Archive Interview: PVC05
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Speaker 1: | interviewerPVC05 |
Speaker 2: | informantPVC05a |
Age Group: | 61-70 |
Gender: | Male |
Residence: | Tyneside - Newcastle |
Education: | Left school at 14 |
Occupation: | Bus Driver (unemployed) |
Speaker 3: | informantPVC05b |
Age Group: | 61-70 |
Gender: | Female |
Residence: | Tyneside - Newcastle |
Education: | Left school at 15 |
Occupation: | Shop Assistant |

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Interview Transcript
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) it was yes |
Speaker 3: |
he's been a thingy photographer ever since haven't you |
Speaker 2: |
I have |
Speaker 3: |
a funny photographer |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) tells (interruption) me that |
Speaker 3: |
he takes you in |
Speaker 2: |
no not exactly in the same area well we were eh |
Speaker 3: |
of course we were (interruption) both in the same (interruption) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
both in the (interruption) same street (interruption) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) but ehm I was brought (interruption) I was actually born in eh (pause) down by the quayside |
Speaker 3: |
mm (pause) (interruption) were you not born in any hospital (interruption) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) that's where I (interruption) yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
well you never (interruption) telt us that |
Speaker 2: |
in Jubilee Street |
Speaker 3: |
Jubilee Road were you born in the Princess Mary (interruption) as well |
Speaker 2: |
in the Princess Mary yes |
Speaker 3: |
well there you are I didn't even know that |
Speaker 2: |
aye yes |
Speaker 3: |
I was born there as well |
Speaker 2: |
I was born in there and eh (pause) we lived down in eh (pause) down the right by the quayside and then we just moved around from there I forget how many houses we actually lived in (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) you know she was a bit like a Romany actually (laughter) oh she was (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
aye but she's still alive she's eh eighty seven this year |
Speaker 2: |
yes eighty seven this year |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
and eh |
Speaker 3: |
aye but she would have moved a few times while you were evacuated you've got to tell her about while you were evacuated |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
two strange children (laughter) under her own roof (unclear) style eh we came back home and eh (pause) that's my sister and myself the youngest eh the younger sister at that time (pause) and then eh we got evacuated |
Speaker 3: |
but you didn't want to leave did you |
Speaker 2: |
no no I would have stopped up there all the time if I could have and eh |
Speaker 3: |
the lady who had him just died (pause) last year |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
we kept in touch didn't we |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes |
Speaker 3: |
well |
Speaker 2: |
well I lost touch I didn't go back for quite a while (interruption) and then until we were |
Speaker 3: |
oh you must have been older than twenty five |
Speaker 2: |
I was older than twenty five |
Speaker 3: |
because we had the two girls |
Speaker 2: |
because we had the two girls (interruption) by then |
Speaker 3: |
and he went on a trip from work up to Cumberland and he thought he would look for them didn't you |
Speaker 2: |
yes aye |
Speaker 3: |
and he found her |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and she was delighted |
Speaker 1: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
and we kept the relationship going right (interruption) until last year well |
Speaker 2: |
oh aye |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
because he didn't realize that she'd had a daughter after he had left |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you see when he'd gone to the house this girl had come to the door and (pause) well she hadn't a clue who he was and he didn't have a clue (laughter) who she was but as soon as he said who he was they were delighted weren't they |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
he called her (interruption) aunt (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
they were over the moon |
Speaker 3: |
and uncle (NAME) didn't you |
Speaker 2: |
yes I did |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I did the only the young lad at the time their only son they had I used to have to look after him that was one of my jobs eh I even got a job up there while I was there on a Saturday job |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
you know sometimes at night when we'd work for the grocery |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) a market gardener (interruption) the fells |
Speaker 2: |
the fells and etcetera |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
round Borrowdale and everywhere |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
eh until he went in the army and then that put a stop to that |
Speaker 1: |
Speaker 2: |
and eh (pause) as I say I spent nearly four years there altogether (pause) and then I went back to Newcastle eh during that time eh at Keswick I only came home twice |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
I did eh by myself eh but there was always somebody |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and eh (pause) I can still remember it as plain as I as I can you know as anything and eh (pause) as I say they were very happy times for me up at Keswick eh |
Speaker 3: |
oh she was a lovely woman |
Speaker 2: |
she was (interruption) yes |
Speaker 3: |
she was really |
Speaker 2: |
yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
eh typical country (pause) you know she was plump and she was really nice aunt (NAME) I think he's he's well he thought a great deal of her actually he was upset you know when she died |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
last June |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and then you went in the army after that well |
Speaker 2: |
well eh (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
between |
Speaker 2: |
yes I went in the army eh well the very first job I had was eh (pause) in a fish shop I used to deliver the fish to the hotels you know and then eh I became a (pause) well a counter hand as you would say nowadays |
Speaker 3: |
fishmonger |
Speaker 2: |
a fishmonger |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
eh |
Speaker 3: |
actually that was just at Oxford Street wasn't it you know in Newcastle where ehm |
