Archive Interview: PVC01

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle


YTS (Youth Training Scheme) - Computing



Speaker 3:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle


Further Education



Speaker 4:



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  Interview Transcript

Speaker 2:

seen at the pictures was ehm So I Married An Axe Murderer

Speaker 3:

was that any good

Speaker 2:

it was all right it's (unclear) the same (unclear) man you know

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

quite funny

Speaker 3:

just (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I traded in that way I traded in that Wayne's World traded it in for three (pause) Sega Master System games

Speaker 3:

sure you divn't want mine (laughter)

Speaker 2:

no it's all right (unclear)

Speaker 3:

the bin's going to get it soon like (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) was that 'bin' or '(NAME)'

Speaker 3:

the bin it's just sitting (pause) in my drawer (pause) doing nowt so

Speaker 2:

gathering dust

Speaker 3:

gathering dust that's what I telt you to keep it for because if you're going to get more play out of it than I am (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) like I (pause) asked that lad the day how much he wanted for (unclear) Magi Drive (unclear) a hundred and sixty quid for it (pause) it wasn't bad like he's got seventy games for it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

seventy games

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but but how am I (unclear) be able to get my hands on that much money (pause) I goes 'well better ask my dad' and he goes 'there's no way you're spending your birthday money on it'

Speaker 2:

I wanted the ehm (pause) Mega Drive Fifteen he says a hundred and odd quid (unclear) were about (pause) eight games (unclear) it

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't pay that like

Speaker 2:

or my mate was going to trade in (unclear) Nintendo

Speaker 3:

(unclear) trade him your set

Speaker 2:

because (unclear) for it because it's getting (pause) getting fixed

Speaker 3:

that's what my mate does you know (pause) when your game crashes you know you're not meant to clean it with alcohol he cleans them with that and it works perfect

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

he's like so weird you know the American games

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

he cuts the sides off the cartridge

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) it fits straight in and they work (pause) (unclear) daft

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

dodgy character

Speaker 3:

he isn't dodgy he's about two foot tall (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I haven't played (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) a dodgy small character

Speaker 3:

mm a little shifty character

Speaker 2:

proper little Del Boy

Speaker 3:

oh yeah did you see that the other night

Speaker 2:

no (unclear) I meant to set the timer (unclear) but I taped something completely different

Speaker 3:

I I put a video in the video like I set the time (unclear) but I put the wrong cassette in because I had broke the tab off one of them

Speaker 2:

then you tried (interruption) to record on it

Speaker 3:

(unclear) no but I h hadn't realized I'd put the wrong video in

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I come home (pause) it hasn't taped and our (NAME) hadn't taped it either so

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I put it on (unclear) gutted it's like World In Action programme on the other side I was like (pause) gutted because I hadn't seen that one

Speaker 3:

mm it wasn't bad like

Speaker 2:

it's a part it was (unclear) two parts (interruption) (unclear) the Christmas one

Speaker 3:

yeah (unclear) the last time it was on it was just one (pause) (interruption) (unclear) aye

Speaker 2:

(unclear) little feature (unclear) I liked the one (unclear) they went on holiday (unclear) he goes as a a fifteen year old kid

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Tiger Club (unclear) he was standing at the bar (interruption) (unclear) (laughter) he went bumf (interruption)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) he fell over you know the bloke who plays Trigger

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

they hadn't told him about that

Speaker 2:

had they not

Speaker 3:

that's how they wanted the perfect expression on his face (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

when he fell over

Speaker 2:

like just see they lift it up the next thing you know (unclear) Del Boy was on the floor somewhere

Speaker 3:

he just (unclear) went funk (laughter) straight over

Speaker 2:

aye with the Margarita (interruption) spilt

Speaker 3:

mm (laughter) (pause) are you ganning out this weekend

Speaker 2:

no I doubt it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

something should (unclear) should go out on Saturday (pause) to South Shields again

