pause) they'll they'll be there now (pause) I don't think that (pause) (NAME)'s going with them he's going with |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
so I was like 'oh right' |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) and them from (unclear) are going to Magaluf |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) and all them's supposed to be |
Speaker 2: |
oh my e e eye I've got something in my eye |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm were you by yourself when you seen her |
Speaker 3: |
no (NAME) was on the bus I was on the other side and they were just (pause) chattering away I seen her (NAME) yesterday when I went to get the bus home she looked dead smart she had a ehm |
Speaker 2: |
yeah she did |
Speaker 3: |
black skirt on and a dead (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
yeah (pause) I seen her ehm you know where you get like the four hundred and that |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
down there |
Speaker 3: |
oh I was dead annoyed when I came |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
out of work last night I went to the shops because I was really thirsty to buy a bottle of Coke (pause) and I missed the four hundred and if I ha because there was a queue in the shop and if I hadn't (pause) bought anything I wouldn't have had to wait |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
so I had to wait for |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
can't believe (NAME) didn't finish till nine |
Speaker 2: |
I know like she phoned us and I says 'are you still at town' she went 'yeah' |
Speaker 3: |
I never seen I just seen her (interruption) when she went in then she goes down this other place I thought everyone did when I when she used to talk about it I thought everyone went to this other place then they started in Carlile House |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I know well there's other cleaners there as well from Northern Electric but from o our lot there's only (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I wonder if we should tell you know when we go on Wednesday to the (pause) McDonald's thing I wonder if sh we should tell them that we're going on |
Speaker 3: |
well I was thinking (interruption) it had on the back of that the what's it called |
Speaker 2: |
what application form |
Speaker 3: |
application form that it had (pause) stuff about the check list and I'm sure that someone (unclear) your holidays and then (unclear) to say you tick it |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
so whether they'll say something and if they say you can't go on holiday or something we'll have to |
Speaker 2: |
I know (interruption) because then I could just |
Speaker 3: |
then I'll have given up my cleaning job so I'll not be able to have (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I'll not have a job at all |
Speaker 3: |
I know I'll be back on the |
Speaker 2: |
because it'll be too late for us to get one for two weeks before we go away (interruption) I'll have no money |
Speaker 3: |
I'll be on the (pause) dole again |
Speaker 2: |
but ehm (pause) I don't know I was thinking we could just work and then (pause) we could like the week before we go say that we'd booked a last minute holiday ehm |
Speaker 3: |
they'll kill we |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
we'll see what they say on the training day (unclear) wonder if they'll give we uniforms (laughter) because my dad reckons we could do that and then say that we were only able to go because (pause) we got a job (unclear) that's the only way (interruption) we could afford to go |
Speaker 2: |
yeah I know what you mean |
Speaker 3: |
I feel dead mean on the cleaners I don't know what to say |
Speaker 2: |
oh they'll find someone else man |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
oh God I still need a suitcase I forgot to tell mam and dad about the ones in (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
oh yeah they (unclear) fall to bits |
Speaker 3: |
I know actually I was thinking more ehm Argos are having a sale so I'll have a look in there |
Speaker 2: |
yeah (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
well my mam and dad got new ones last year but they're (pause) on holiday the same time as me so I can't have them |
Speaker 2: |
I don't think (NAME)'s got a suit case either because his mam and dad need them for because they're going just |
Speaker 3: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
before he comes back |
Speaker 3: |
because everyone's going on the same time there's not enough suitcases |
Speaker 2: |
so he's going to have to get a new one |
Speaker 3: |
need them for going away anyway |
Speaker 2: |
eeh God I don't want to (unclear) I don't want to go |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I'm staying at home |
Speaker 3: |
we'll not get in anywhere (pause) I keep getting wrong for saying that all the time my mam and dad are always saying 'when you go away when you go away' I says 'what if I don't get to go away' |
Speaker 2: |
I know it's like sometimes I think oh I'll be away then but then I think no I'll not be |
Speaker 3: |
I know well it's like I've got a teapot from (NAME) and I keep thinking |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and have all my nice little things in my room and so then I'll be dead lonely |
Speaker 2: |
and (NAME)'s driving test's the (pause) October the eighteenth (pause) or something right (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
crikey it's years away |
Speaker 2: |
it's ages away (pause) that means he's been (pause) paying for lessons (pause) since a year past February |
Speaker 3: |
how's how's he taken so long |
Speaker 2: |
that's nearly like nearly two years |
Speaker 3: |
is it |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know |
Speaker 3: |
eeh |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know |
Speaker 3: |