Speaker 2: |
New Bridge Street |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
aye where the where the library is (interruption) used to be a fresh fish shop there Mole's it was (pause) beautiful shop like wasn't it |
Speaker 1: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 2: |
as fish shops went during those days and eh |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 2: |
well I was in eh Egypt at the time at the at that time so I |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
eh it was really enjoyable out there |
Speaker 1: |
this was on National Service |
Speaker 2: |
that was in eh when I was in National Service yes yes |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
eh I tried to sign on for another year but they wouldn't have it so I said 'oh well' |
Speaker 3: |
they wouldn't have it because they wanted three year (interruption) and you weren't prepared to commit yourself to that (interruption) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) (unclear) you know (pause) I wasn't |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
yes so (unclear) |
Speaker 1: |
what did you think of that time then |
Speaker 2: |
eh |
Speaker 1: |
doing National Service |
Speaker 2: |
National Service I thoroughly enjoyed it I did yes eh (pause) started at eh doing my first basic training at eh Aldershot |
Speaker 3: |
camps |
Speaker 2: |
camps you know |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
eh it was an army eh an ammunition dump actually it was where I went |
Speaker 1: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
so we had some eh good times together and then eh we were put in |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
so |
Speaker 3: |
but I mean the point (interruption) is it was good for you wasn't it (interruption) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) spent nearly eighteen months in Egypt (interruption) oh yes yes I think eh |
Speaker 3: |
and I mean if they had it |
Speaker 2: |
well it wouldn't make |
Speaker 3: |
to the kids |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
you know although then again the army wouldn't take them now because I mean you have to have O levels |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you know |
Speaker 2: |
yes they're a bit eh (laughter) fussy who they take now (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
aye they are |
Speaker 2: |
they just took anybody in those days you know |
Speaker 3: |
no but I mean it was a good thing |
Speaker 2: |
mm oh it was a good thing yes |
Speaker 3: |
you saw life that you mightn't have saw |
Speaker 2: |
it was surprising I mean eh the number of people who were really backward in those days and they just eh you know they were in the (pause) same camp as me at the time or in the same basic training area |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and then but then again they were transferred you know I mean they |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
they were always put into the Pioneer Corps do you know what the Pioneer Corps was |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
well they were the ones who dug all the |
Speaker 1: |
ah |
Speaker 2: |
trenches and done the more or less the dirty work in those days you know |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
oh well long before then because I mean (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I think that still happens in these days |
Speaker 2: |
I don't know if |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
you know and eh |
Speaker 3: |
oh I don't think so not in the army I don't know |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
but I mean in the in this day and age I mean I mean anybody who's (pause) a little bit retarded (interruption) they give them all the menial jobs because we get them in our (pause) firm we had a one (pause) ehm (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) yeah (pause) oh yes (interruption) oh yes |
Speaker 3: |
on a ten weeks course this (NAME) she was twenty seven ehm a young twenty seven like ehm (pause) and she was sent to our firm and I mean she was working from nine in the morning (pause) ehm (pause) until five at night |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you know she was doing all them hours |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and she was doing the same as us |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
but more menial |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
you know they tend to give them that kind of thing and and it's not right |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 3: |
mind this girl she wasn't |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 3: |
she didn't ehm (pause) but they do that |
Speaker 2: |
well they it wasn't that they (pause) well those that they sent to Pioneer Corps they weren't (pause) backward eh as (interruption) as such you know (unclear) nothing mentally they just didn't get the ehm |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) they were illiterate |
Speaker 2: |
illiterate (interruption) as as such you know they hadn't had their education or anything you know I mean it's surprising how many didn't in those days and I certainly imagine that |
Speaker 3: |
hadn't had an education (pause) mm |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
you know they get on about how many people can't read |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
you know |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 2: |
and (interruption) you |
Speaker 3: |
well it's amazing in this day and age (interruption) isn't it |
Speaker 2: |
it was worse in those days than it is now but it's still (interruption) surprising how many (pause) can't read even now |
Speaker 3: |
well I mean a lot of kids (pause) they won't send to school |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
you know not that they're going in later life like going to eh going to be taught how |
Speaker 1: |
that's right |
Speaker 2: |
read |
Speaker 1: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
do you know what I mean |
Speaker 3: |
well I mean let's face it I mean during the war I mean you really lost a lot of schooling because I wasn't evacuated |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
like I told you on my phone on the phone my mother used to say 'well if I'm ganning to die you're ganning with us' (laughter) because there was only me and her you see my dad was in the army and he went to ehm (pause) he was in the Burma |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) (pause) (unclear) zip |