Speaker 3:

are you going to The Venue

Speaker 2:

got to go to (pause) the girlfriend's concert first though

Speaker 3:

where's she playing at like

Speaker 2:

oh (pause) I'll get the ticket off her on Friday I can't remember

Speaker 3:

you know (NAME) and (NAME) are engaged now that's their engagement on (NAME)'s birthday

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's up at The Comrades (interruption) so

Speaker 2:

tell you what happened yesterday I was rather gutted I was up you know George and dra Dragon

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

well I went up to cut through there to get the bus

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and it was shut because it was Sunday (unclear) seven o'clock (pause) we walked through and like pushed the door

Speaker 3:

(unclear) private (interruption) function on

Speaker 2:

(unclear) so we'd come round

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

went up you know where like the hippies hang out

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) what was lying on the floor

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I looked down it was like (pause) a full gold sovereign I just looked at it looked looked at her and she looked at me and she just picked it up and slammed it on her finger and got it stuck so she won't give us it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but that's mine

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she says she'll give us it if she can get it off (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) that's (pause) belongs to me

Speaker 3:

I remember were you there when (NAME) found that ring

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

years back found the ring (pause) when I was at school don't know how he found that like

Speaker 2:

the best thing I found at the school was a (pause) pound note that was like full of mud

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

f first (unclear) says 'right you're buying us twenty tabs' I was like 'no'

Speaker 3:

(laughter) I found a fiver round there once I was just sitting on the wall (pause) and I was just looked over and I was sitting looking at it (pause) and (NAME) (NAME) came over (pause) (interruption) 'I'm having that kiddo'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) how can you lose that much money

Speaker 2:

aye and like someone else find it

Speaker 3:

aye I don't mind finding the money (unclear) I don't like losing it

Speaker 2:

my dad lost ten pound last week (pause) he went out with forty odd quid or something and come back with like (pause) ten and he he'd had twenty

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

before he left (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) Comrades like

Speaker 2:

at the caravan

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he was drunk anyway so probably (unclear)

Speaker 3:

who's the town playing on eh Wednesday

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Wednesday (unclear) because there was loads of people came in this morning

Speaker 2:

oh that'll be for Saturday's match Oldham

Speaker 3:

Oldham (pause) is it home or away

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) I'll not be in town this Saturday (laughter) I'll not be in town anyway because the family's coming tomorrow

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) my mum goes 'you better turn up'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

they'll turn up (unclear) go straight to your bedroom

Speaker 3:

I'll turn up and like (pause) fall down (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

drunk (unclear)

Speaker 2:

can't believe (NAME) had the eighteenth birthday party didn't tell anyone

Speaker 3:

aye (unclear) it was it was like nineteen days before mine

Speaker 2:

did you go did you go over did you

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I just knew it was his birthday I wasn't I haven't seen him

Speaker 2:

oh well I knew (unclear) his birthday (unclear) he telt us he was having a party but he didn't tell us like (pause) when

Speaker 3:

(unclear) if he had a party I'd love to know who went

Speaker 2:

well it saved me a birthday present anyway because he all he bought me was four cans of Red Stripe

Speaker 3:

mm I'll not be (unclear) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I said we're going for a meal

Speaker 3:

I'm going to the I'm going out for a meal (pause) two weeks after (pause) because like I've got I'm going out on the Saturday night with (NAME)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

for her birthday as well and the week after it's their engagement (pause) the week after that me and my mam and dad are going out for a meal

Speaker 2:

I don't even know (pause) my girlfriend's birthday don't even when it is

Speaker 3:

couldn't forget (NAME)'s it's two days after mine

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's mad

Speaker 2:

(unclear) couldn't believe she like she was in my year (unclear) like just realized who she was

Speaker 3:

actually she knew me from school I'd love to know how

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (NAME) I knew her

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I I knew her but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like (unclear) that was it