when's has his (NAME) had another one yet |
Speaker 2: |
I don't think so well I wouldn't know |
Speaker 3: |
how many's she had three |
Speaker 2: |
two |
Speaker 3: |
two |
Speaker 2: |
this will be her third one but ehm I was thinking eeh God I'll be away then we'll not be able to even wish her good luck |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
I was saying to him 'are you going to write to us' he goes 'no I never write letters' |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
oh dear I know I keep (NAME) keeps putting a big guilt trip on us |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
for going away |
Speaker 2: |
I keep putting a (pause) big guilt trip on him for being horrible and going to the gym all the time |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
and playing football (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
eeh I was going to do so much this holiday (pause) do loads of exercise and everything |
Speaker 2: |
oh swim when we're on holiday (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
before the holidays though |
Speaker 2: |
I'm |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I suppose (pause) still I I want to go swimming |
Speaker 2: |
so do I I want to do everything (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I still haven't got my bike sorted out |
Speaker 2: |
I didn't think (NAME) was going to go to aerobics tonight then when I spoke to her yesterday she wanted to go and I'd already arranged to go out with (NAME) and I was like oh no but now I want to go and see (NAME) (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
oh dear then I thought (unclear) I could tell (NAME) that (pause) I might have to go to aerobics and then phone her back after I'd spoke to (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) oh it's dead confusing |
Speaker 2: |
and then (pause) I might go to (pause) aerobics with (NAME) next Wednesday instead I won't be able to go next Wednesday instead |
Speaker 3: |
you should go to the gym the morrow with them then |
Speaker 2: |
I won't be able to go next Wednesday I won't be able to go to aerobics next |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah that's the thing (interruption) as well |
Speaker 2: |
oh great and I can't go on Monday because if I go on Monday that means I won't see him (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
well I've got to tell them that I'm leaving work right |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
this Thursday otherwise I won't get paid but then I don't know whether I'll finish on the Thursday or the Friday I want to finish on the Friday so I get more money but I have to say about the Wednesday that I can't I'll not be there till half six |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
that'll have been a horrible day three till nine (pause) six hours |
Speaker 2: |
I wonder what we'll do he said we're going to be watching videos and stuff (pause) on that day and filling in forms and doing paperwork and stuff |
Speaker 3: |
that that means we're going to have to be (pause) upstairs because and they'll have to shut it |
Speaker 2: |
God I hope (NAME)'s not there I'm sure |
Speaker 3: |
he will be |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) said (NAME) was going on a different day I'm sure she said the ehm the fourth or something like that |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I'm sure it was a different day because they might be on two separate days |
Speaker 3: |
I wonder how many there's going to be there |
Speaker 2: |
well |
Speaker 3: |
I'm sure they've took on more than sixty |
Speaker 2: |
I think they've got a more than sixty yeah |
Speaker 3: |
more like a hundred |
Speaker 2: |
unless they've turned a lot of people down earlier |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
because we |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
because there'll have been loads of other people but he did |
Speaker 3: |
but (NAME) was going on the Friday |
Speaker 2: |
eeh I wonder if he got a job oh no I can't stand working (interruption) with him |
Speaker 3: |
it'll be dead routine |
Speaker 2: |
we're never going to get away from him you know |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
I was telling (NAME) he was going 'ah you're going to have to put up with (NAME) again' I says 'I'll just argue with him' (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
throw hamburgers at him |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) (pause) he's one person who I |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
I find it so easy to argue with him (pause) (unclear) going to be working there too (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
where'd she go on Friday |
Speaker 2: |
eeh I don't know (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I hope you've got the right date because I (pause) wasn't really listening |
Speaker 2: |
eeh I know |
Speaker 3: |
when he told us because I thought oh (NAME)'s got it written down what if he told me to go on |
Speaker 2: |
he wouldn't have told you to go on a different day man (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
we could ph I was thinking we could phone him |
Speaker 3: |
phone |
Speaker 2: |
McDonald's in Grainger Street |
Speaker 3: |
why |
Speaker 2: |
and check that that it is the right day |
Speaker 3: |
mm (laughter) I don't know or we just go and see |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) yeah if we d if we'd (pause) go on the wrong day we'll |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
should phone (NAME) (NAME) (NAME) and ask her |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
not that I know her phone number I'd feel really stupid phoning her |
Speaker 3: |
mm that was it (NAME) on the bus she was going went past McDonald's and she goes 'oh that's going to be a new McDonald's' and then ages ago (pause) like after she was she was |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) isn't it |