Speaker 1: |
mm (pause) oh |
Speaker 3: |
and that's how they called them siren suits and where I lived was in Shieldfield and your shelter I mean when I think about it now it was a a death trap it was Dampney's |
Speaker 2: |
mm basic materials you know (pause) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
varnish and everything was just up (pause) on these floors now the shelter you went down into the |
Speaker 2: |
you'll not stop it |
Speaker 1: |
(unclear) carry on |
Speaker 2: |
well as I say I didn't have much to do with eh air raids I was the only air raid I was really in where they dropped bombs on Newcastle was the first bombs that actually did drop in Newcastle at eh (pause) Spiller's |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
and eh at the time I was up eh beside Shieldfield Park and there was a big eh underground shelter there but you know we were |
Speaker 3: |
it's a friend of mine who was brought up in Newcastle |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
and I told her that you want another lady |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
so she said she'll come down in forty five minutes to give us time to finish this |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you could do her here if you like |
Speaker 1: |
oh right |
Speaker 3: |
aye so it'll (laughter) because she's |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
knows a lot doesn't she (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
oh (NAME) yes |
Speaker 3: |
and she can (pause) talk |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
eh so like I was saying about the (pause) the (interruption) raid and there was this terrific bang and the lights just went out |
Speaker 2: |
raid |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and you I mean I was I would be about |
Speaker 2: |
there was only the pub on the corner there |
Speaker 3: |
aye aye I'd be about ten then but it's vivid in your mind that |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and eh (pause) oh (laughter) it it's funny how the things that you remember because I mean we came up and we looked and (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
enough well I mean they were completely wiped out but there used to be a cake shop there oh it was a lovely cake shop she used to do all her own things but why we used to like to go in was funny |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 3: |
it was this cat had |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and when we came around these shelters had been blown into the street I mean the people were all right but I mean you could imagine how shocked they were |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
there oh there were some awful because where I lived I lived in ehm |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and eh (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
now if the air raid went on until after twelve (pause) you didn't have to go to school of the morning you didn't go to school until twelve o'clock |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
traumatic like and I mean eh (pause) but |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
what you used to get then I mean I can remember I think some well some people older than me'll say 'oh I'm going for my rations' and this is where it stems from |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
ehm about a pound of sugar and a quarter of tea and (pause) I think we got four ounces of bacon two eggs (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and if it didn't last until the Friday (laughter) well it was tough you know what I mean and as regards your tea and that because if your tea run out well it was camp coffee you know I can not drink camp coffee to this day |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
because I remember that so vividly |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
the kids don't realize what you didn't get |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and I mean the sweets were rationed so you you had coupons for them and it was a E for a quarter of sweets and if you had a D it was two ounces of sweets so what we used to do when we used to gan the pictures was ehm (pause) cocoa powder you know |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and mix it with |
Speaker 2: |
I know |
Speaker 3: |
I mean you'd come with (laughter) (unclear) like that or ehm |
Speaker 2: |
ovaltine (interruption) tablets |
Speaker 3: |
ovaltine tablets |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
and ehm |
Speaker 2: |
which you (interruption) didn't need eh |
Speaker 3: |
what was the other one sulphur tablets because we (interruption) we all must have had lovely skins (laughter) because you'd (laughter) eat sulphur tablets (laughter) for sweets (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
yes (pause) (unclear) |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
so |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
(unclear) had a ration although auntie (NAME) would have the ration book (interruption) in Keswick you know |
Speaker 2: |
oh (unclear) yes she did yes |
Speaker 3: |
but eh |
Speaker 2: |
that's when I worked for the (pause) when I started working for the grocery store there ehm |
Speaker 3: |
you got a bit more |
Speaker 2: |
we got a little bit more (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I mean it was the going thing then you know I mean if you worked for somebody well (pause) you got the benefit of it |
Speaker 3: |
aye well that's (interruption) that's |
Speaker 2: |
the butcher's eh etcetera eh they won't thems that work in the grocery shop |
Speaker 3: |
aye well we were (interruption) we were |
Speaker 2: |
weren't penalized as (laughter) for pension eh that |
Speaker 3: |
ration |
Speaker 2: |
ration |
Speaker 3: |
aye well my mother knew somebody who was in like the meat trade so we never went short of meat |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you know you could get well it was stewing steak and you got your joint and things like that you know I could never remember we being (pause) short of (interruption) meat but butter and (pause) oh |
Speaker 2: |
short of meat (pause) (unclear) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
biscuits and I well I loved biscuits |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) (pause) two rooms |
Speaker 3: |
aye well you couldn't call it two rooms really could you |
Speaker 2: |
well it was two rooms |
Speaker 3: |
aye you |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
you would have got it in here |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