Speaker 3:

mad (unclear) (NAME)'s boyfriend's not letting her gan to the engagement

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

because she's put (NAME)'s put (unclear) she says 'oh yeah my mam and dad's going away (pause) they don't want to leave the house empty'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I turned round to her (unclear) 'why didn't you just say (NAME)'s not letting you go' (pause) because we went to (pause) you know (pause) big (NAME) (pause) went to his eh twenty first (pause) no sorry it was (pause) his dau his sister's engagement (pause) and eh she caused a big (pause) he caused a big fuss

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

he dragged her away (interruption) (unclear) 'bye bye (NAME)' (laughter) (interruption) 'see you later'

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I divn't like him to stop it so I wasn't bothered (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I think it'll be a while before I'm out drinking (pause) like down the town I was out on Friday

Speaker 3:

I was out at the PTE Social Club

Speaker 2:

really the Public Transport exec Employees (interruption) or some executives

Speaker 3:

yeah you know where it is (pause) top of Shields top of Byker Road

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

street round the corner like eh (NAME)'s dad was (unclear) Transport Social Club and I was like (pause) where and he (unclear) he goes (unclear) it's behind Budget Windows I was like (pause) (unclear) bloody PTE you know what I mean (pause) aye (pause) so I got up (pause) I went round and eh (pause) I goes '(NAME) why didn't you just tell us it was the PTE Social Club (interruption) and I would have just come here straight away'

Speaker 2:

(interruption) was it (interruption) was it all employees was it (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

no I was eh (pause) her gran's (pause) seventy seventh birthday

Speaker 2:

in the PTE club (unclear)

Speaker 3:

well that's where she lives

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

up there so she had a big party and the beer was like water

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so I ended up sticking to the Southern Comforts all night (laughter) wor lass gans 'oh you're not going to drink too much of that are you' I went

Speaker 2:

just enough

Speaker 3:

'no just enough' it's like (unclear) 'you got any Jack Daniels' she went 'no'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I was like (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yes but it's from (pause) made up with water

Speaker 3:

aye I gans 'oh a pint of Ex' (NAME)'s dad (NAME)'s father gans 'oh the beer's       ' (pause) I gans 'right' phew (pause) my stomach turned I was like (pause) I couldn't believe it it was really bad (pause) (unclear) it's like you know Macey's on a Saturday afternoon

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it was like it's eighty pence a pint and that tasted stronger (pause) than that did (pause) (unclear) stupid man

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I was just on the (pause) Special Brew on Friday and then (pause) they had no Special Brew (pause) and ehm (pause) went even went into Rosie's Bar man (interruption) it was getting bad

Speaker 3:

(unclear) in there for

Speaker 2:

eh it was packed (unclear) 'oh (unclear) you know the Irish Tyneside Club'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'why don't we go in there' I says 'don't be silly man you've got to be a member' so (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

straight over to the

Speaker 3:

Rosie's Bar

Speaker 2:

Rosie's (unclear)

Speaker 3:

should have just went down that little alley (pause) at the side of it getten yourself killed

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

probably it was eh two twenty two for a bottle of K Cider

Speaker 3:

that is cheap that like

Speaker 2:

and then (pause) no it's even cheaper again (unclear) (NAME) goes ehm (unclear) (unclear) go in the Northumberland Arms (pause) but she meant like (interruption) the Newcastle Arms

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

went in there it was one eighties for just (pause) before (unclear) from there I just (pause) went back to Rosie's because my drink was still there (pause) because my mates were still there

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

shoved my bottle (unclear) in my waist band there

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and walked straight out (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

is there any doormen in there or is it just

Speaker 2:

no no doormen just covered my top over it like that just went in

Speaker 3:

did you go into the Groat House

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) go in don't expect cheap drinks

Speaker 2:

went to Bourgognes got a wink off this lad so our (NAME) was like threatening to (unclear) him in

Speaker 3:

(laughter) a wink that's like when you gan to the Rockshot's it's 'hi' (interruption) (unclear) see you later

Speaker 2:

it was like (pause) lads with (pause) split jeans on and like leather jacket (interruption) (unclear) I was like (pause) '(NAME) he's just looked at me' (unclear) away across the bar he was after chasing him

Speaker 3:

aye (laughter) aye

Speaker 2:

he was he was ready to hit him I says 'no (pause) if he does it again you can get him' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (pause) I wouldn't (pause) (unclear) don't mind them but (pause) (interruption) as long as they keep theirself to theirself (unclear) (laughter) (interruption)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) not when they're like 'hi' (interruption) (unclear) oh eh 'fung'

Speaker 3:

straight off

Speaker 2:

hi bye I'm away (unclear)

Speaker 3:

see I've got (pause) like one of my mates is but he's dead (pause) he's (unclear) they're probably the canniest people you'll ever meet because you know fine well they're not going to        off with your lass (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

we w we went into didn't go into Fat Sam's we went to Sergeant Pepper's (pause) and it was like (pause) it was time by the time we got (unclear) five to eleven

Speaker 3:

did you see (NAME) at all at the weekend not seen him (interruption) around

Speaker 2:

(unclear) it was time by the time we got there we left at five to eleven and then we went to the Farmer's for the last one because (unclear) get the Metro (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

oh (unclear)

Speaker 2:

back over (unclear) Farmer's (pause) and (pause) Bourgognes and Rosie's Arms

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

northu n eh Newcastle Arms

Speaker 3:

yeah (interruption) Rosie's (unclear)

Speaker 2:

then Rosie's and then in to the (interruption) Farmer's

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I normally just stay down the Bigg Market now or gan (interruption) down the Quayside

Speaker 2:

we were we were going to gan for a pizza but well the first (pause) the first thing (NAME) says right (unclear) my mate's got owns a taxi right his mate

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he says if we put a quid in each we can go to Whitley Bay by that time (pause) we decided (interruption) to get our money out he says no it didn't matter (interruption)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (unclear) (interruption) no it's pointless isn't it if you're going to gan to Whitley Bay you gan about nine o'clock and make a (interruption) night of it

Speaker 2:

it was like it was like seven seven of we seven quid taxi (unclear) be enough

Speaker 3:

that's ridiculous that (unclear) we paid a fiver (pause) from the town to West Denton (pause) that's not bad like the bloke was sound he was like really canny he was nattering (unclear) I gave him like seven quid two quid he must (unclear) he had a really bad night because he was like 'oh thanks pal thanks you're the first person that's give us a tip' I was like (unclear) feel sorry for him I was (pause) half past twelve (pause) so

Speaker 2:

(unclear) last time I got a taxi from town to here was outside the Haymarket

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

cost about a fiver you know you know the road down Kenton Bar

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he dropped we off there he says 'that's as far as I go mate I'm not going into that estate' (laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) once I went clubbing (pause) and like I wasn't feeling well it's like I got a taxi straight outside the Ritzy didn't see the queue just jumped in the first (interruption) taxi

Speaker 2:

(unclear) massive the queues (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) I just seen the taxi coming straight in the taxi and eh got up to the flats (pause) you know (unclear) road and I goes 'here mate I've only got a fiver (pause) left that's all' he goes like 'you've clocked up to a fiver' he gans 'where do you live' I said 'just round the corner' he gans 'oh howay I'll just take you round' I gans 'oh I've got no more money'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) gans 'I'll knock the meter off for you' he gans 'thanks' eh we went out on the Saturday night and we got the same taxi driver

Speaker 2:

and done the same again (laughter)

Speaker 3:

no so we gave him some money I gave him some extra money (pause) (interruption) for being so nice

Speaker 2:

you should have (unclear) 'oh I've only got a fiver' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) do you ever get in Briggsie's Taxis Gary Briggs he's canny him like