Speaker 3: |
and she was going (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
because she's getting at least I don't know it's a different kind of experience what do you do |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
after you know how to make chips |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) I mean |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
but she was going to work in the this pub as well at night time so |
Speaker 2: |
oh on the quay or something that's what she was saying when we were out last week |
Speaker 3: |
so I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
oh she (interruption) going to come out on Saturday though I don't want her to c |
Speaker 3: |
and then and then she told us she knew |
Speaker 2: |
you could ask (NAME) what day (NAME)'s going just to make sure |
Speaker 3: |
but he doesn't go on a different day |
Speaker 2: |
I know well just in case (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
and then you'll get confused but is (unclear) going to go out on Saturday |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know (pause) well (NAME) says she said she'd |
Speaker 3: |
there'll just be a riots |
Speaker 2: |
it'll be really amazing if (unclear) go out |
Speaker 3: |
I know it would (pause) liven the night up (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
but I don't want to go I can't afford to go my mam was going 'well just tell her (pause) you haven't got any money tell her (interruption) you can't go' |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh but it's she's (unclear) I mean it was like the other week she goes 'are yous coming out for my birthday' and like she was saying it as if (pause) so we couldn't say 'no' |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
because I was I don't know I'd feel dead mean |
Speaker 2: |
well so would I but I still don't want to go (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
I'm not going all night |
Speaker 3: |
no no way |
Speaker 2: |
and I'm not I'll go (pause) home the on the quarter past eleven bus |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
it's like when I when I found out that I meant to have been seeing him tomorrow night I says 'oh right so I'll see you on Monday and the next time I see you's on Sunday then' |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
'I've told you I'm going out' he makes this big deal of it 'well you're going out on Saturday' you know the one night out (unclear) if I arrange to do anything |
Speaker 3: |
and it's simply because we want to |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
I forgot to tell her to ask (NAME) about The Cooperage |
Speaker 2: |
oh no they're not going anymore |
Speaker 3: |
are they not |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME) doesn't want to go (NAME) won't go |
Speaker 3: |
so they're not none of them are going because he won't? |
Speaker 2: |
well (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
so why won't the others go |
Speaker 2: |
well he just doesn't want to go |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) (unclear) (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) (unclear) just doesn't want to go |
Speaker 3: |
I missed out myself |
Speaker 2: |
ehm (pause) (unclear) (interruption) because I'd said to (NAME) I'd said |
Speaker 3: |
because it'll be dead boring |
Speaker 2: |
'oh (NAME)'ll probably go if you go you know if yous go' |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
and ehm |
Speaker 3: |
just seen him |
Speaker 2: |
and then last night he goes (pause) (unclear) he was going on about the gym and everything I was in a really bad mood he goes 'oh I've got another bit of bad news for you as well' I was like 'oh God what' he goes 'we're not going to The Cooperage' I went 'why' he goes 'because they don't want to go' I was saying 'well can you and (NAME) not go' no he doesn't want to go if there's just two of we' I says 'well why it's not as if I'm going to be with you all night' (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
he can't have someone holding his hand |
Speaker 2: |
it really bugs me I was like 'oh God' they talk about us not doing anything without each other (pause) you know if they got ju |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
not just two of them could go every every one of them has to go |
Speaker 3: |
I know I know |
Speaker 2: |
I mean what was there was (NAME) (pause) (NAME) (NAME) (NAME) (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
all went I mean (laughter) it's like I was going 'are you coming into town tomorrow' 'oh we'll have to ask everyone' |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
they can't do anything without all of them going it really bugs us |
Speaker 3: |
I know the only reason they have (pause) in the holidays is because of (unclear) work |
Speaker 2: |
I know otherwise they'd be attached to each other |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
as they are every Saturday and Sunday |
Speaker 3: |
oh dear and then I get wrong for not having any sporting activities (laughter) for not playing football (pause) not going out and doing things |
Speaker 2: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
is it on in the morning |
Speaker 2: |
I think so I don't know |
Speaker 3: |
oh couldn't handle that if we were out on a sun Saturday night |
Speaker 2: |
oh I don't know actually I don't (unclear) it is but |
Speaker 3: |
is there any during the day or are they all at night |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know I think it's during the day sometime |
Speaker 3: |
I could go during the day |
Speaker 2: |
it's not at night because that's what I was thinking that'd be dead handy |
Speaker 3: |
is (unclear) during the day during the week |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