in this room |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
aye but we thought it was great didn't we |
Speaker 2: |
we did yes |
Speaker 3: |
eeh and whoever had had it |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
because everything (laughter) was brown (interruption) paint (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
remember in those days it was either brown paint or green paint oh and sometimes cream paint |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
but it was mostly green and brown |
Speaker 1: |
yes depressing |
Speaker 2: |
everything |
Speaker 3: |
it was |
Speaker 2: |
was brown or green |
Speaker 3: |
I mean (interruption) the house that |
Speaker 1: |
where was it |
Speaker 2: |
that was in Shieldfield |
Speaker 1: |
Shieldfield |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
that was Bermonsey Street where (NAME) had lived |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
and actually it was my auntie who had eh lived there but she moved out and she got a different different house and eh she put our name forward for (laughter) this |
Speaker 3: |
why (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
well I'm saying house it was just the two rooms eh it had the (pause) we were |
Speaker 3: |
that's where (NAME) and eh (pause) (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
seventeen seventeen feet square |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
and they had to (pause) live and sleep in that one room you know |
Speaker 3: |
they had a little girl didn't they (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
yes yes yes they (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I mean |
Speaker 2: |
no not as early as that we didn't |
Speaker 3: |
no well I mean we were married how long we married when we were twenty one well I was twenty one when we married ehm and our (NAME) wasn't born (pause) until I was twenty three but eh I mean we met and (pause) got engaged and married within |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
didn't we |
Speaker 2: |
yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
aye I met him in the February and we started going out in the March (pause) we were engaged in the July on my twenty first and we were married on November twenty eighth |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and everybody was saying 'oh marry in haste repent at leisure blah blah' but eh (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
but we're still together after forty years |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) I divn't know how like |
Speaker 2: |
no no |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
I mean we've had a (pause) lovely family and |
Speaker 3: |
aye got two daughters (interruption) and four grandchildren |
Speaker 2: |
we've two daughters |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and eh but we've had our ups and downs you know haven't we though because I mean |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes we had |
Speaker 3: |
I mean he |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and eh the wages were seven pound a week |
Speaker 2: |
at that time |
Speaker 3: |
aye but I mean that was the wage |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes (interruption) yes |
Speaker 3: |
and I mean wor rent (pause) in them two rooms was eight shilling which is equivalent to forty pence isn't it |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
ehm (pause) and then when we came up here it was like slum |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
and (interruption) when I were |
Speaker 2: |
there was hundreds like us at the time |
Speaker 3: |
oh aye |
Speaker 2: |
moving up to a new |
Speaker 3: |
but you know we were happy |
Speaker 2: |
area like this (interruption) you know |
Speaker 3: |
because everybody was the same |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
they'd come in and give you a hand |
Speaker 2: |
mostly |
Speaker 3: |
but nowadays they just come in to see what you've got |
Speaker 2: |
it was neighbourly (interruption) in them days you didn't have to (pause) put big locks on your doors you know and you could leave your doors open and have no fear whatsoever |
Speaker 3: |
that's been the worst change |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
but eh not like nowadays |
Speaker 3: |
but I mean you worked how long did you work for the United |
Speaker 2: |
well thirty seven years altogether |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
I did |
Speaker 3: |
when you left you've got to (pause) keep this conversation going for her your it's your turn now I've talked a lot |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
that's nothing |
Speaker 3: |
and they changed to Northumbria |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
aye he was sixty then |
Speaker 2: |
yes mm-hm then I worked for a (pause) electrical contractor |
Speaker 3: |
but because he hurt his back brought to light that he had a an aneurysm (pause) which he didn't know they didn't know how long he'd had it |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
they discovered he had a aneurysm it was it's like a bubble |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
it was getting bigger and bigger ehm (pause) so really speaking it was fortunate he'd hurt his back because they wouldn't have seen that and if it bursts well that's it you're finished |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
eh (pause) so he had an operation last September for it |
Speaker 1: |
oh right |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm yes (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
and they died |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
one was prepared for the operation same as him but he died on the table because he'd bleed to death another one they'd drove him up from Dryburn because it had ruptured and he didn't get in |
Speaker 1: |
oh (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
so I says to him 'well somebody up there (laughter) likes you' because he's not supposed to believe in (pause) anything like this but I think he does really don't you |
Speaker 2: |
yes I think so |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) aye after that |
Speaker 1: |
so you're fine now |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 1: |
clean bill of health now |
Speaker 2: |
clean bill of health yes apart from |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
but I mean eh (pause) but I think it life now is all take no giving I think that's what the problem is you know |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you know and I mean plus the fact I mean (pause) I mean I can remember my mother had friends whose husbands were like in the navy and that you know and the ship would go down and you can remember things like that you know |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
how upset they were and |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and eh (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
but he had got shrapnel in his neck and she knew that |
Speaker 2: |
oh she was (interruption) yes |
Speaker 3: |
eeh aye I mean he used to get on great with her didn't you |
Speaker 2: |
I did yes |
Speaker 3: |
you know she was canny |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
but eh (pause) you know it's just things like that like I say I mean (pause) when we got married ehm (pause) and we had these two rooms I mean like |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
but you just it was part of life you know and we thought well we thought we were great |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
because like I say I mean the two rooms we got I mean he decorated them lovely didn't you |
Speaker 2: |
I did |
Speaker 3: |
and put the |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
asbestos at the back which I mean is lethal now but it was asbestos at the back wasn't it |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and then put the surrounds around it we though it was lovely didn't we |
Speaker 2: |
we did |
Speaker 3: |
aye but when he papered the walls there was no corners like this (laughter) you |
Speaker 1: |
was it |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
and when the kids came on the scene if you didn't watch them you know (laughter) they would poke their fingers in the thing |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
didn't they ehm (pause) oh aye and we used to gan I used to have to go to the wash house because in like I say you had no facilities at |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
have you |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
eh |
Speaker 2: |
a scrubbing board |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) well you didn't have a scrubbing board you had a scrubbing brush |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
things were in front of you they just looked like fish shop fryers and you used to scrub everything and chuck them into boil you know that was the way (interruption) you had to wash and then they had these big clothes horses you used to pull out of the wall which were heated you'd dry your clothes on that like you know but you had to be careful somebody didn't (pause) pinch your things when (laughter) you weren't looking (laughter) you know |
Speaker 1: |
mm (pause) yeah |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) you didn't only go to the communal eh washing up place you used to have to |
Speaker 1: |
oh yes |
Speaker 2: |
wey you had no facilities you know |
Speaker 1: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
to get a bath no you didn't |
Speaker 2: |
to get a bath you had to go there to get a bath every night |
Speaker 1: |
that was the one in the city |
Speaker 2: |
eh Gibson Street eh or New Bridge Street |
Speaker 1: |
Speaker 2: |
it was on the (interruption) corner of Gibson Street and it's still there next to eh (pause) Saint Dominic's church |
Speaker 3: |
it's still there that building (pause) it's still there |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
eh it's just I don't know what they use it for now I don't know if the swimming baths are still there or whatever |
Speaker 3: |
I think it is |
Speaker 2: |
is it oh |
Speaker 3: |
aye it was a swimming baths and a (pause) hot water baths and the wash house what they call the wash house you know and (pause) I mean I suppose |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and push it there and just hope somebody didn't pinch your pram |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
while you were in and that's true |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
I mean when I tell our lasses now |
Speaker 1: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
you know and you hear the (pause) but I mean (pause) well we couldn't gan out drinking I mean we didn't have the money but I mean you didn't did you |
Speaker 2: |
as such no no |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
once a week |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
of course one had to stop in with the bairns like you know but I mean we had two little bairns in them two rooms (pause) because I mean when we got the well we got a flat up here first ehm (pause) (NAME) was eleven month aye |
Speaker 2: |
I mean when |
Speaker 3: |
(NAME) was two and a half |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
no she was three and a half ehm (pause) eeh well we thought it was brilliant didn't we |
Speaker 2: |
we did |
Speaker 3: |
eeh the electric lights |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
eeh eeh remember when we moved in the flat and we |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
well we would have with just having two rooms we didn't have a lot of furniture because you couldn't put a lot of |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and eh until we got some (pause) bedroom furniture like you know and remember that night when we first went in and we went (pause) to bed we put the bed down and that and (pause) bairns were in bed and you automatically went to put pull the chain for the mantle |
Speaker 2: |
it took some getting used to you know |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 1: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
going from the gas lamp to the electricity you know |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
you automatically went you even picked the matches up |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
off the mantelpiece to light (laughter) the light (laughter) but |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
you know 'we've got switches now' (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
oh it was funny |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
but he wasn't I mean he lived for a year on his own but he was (pause) he well he would have drank his self to his death to death to be quite honest |
Speaker 1: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
and we've been here ever since because I mean my mother's been dead (pause) I was twenty six when she died |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
so they |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