I've got a thing upstairs I'll have a look later |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know (pause) oh I can't be bothered to go to town again (pause) today I'm sick of the place |
Speaker 3: |
you might find your shoes |
Speaker 2: |
oh I forgot to tell you I went to Dolcis after |
Speaker 3: |
the cream ones |
Speaker 2: |
yeah so then I went to Dolcis and (pause) you know the the shoe versions of the boots that I got |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I think so |
Speaker 2: |
right I says 'can I try (interruption) a pair of them on in a size five' she goes 'oh I haven't got them in a size five' |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I says 'well have you got the other ones in a size six' she goes 'yeah' so she brought us them they were too big for us |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I thought oh crikey I'm never going to get them you |
Speaker 3: |
I was thinking that I might get blue blue ones because I've got loads of blue things now cream and blue |
Speaker 2: |
you see I think they're better |
Speaker 3: |
and they'll go better with my |
Speaker 2: |
black things |
Speaker 3: |
blue shorts and black (pause) ones (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
see if if I can't get them today I think I might just give up and buy a pair of black ones (pause) and then get a pair of coloured ones for just during the day (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I think I like blue because |
Speaker 2: |
mm well red doesn't go with anything I want but anything I've got but I still like those (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I know well that's I like the green ones but (pause) the blue ones'll go more with things |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm I don't know my things (interruption) are all different colours you see |
Speaker 3: |
but I like red well I suppose mine are all different things but |
Speaker 2: |
like I've got a pale colour you see I want the cream ones (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
if they're if they're a sort of like diff all different |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
but if I'm wearing lots of blue I don't want to wear black |
Speaker 2: |
but you know I want cream ones because |
Speaker 3: |
I'm going to get blue ones |
Speaker 2: |
because I've got the cream skirt and I can't wear red or black with my cream skirt well I could |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
but I don't want to |
Speaker 3: |
I going to have to get the blue ones in Dolcis for fifteen pounds because (pause) in Schuh (pause) the ones I liked in there were thirty six and |
Speaker 2: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
that's just ridiculous for a pair of sand shoes |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
because I don't know they didn't have any of the other ones I don't think in a nice blue |
Speaker 3: |
well they had the cream (pause) sole |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
but that'll get dirty (laughter) I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
oh I'm so annoyed I can't find what I want |
Speaker 3: |
I've I keep thinking I've got to make a |
Speaker 2: |
I've made lists I've lost them (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
they're in a book and I've lost the book |
Speaker 3: |
I had made lists whe when I was doing the exams of what I was going to do and I've ticked some things off but I haven't done any of the (pause) like fitness things that I was going to do (interruption) at all |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and I haven't (pause) done something else (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I was going to go jogging every day I've been and I wasn't really jogging (unclear) (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
yeah (NAME) said (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
of course you'd have heard she's going to me 'will you speak to (NAME) today' I'm going 'well yeah' (pause) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I hate the way she's got no accent |
Speaker 2: |
and ehm I says 'uh-huh' I says (unclear) going to the Metrocentre |
Speaker 3: |
I told her that (pause) as well so |
Speaker 2: |
I was like 'go away (NAME)' |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) said she was going to town with |
Speaker 2: |
she's a little cling on |
Speaker 3: |
did (NAME) buy anything |
Speaker 2: |
a checkie shirt or something and those jeans |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah I need some new jeans |
Speaker 2: |
I don't |
Speaker 3: |
I do |
Speaker 2: |
I've got mine (pause) I need a new boyfriend I hate mine (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) I |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
(NAME)'s just dead quiet though mm |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) he wanted a sun bed |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) that is really funny |
Speaker 2: |
he's getting |
Speaker 3: |
oh dear (pause) eeh I'm dead hungry I knew I was going to rumble then (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I want a su I wouldn't mind a sun bed |
Speaker 3: |
you what |
Speaker 2: |
I wouldn't mind a sun bed |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I've caught the sun look look look look I'm a bit red |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) wow |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) and on my arms as well a little bit |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) had been on it she totally burnt here it was really pink |
Speaker 2: |
on a sun bed |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
ugh |
Speaker 3: |
she'd fell asl fell asleep or something with it on |
Speaker 2: |
oh God |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I want to go just before I go away and you can go for fifteen minutes |
Speaker 3: |