ehm (pause) when we moved up here and then he came up and we've been here ever since and he just died (pause) well he lived with we twenty four year before he died |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
been dead ten year this month |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
thirty five year mm (pause) but ehm I mean you it was I remember more the laughs really you know you I think you do |
Speaker 2: |
well you always remember the good times you don't remember the bad think of the bad times you don't |
Speaker 3: |
but I mean |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes (interruption) yes |
Speaker 3: |
I mean I've seen him (pause) on a Sunday the ice cream man's coming round you know and the bairns have wanted an ice cream not on a Sunday (interruption) on a Thursday |
Speaker 2: |
no no (pause) on a Thursday |
Speaker 3: |
ehm (pause) and he's had sixpence for his (pause) bus fare because I mean you had to go from here to Jesmond Road |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
and he's give the bairns the sixpence for their ice cream and got up early and walked |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
to Jesmond Road you know so that they could have an ice cream you know (unclear) I mean there was that side of it but I like I say we were happy weren't we |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes (interruption) yes |
Speaker 3: |
you know |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
I mean I used to knit |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
it must have been dreadful really (pause) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
you know I mean what they get for Christmas I mean (pause) well I mean what did you get for Christmas |
Speaker 2: |
not a lot |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
not a lot |
Speaker 3: |
well howay then |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
a banana |
Speaker 2: |
a tangerine |
Speaker 3: |
God (interruption) he was worse than me (interruption) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) (unclear) (interruption) and eh a selection box |
Speaker 3: |
yeah if you were lucky |
Speaker 2: |
if we were lucky |
Speaker 3: |
aye because look how many were your family was there though |
Speaker 2: |
oh there was quite a few there was well that at the time there was only the three of us of course |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
well I was a bit luckier like because I was the only one I can remember the stocking hanging up and the there'd be brand new pennies in the toe (pause) and an orange and an apple and (pause) bits and pieces nuts and things like that |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
ehm (pause) but I would get a doll you know |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
my mother wasn't very pleased (laughter) but I thought hers was better than mine because you could take the clothes off |
Speaker 1: |
yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
whereas mine's was all like stiff and fancy and that so (interruption) it wasn't you know no good |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) mm (pause) yeah (interruption) no |
Speaker 3: |
because I mean well I mean the kids they get computers and (pause) eh |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
well they've just got everything |
Speaker 2: |
ehm dear me we used to (pause) well ehm (pause) in them days we |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
Shieldfield Park we did we spent most of our time in there or roaming around down the Ouseburn (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
aye down at what we called the tip it was a tip because they used to tip all (interruption) the ashes we used to |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) yes that's where you could tip all your ashes (interruption) I mean eh (pause) one time it was just a great big valley (pause) stretching from the Tyne (unclear) eh right up to Jesmond |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 2: |
and then they actually filled started filling it over they built the culvert first |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 2: |
it was like a great big tunnel you know |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
now that was (interruption) another shelter during the war |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) because there were a stream coming right from what |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and eh it starts somewhere over well past Gosforth (pause) and comes down to the Tyne and eh then they just gradually just (pause) filled it in you know until the present day and now it's all level |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and eh (pause) the Ouseburn shelter as they called it they used as the underground shelter |
Speaker 3: |
aye it used to stretch (interruption) from Saint Thomas's |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) they put all the |
Speaker 3: |
from Saint Thomas's down |
Speaker 2: |
bunk beds in etcetera |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
you know and |
Speaker 3: |
it was like a |
Speaker 2: |
eh and |
Speaker 3: |
but it was damp we only went in there once it was horrible |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
it was damp and dark oh it was (interruption) awful |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) mm (pause) I know |
Speaker 3: |
but (interruption) you could get you could get through from Saint Thomas's |
Speaker 2: |
there was no bomb would have penetrated it |
Speaker 3: |
you could get through from Shieldfield |
Speaker 2: |
no not that one you couldn't |
Speaker 3: |
what |
Speaker 2: |
not the Ouseburn |
Speaker 3: |
no no but I'm saying that one that was in Saint Thomas's |
Speaker 2: |
oh aye (interruption) yes |
Speaker 3: |
you could get down there |
Speaker 2: |
yes yes |
Speaker 3: |
because I mean eh the night ehm the goods station was bombed we |
Speaker 2: |
I can't remember what the actual tunnels were used for eh but they were they all finished eh it actually finished |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and as I say there was the three entrances I think (pause) Saint Thomas's eh Shieldfield and Crawhall Road |
Speaker 3: |
aye that's right |
Speaker 2: |
there was |
Speaker 3: |
that's right aye |
Speaker 2: |
that was the three entrances and eh it was a pretty deep eh shelter you know (interruption) you were quite safe once you got in (laughter) there you |
Speaker 1: |
right |
Speaker 3: |
you might have got pneumonia (interruption) like but you wouldn't be bombed (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) (pause) I remember going down it once (unclear) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
well I mean you wouldn't get in many shelters (pause) because you (interruption) were away |
Speaker 2: |
I was in Dampney's twice eh (pause) and eh down there that one Shieldfield Shieldfield shelter twice |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
when I came home |
Speaker 3: |
you were lucky |
Speaker 2: |
no I didn't see them |
Speaker 3: |
although like I say |
Speaker 2: |
seen one eh (pause) battle in the sky it were between eh (pause) aeroplanes above Keswick above above Derwent Water |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
that happened once (pause) ehm but the only thing that we knew about the war was that they had eh (pause) the army had launches on the (pause) Derwent Water (interruption) at that time they did you know and they had the guns on them that's the only thing we actually saw of the |
Speaker 3: |
mm (pause) mm |
Speaker 3: |
well I mean where we lived in Shieldfield well in Bermonsey Street at the bottom beside Dampney's ehm (pause) we had all Italian prisoners of war |
Speaker 1: |
did you |
Speaker 3: |
yeah yeah |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and eh (pause) they they worked in |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 1: |
is that right |
Speaker 3: |
well young girls you know because I mean they were handsome lads I mean you know what Italians look like |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
ehm (pause) but |
Speaker 2: |
compared to our |
Speaker 3: |
what our men were with the Germans and the Japs like you know but eh you used to feel sorry for them ehm (pause) I think my mother once give me a half pound of margarine (laughter) to give to one of them there (laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) oh yes yes sugar and |
Speaker 3: |
and I was fifteen |
Speaker 2: |
(interruption) (unclear) was still rationed |
Speaker 3: |
because I started at ehm (pause) Gregg's not Gregg's the cake shop it was Gregg's gents' outfitters in Percy Street that's where I first started and you got twelve and six a week I |
Speaker 1: |
the gents' outfitters |
Speaker 3: |
oh it was horrible they had millions and millions of (pause) you know it used to be all collar attached ehm (pause) the collars were separate you know and they used to have these boxes with collars in and oh that was my job to dust them stupid collar boxes and I worked with these women which I |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
there's a arch under there |
Speaker 1: |
right |
Speaker 3: |
there was a shoe factory under there went there that was a good laugh I was there four year ehm (pause) and |
Speaker 2: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
and that was when I met you weren't it |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and we got (pause) together and got married and that and I worked until our (NAME) until I was six month pregnant with our (NAME) (pause) and then eh left like but I went back to work when (NAME) was about |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
so that's (pause) she's thirty six |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
next month so that's thirty four year |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
I've been working I don't mind going to work mind |
Speaker 1: |
right |
Speaker 3: |
I don't |
Speaker 2: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 3: |
I think it keeps your (pause) your fingers |
Speaker 1: |
yeah it keeps you in touch |
Speaker 3: |
oh it does you know (pause) so (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
well the way things is worked out (laughter) I think we would get on top of each other if we both were in the house altogether (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
(interruption) well |
Speaker 2: |
I get on with it in here (pause) just say 'get out of my kitchen' |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
who's in charge of the kitchen then |
Speaker 2: |
me |
Speaker 3: |
yeah but |
Speaker 2: |
through the week and that you know but |
Speaker 3: |
not when I'm (interruption) here |
Speaker 2: |
not Wednesday not on when (NAME)'s (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
he's good mind he's a good help I must admit but eh (pause) the I I think all men are like that though they tend to try and take over |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 2: |
oh there is these days |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
well you have to |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
but eh |
Speaker 1: |
how old |
Speaker 3: |
ehm (pause) the eldest one our (NAME) she's eh thirteen in September ehm the next one (NAME) he's eleven next month ehm (NAME)'ll be eight in August and our (NAME) was just seven last March |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
of course we were delighted weren't we |
Speaker 2: |
oh yes |
Speaker 3: |
when we had (NAME) |
Speaker 2: |
when we had (NAME) it was just like getting a son (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
uh-huh |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
because I mean we'd never had a one and I mean (pause) I never had brothers or sisters well (unclear) brother or sisters ehm (pause) but when (NAME) was eh went into labour (pause) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
he was thrilled to bits delighted |
Speaker 2: |
so it was drinks all round that night (laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
I could have been mortal and I wasn't |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
I was sober as a judge wasn't I |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
just your mind was (pause) you know and what she was going through because you knew you know |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
but eh but (NAME) |
Speaker 1: |
aye |
Speaker 3: |
and we were on a nettle weren't we until we got there |
Speaker 2: |
yes mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
yeah |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 1: |
is she still over there |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and eh (pause) he's spent now actually nearly (pause) four years in England out of the (pause) twenty years has he |
Speaker 3: |
aye but he's |
Speaker 2: |
nearly sixteen |
Speaker 3: |
but he was in the Gulf |
Speaker 1: |
oh |
Speaker 2: |
and the Falklands |
Speaker 3: |
and the Falklands |
Speaker 1: |
was he |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