if we have some nice sunshine wouldn't need it |
Speaker 2: |
I know but then the week before away was just when I was going to on |
Speaker 3: |
we'll be in McDonald's |
Speaker 2: |
we'll be at work so (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I'm dead sick I'll not be able to do anything I wanted to |
Speaker 3: |
I bet you I forget my references or something and they just say you can't |
Speaker 2: |
you only have to have two don't you |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
because I I can not get in touch with my boss (pause) to get one I think I'll just get my auntie (NAME) to write one for us because she's like she's sort of like a (pause) a big |
Speaker 3: |
I don't know who to ask |
Speaker 2: |
head waitress kind of thing |
Speaker 3: |
mm-hm I don't know who to ask at work |
Speaker 2: |
because he didn't s he didn't specify though didn't he not |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
two main references |
Speaker 3: |
he just said she's two main references I says 'well (pause) is one from school okay' and he goes (pause) 'mm-hm' because I says 'I'm not |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I think if we've written down where we worked they should like I know |
Speaker 3: |
phone |
Speaker 2: |
but I feel I feel dead cheeky though phoning (NAME) and going (pause) 'can I have a reference because I'm getting another job' because he might think (pause) I mean he knows it's only Saturdays so they know that you're not going to work there on a Saturday with mine it's all like like irregular you know what I mean they only just phone us up and ask us to work that (pause) he might |
Speaker 3: |
mm (pause) yeah |
Speaker 2: |
because that's what (pause) they're like sometimes but then other t other times (pause) people have jobs |
Speaker 3: |
I mean if I ask (NAME) she'll get all flustered at work and she's got really bad arthritis and it'll take her ages to write |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
she couldn't but then I don't want to ask Mrs (NAME) because she'll she always goes 'ho ho ho' |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
and (pause) laughs all the time |
Speaker 2: |
I just feel really really stupid phoning ehm work and asking for it though |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I think they might be a bit he might be a bit off if I do that so I think I'll just get my auntie (NAME) to write us one (pause) because she's sort of like a head waitress (pause) and she trained us (interruption) so she knows what I'm like |
Speaker 3: |
I wonder if they'll check up on them |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
number |
Speaker 2: |
phone number and the address or something (pause) so he can get in contact with him if he wants to (interruption) she's never hardly ever there |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) what can he write for them though I mean like (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
that mean that means you could get your mam to write one and pretend she was someone else |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
you know what I mean |
Speaker 3: |
it's daft (pause) and she'd been dead technical 'they're not references them they're testimonials' |
Speaker 2: |
oh she thinks she knows everything |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
she really bugs us (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
oh and she was asking us what if I was going on holiday and I was saying 'oh yeah going with ' (NAME) (unclear) standing there and I felt dead bad |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
because I don't know you don't know what to say |
Speaker 2: |
I know I'm going to feel dead bad saying 'oh I want them for my holidays' today because like |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah |
Speaker 2: |
have to be careful (unclear) (unclear) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I know but you can not not |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
oh so am I |
Speaker 3: |
the luggage labels |
Speaker 2: |
I'm just excited to be going |
Speaker 3: |
Callers Pegasus |
Speaker 2: |
this time in four weeks we'll be there |
Speaker 3: |
eeh yeah |
Speaker 2: |
will we |
Speaker 3: |
yeah we'll have just had we first night |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
eeh it's Wednesday I keep I thought it was Tuesday now |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I hope there's some nice (pause) food places because I'm not eating any (pause) horrible foreign stuff |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) there will be I mean did you see in Magaluf (pause) all of the ehm |
Speaker 3: |
no I I wasn't actually watching that I was making my tea |
Speaker 2: |
cafes and stuff like that it was all like (pause) chips and chips and beans and peas and (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
all I ever had right (pause) when I was in Majorca |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
that's all we ever had (pause) tuna eggs and chips |
Speaker 2: |
it'll be like that |
Speaker 3: |
it will be I hope there's a (pause) nice cheap pizza place we can go to all the time |
Speaker 2: |
there'll not be I hope there's not any horrible greasy (pause) men |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) men |
Speaker 2: |
there will be though that was (unclear) apartments though |
Speaker 3: |
I know I hope they're nice |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) horrible |
Speaker 3: |
hope the |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) don't know why I'm going to Spain really |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) the bella apartments honestly I hope they're nice |
Speaker 3: |
I hope we're facing the ehm (pause) pool (interruption) not the streets |
Speaker 2: |
I hope the bathroom's nice (laughter) that's all I'm bothered about |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I hope the bathroom's nice |
Speaker 3: |
as long as its bigger than the one in (pause) blooming the caravan |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
it was so tiny you couldn't move |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
oh do they |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know just bite my legs |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) bite you on the arms (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know I think she's lying |
Speaker 3: |
ehm I'm worried (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
because I'm scared to put it on |
Speaker 3: |
I get dead irritable |
Speaker 2: |
put cream on |
Speaker 3: |
with loads of |
Speaker 2: |
because I got it in my eyes |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
and I don't want to get an eye infection when we go away because I can't be bothered with one |
Speaker 3: |
n still take some stuff in case you do (pause) that'll get rid of it |
Speaker 2: |
oh yeah |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I keep thinking of all the things I've got to take and I've got to take a first aid little bag |
Speaker 2: |
I'll go and see Mr (NAME) |
Speaker 3: |
I need plasters and savlon and everything |
Speaker 2: |
yes I know they're on my list (pause) which I've lost |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I'll go and see my Mr (NAME) and get some eye drops |
Speaker 3: |
take my vitamin pills |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
Haliborange |
Speaker 2: |
yeah I need some new ones |
Speaker 3: |
I'll just take one (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I don't need anymore suntan lotions I've got all of them |
Speaker 3: |
have you got your twenty five |
Speaker 2: |
yeah I got it (pause) last week |
Speaker 3: |
did you |
Speaker 2: |
it goes it's white (unclear) it's white |
Speaker 3: |
the stuff's white or the |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
its the bottle white |
Speaker 2: |
the stuff's white |
Speaker 3: |
all mine are white |
Speaker 2: |
no but it says white so it must stay white |
Speaker 3: |
that's weird though (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
the other ones don't say white ugh |
Speaker 3: |
but then you'll be really really white if you put white stuff all over you |
Speaker 2: |
no (unclear) it's just for my mole |
Speaker 3: |
it's for your what |
Speaker 2: |
mole |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) the lip stuff it makes your lips a dead funny colour they go pur |
Speaker 3: |
aye (unclear) purply white |
Speaker 2: |
they look like dead horrible like frosty (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
but (unclear) just from that afternoon sitting out there and the next morning we were all like (pause) dead dry and everything |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
sunburnt (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) I was going to put some on but I didn't |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
so you're not putting twenty five on (pause) properly |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) mm |
Speaker 3: |
no that's all right then because I haven't got any twenty five |
Speaker 2: |
ehm (pause) it's like that face stuff I don't know whether to use it or not it smells quite nice actually though |
Speaker 3: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
because I was bored the other day just playing with one (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
all over my face |
Speaker 2: |
but you know on the end of it is that like a lip thing |
Speaker 3: |
I think so |
Speaker 2: |
because it doesn't say (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I I thought (pause) I didn't know how it worked |
Speaker 2: |
I thought it came out there and probably had to do that (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh I thought you had to squeeze it and it came out (pause) there but (pause) then you said you had to (pause) unscrew it |
Speaker 2: |
I know because you unscrew it and it's like a proper top |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I know but I didn't realize that |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
that's I thought |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
like toothpaste oh toothpaste (unclear) I'm going to have like the whole suitcase full of toiletries and sun creams and like |
Speaker 2: |
I know my mam was going 'you can't take loads of (pause) toiletries and stuff like you did to France that time' because when I went to France I had loads of stuff because you could take everything you wanted in the car |
Speaker 3: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) it's |
Speaker 3: |
I know you'll have to pack your hairdryer at least I'm not packing my thing |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
I wonder if (NAME) will get some batteries probably have to buy them |
Speaker 2: |
you know what she's like when she says these things |
Speaker 3: |
it'll be about ten pounds worth of b batteries |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
because they're they're expensive aren't they the big thick ones I think I'll just get some cheap ones for (unclear) they'll have going to |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
sixty hours |
Speaker 2: |
we'll get some when we're away as well because they'll have them (pause) somewhere |
Speaker 3: |
yeah but if we'll be able to plug it in surely when we're actually there |
Speaker 2: |
I should think so |
Speaker 3: |
so it's only for the travelling I need them |
Speaker 2: |
I need a new adapter |
Speaker 3: |
well we've got an adapter |
Speaker 2: |
because ours broke |
Speaker 3: |
but when I took it to Italy it didn't work |
Speaker 2: |
oh ours ehm |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
so we haven't got an adapter anymore because I was saying to my mam 'oh I've got an adapter I can take that' she goes 'no you haven't' |