and he's just come back from Northern Ireland again so he's done his stint I mean (pause) ehm (pause) she's eh well she's been good really |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
you could imagine I mean every time something's |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
mm |
Speaker 3: |
still I mean they really wanted it you know |
Speaker 1: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
and she lost it (pause) and then she had our (NAME) ehm (pause) and then when he was in the Gulf that was bad you know because I mean you know what the telly was |
Speaker 2: |
four at the time (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
aye and when if the telly was on she'd say well (pause) ehm (pause) 'will my daddy be dead' you know well you (laughter) what do you say used to stop didn't let them watch the news (interruption) at the finish you know |
Speaker 1: |
(interruption) (unclear) (pause) oh (interruption) right |
Speaker 3: |
you know they missed they missed him |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
because he is |
Speaker 2: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
you know he's involved with them you know aye took a while |
Speaker 2: |
well of course I mean eh the now the eh during those days I mean let's face it it was on the telly day in day out |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
and of course they were you know they're still old enough to (pause) listen to the telly and see what was happening |
Speaker 3: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
more than we did when we were young |
Speaker 1: |
yes (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
when our fathers (unclear) was in the army you know I mean you you didn't hear very much about it you know I mean there wasn't the media coverage in those days of course I mean there was a lot kept quiet |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
whereas the Falklands and eh (pause) the Gulf wars |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 3: |
too much really |
Speaker 1: |
yeah (unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
you know and the television coverage especially you know |
Speaker 1: |
yes |
Speaker 2: |
so I think it would affect the kids more |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
during those times than it did us as I say because we didn't hear very much about the war |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 2: |
we didn't (pause) but the |
Speaker 3: |
just as well though |
Speaker 2: |
Speaker 3: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
I mean let's face it it went on a lot longer than eh (pause) those two |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
conflicts did (pause) so we didn't actually with eh the the oldest daughter being eh married to a soldier we didn't see the kiddies very much eh maybe twice a year |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
we didn't see a great lot of them eh and then we started to go across (pause) actually from when she was one actually didn't we |
Speaker 3: |
aye |
Speaker 2: |
we used to go over for |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
we always by bus |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 2: |
we did you know and then (interruption) (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
you once drove |
Speaker 2: |
I I once drove yes but (NAME) was with we (interruption) at the time |
Speaker 3: |
we didn't like them roads (laughter) |
Speaker 2: |
(laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
no |
Speaker 1: |
no |
Speaker 3: |
too fast too fast |
Speaker 2: |
mm (unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
I think we did very well actually for a first time (laughter) |
Speaker 1: |
mm |
Speaker 2: |
especially when we were coming back on our own you know |
Speaker 3: |
aye because when we went I mean we came off the ferry good job (NAME) was with we (laughter) and eh we got into Zeebrugge and just complete |
Speaker 2: |
couldn't see a thing no |
Speaker 3: |
we drove through Holland and everything |
Speaker 2: |
Holland then (interruption) Belgium and it wasn't until we got to the German border |
Speaker 3: |
and we couldn't see a thing couldn't see a thing |
Speaker 1: |
gosh |
Speaker 3: |
and then it lifted |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 3: |
but I mean if she hadn't have been with we God knows where we would have ended up (laughter) |
Speaker 3: |
fatal |
Speaker 2: |
do you want us to say it the way it is on there or the way we would normally say it |
Speaker 3: |
well (interruption) that's the way I'm just speaking the way I would normally (interruption) say it |
Speaker 2: |
(unclear) accent |
Speaker 1: |
(unclear) |
Speaker 2: |
yeah |
Speaker 3: |
better I met him hat ant battle |
Speaker 1: |
mm-hm |
Speaker 3: |
Speaker 2: |
metre I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I met him hat ant battle batter drat it |
Using the Interview Interface

- On the left-hand side of the page are the audio player panel [1] and the interview transcript panel [2]. To scroll through the text, use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the transcript panel.
- The speaker panels on the right [3] provide background details for the interview participants. The colour of the panel corresponds to the colour of that speaker's utterances in the transcript.
- The audio and transcript text are linked in 20 second segments. Click anywhere in the transcript to start playback from that 20 second segment (the audio may take a few moments to buffer).
- Alternatively, you can click the play button (>) in the audio panel to start the interview from the beginning and then click on the audio time-line to jump to that part of the recording and transcription.
- You can also fast forward (>>) and rewind (<<) the audio. It will jump 20 seconds with each click of the buttons.
- Select a theme from the panel on the right-hand side of the page [4] to highlight related key words in the transcript. The transcript will jump to the first relevant key word in the text. Scroll down through the transcript to see further highlighted words.
- Note 1: To preserve anonymity, personal names have been removed. They are replaced by "(NAME)" in the text, and silence in the audio. For the same reason, some references to places have also been removed, replaced by "(PLACE)" in the text.
- Note 2: Obscenities are blanked out in the text, and the 20 second segment of audio that contains them will not play. If the audio stops for this reason, click the fast forward button (>>) to resume playback with the next 20 second segment of audio.