Speaker 3: |
someone else is using it in France |
Speaker 2: |
yeah (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
ehm no we were supposed to have one and then when I got it to (pause) Italy it just didn't work (pause) and we had to use someone else's I don't know you must be able to get all different sorts |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm you can the one we got has got like loads of different things on it you can only use some bits in certain countries |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
but I thought it was for a two pin thing |
Speaker 2: |
yeah but some of them are like slightly different I think |
Speaker 3: |
yeah that's what it was (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I think I'll just get the same one from Boots and hope it doesn't get stuck in the wall again (pause) like it did last time |
Speaker 3: |
but you'd be able to buy them there as well though if you couldn't you know |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
they might be expensive though |
Speaker 2: |
don't know I'm sure we got another one |
Speaker 3: |
you can get a hundred and ninety five pesetas for a pound don't |
Speaker 2: |
oh God well I found out the other day what was it you can buy a bottle of beer (pause) in Greece for (pause) thirty six pence or something I was told |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) great means we're definitely going to die of alcohol poisoning |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) eeh dear |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
oh mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
she says she doesn't know whether to keep th whether to keep them or not I says 'well well why not' she goes 'well I might not wear them' I says 'I know but you've got to have something summery to wear at nights on your feet' you can not wear your boots or something like that you know what I mean |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
and she goes 'oh I |
Speaker 3: |
I bet I'll just end up wearing my sand shoes or sandals all the time |
Speaker 2: |
that's why I want something nice because I thought I'll just wear them probably loads (pause) like the cream ones probably wear them every night because I mean they go with anything (pause) ehm but she says 'oh but they might hurt my feet' I says to her 'well just don't wear them when when we're out' |
Speaker 3: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
'all night just wear them if we go out for something to eat or something like that' (pause) I says 'but I'd keep them |
Speaker 3: |
how much were they |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know right she ha she's had them for ages I'm sure she can not send them catalogue back to the catalogue now I'm sure she's had them since |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) shopping |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) Wednesday we're going to (pause) thingie |
Speaker 3: |
oh yeah (unclear) (unclear) go before that like |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
before three o'clock we could go |
Speaker 2: |
yeah (pause) |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
yeah (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
it's going to be really silly (pause) and that man's dead weird |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
I liked him but I thought he was dead weird (unclear) I was looking at him (unclear) between there (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) yeah I did because he was scary |
Speaker 2: |
and then I s I then I realized what I was doing then I wanted to laugh (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) I know |
Speaker 3: |
I hate interviews I hate anything like that |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
because I didn't know whether I don't know I got all dead flustered I couldn't speak (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I know on my way I was trying to say loads of things and everything kept coming out wrong |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
and I thought oh he must think I'm a right idiot |
Speaker 2: |
oh howay me |
Speaker 3: |
I can't remember actually what he said about it |
Speaker 2: |
so thick you know I can't remember like I've just done my A levels (unclear) (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I didn't even understand what he was going on about |
Speaker 3: |
you know you as |
Speaker 2: |
it was the way he worded it worded it |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I was asking a him eh I wasn't asking him he was he was asking me what I was going to do |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
after (pause) A levels |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I had been thinking of doing Law but then I decided to do English because I thought I may as well do s what I like best and he just I was I couldn't |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
get it out and it was coming out really funny all wrong |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
he probably thought we were dead stupid |
Speaker 3: |
I know |
Speaker 2: |
probably thought I'll take them on they're funny |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
they can't speak properly |
Speaker 3: |
anyway I think it's because I |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
because he said 'you've got to be easy to get along with' I says 'yeah' |
Speaker 2: |
I wonder if we're working at a the same time |
Speaker 3: |
oh if we do it'll be dead funny |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
I don't want to go by myself |
Speaker 2: |
oh I know I'll be too scared |
Speaker 3: |
God it'll be dead big |
Speaker 2: |
and there's so many other people going to be working there |
Speaker 3: |
I know it'll be much bigger than Harry Ramsden's |
Speaker 2: |
at least everyone's |
Speaker 3: |
yeah that's what I'm thinking if it o I mean God w how he'll probably put we on different things I hope I'm on the tills |
Speaker 2: |
w he might ask we to start going before the eleventh you know because ehm I mean I'm thinking if that's the day it's going to open we're going to be training |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) oh yeah (laughter) I wonder what he'll do if no one will come |
Speaker 2: |
no one'll get served or anything so |
Speaker 3: |
everyone'll come for chips and they'll all be burnt |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
unless that's just when we're because I asked when would I when would it start I think and he said 'eleventh of July' |
Speaker 2: |
just ehm when I says 'when are they open' it was the eleventh of July unless they get people in from the other McDonald's in |
Speaker 3: |
to help I don't know because now I don't know what to do about my cleaning because I'm not working any nights if I'm not getting paid there because (NAME) never got paid for only one night I think that's pretty nasty |
Speaker 2: |
did she not |
Speaker 3: |
no if I hadn't have gone back on Friday I wouldn't have got paid for the Thursday (pause) thing is about the woman who phoned up for the other one |
Speaker 2: |
aye |
Speaker 3: |
and all the others are like from I don't know (unclear) it's just they all smoke so much |
Speaker 2: |
oh yeah |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) it's really funny one of them |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
she's dead weird I don't know |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) got your slippers on |
Speaker 3: |
I know I have |
Speaker 2: |
are you going to take them when we go away |
Speaker 3: |
no I'm going to take some different ones |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
because these ones are old they've the stuffing in the middle's all coming out |
Speaker 2: |
I never wear slippers they get on my nerves |
Speaker 3: |
oh I love them |
Speaker 2: |
they close my feet in and I don't like it |
Speaker 3: |
oh I love new ones sheepskin when they're brand new because you're bouncing (laughter) all over the kitchen (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) oh I hate them |
Speaker 3: |
I know not last Christmas but the s Christmas before I got three pairs |
Speaker 2: |
my mam says I'll have to wear them when I go away (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I know they'll have dead dirty floors |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
especially when you go to a student house |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
their floors are terrible |
Speaker 2: |
that's what I'm thinking if I go self catering to these student houses I hope they're not as horrible as what some of the houses are that you get (interruption) in your second year and that |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I just don't know what to put down (interruption) on my (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
it depends |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and it's owned by this man so there is it not university housing so it's private housing |
Speaker 2: |
yeah private sector stuff |
Speaker 3: |
but they still got it through university |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
I don't understand |
Speaker 2: |
it's just that the university own them |
Speaker 3: |
yeah I know you can they've got a list of things |
Speaker 3: |
it's |
Speaker 2: |
a list of places where you can live |
Speaker 3: |
he's got three figures in house like that means he could have like a hundred or a hundred and ninety nine something like that and he's getting loads and loads of money and he hardly ever does anything nice to them but well I don't know I hope my dad buys my own house in York |
Speaker 2: |
we can go and live there |
Speaker 3: |
yeah be really good |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know I'm just dead scared though (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I want t I want to get some new quilt covers and make it all nice (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
I know I want to get dark colours my mam says because you won't be able to (interruption) wash them enough |
Speaker 3: |
I quite fancy |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know can you |
Speaker 3: |
beetle meter I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate |
Using the Interview Interface

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- The speaker panels on the right [3] provide background details for the interview participants. The colour of the panel corresponds to the colour of that speaker's utterances in the transcript.
- The audio and transcript text are linked in 20 second segments. Click anywhere in the transcript to start playback from that 20 second segment (the audio may take a few moments to buffer).
- Alternatively, you can click the play button (>) in the audio panel to start the interview from the beginning and then click on the audio time-line to jump to that part of the recording and transcription.
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- Select a theme from the panel on the right-hand side of the page [4] to highlight related key words in the transcript. The transcript will jump to the first relevant key word in the text. Scroll down through the transcript to see further highlighted words.
- Note 1: To preserve anonymity, personal names have been removed. They are replaced by "(NAME)" in the text, and silence in the audio. For the same reason, some references to places have also been removed, replaced by "(PLACE)" in the text.
- Note 2: Obscenities are blanked out in the text, and the 20 second segment of audio that contains them will not play. If the audio stops for this reason, click the fast forward button (>>) to resume playback with the next 20 second segment of audio.