Speaker 2:

sometimes just get the last bus home or the Metro (unclear)

Speaker 3:

where's your (NAME) live

Speaker 2:

Palmersville Forest Hall

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's not too bad the Metro's packed the last Metro's packed (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

mm-hm (unclear) trying to get the last bus that's the good thing about the (unclear) they never get packed

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

the last bus never gets packed

Speaker 2:

(unclear) shuttle (unclear)

Speaker 3:

uh-huh or else (unclear) get the seventy one out never get the last seventy one like

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

you'll never get a seat it's really (interruption) impossible

Speaker 2:

(unclear) sitting on the roof

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

uh-huh just strange

Speaker 2:

so what are you doing in college the morrow

Speaker 3:

handing in some work (pause) I've been doing

Speaker 2:

I'm asleep (pause) in my bed

Speaker 3:

oh that's all right (NAME) just think when you're at work I've got like fifteen weeks off so

Speaker 2:

been asleep three times the day man (unclear)

Speaker 3:

you'll not sleep the night like

Speaker 2:

eh (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

can't sleep

Speaker 3:

(unclear) you can't sleep can't sleep

Speaker 2:

(unclear) radio

Speaker 3:

(unclear) you listen to Night Owls

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I'd rather listen to Love Lines actually

Speaker 3:

is that still on

Speaker 2:

aye but it's a bloke's doing it now it's not (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

her voice was just so great then the next thing you know it was like 'right lads and lasses we've got this sort of music or we've got that sort of' (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

nearly as good as the hits not homework

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

or hits not holiday

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

hits on holiday

Speaker 3:

or hits it's Christmas or (pause) (unclear) changed round whenever they feel like it

Speaker 2:

some canny prizes on there like if you win

Speaker 3:

mm if you win when you hear the lasses they're all sound like twelve thirteen they're like

Speaker 2:

'hiya my name's (pause) my name's ehm what's my name' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

aye duh somebody shoot her (pause) what kind of car's (NAME) getting now like

Speaker 2:

a two litre Skoda

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) a two litre Skoda (unclear) skip on wheels

Speaker 3:

so what's it (unclear) done traded in the

Speaker 2:

he's traded in the Peugeot

Speaker 3:

for the

Speaker 2:

for the the top model of the Skoda because (NAME)'s already got one the one point six or three

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she's getting a two litre

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't bother me like I really wouldn't bother

Speaker 2:

I'd rather have the Lada actually the Lada Samaras

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) dad was going to get one before he got the Escort Lada Samara eh Sport

Speaker 3:

(unclear) like that's what (NAME)'s brother's driving but (pause) (unclear) I think the axles keep dropping

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

you drive gets to about you do about fifty and the axle'll go crunch

Speaker 2:

(laughter) bet it's my girlfriend

Speaker 4:

hi (pause) he's busy at the moment can I get him to call you later

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

who's speaking (pause) (unclear) okay get him to call you later (pause) bye bye

Speaker 3:

she's going to be like 'what you been up to' (laughter)

Speaker 2:

eh I was busy (pause) talking

Speaker 3:

how long you been with her now

Speaker 2:

(unclear) it off the hook (pause) eh three weeks this Sunday

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

three weeks she'll probably go off it (unclear) supposed to be there at six o'clock

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I was meant to be (unclear) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so (pause) (unclear) I think (NAME) and (NAME) are going down there the night

Speaker 2:

are they

Speaker 3:

so I'll get down there (unclear) not have a bit of peace and quiet (laughter) (unclear) oh (NAME) broke her collar bone (laughter) she was whinging last (unclear) (unclear) 'oh I want sympathy' I gans 'well divn't ask me for any'

Speaker 2:

(unclear) don't look here for it

Speaker 3:

you're not getting none off me she goes '(NAME) keeps hitting us' I goes 'I wouldn't be seeing you if I was (NAME)' (laughter) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) a completely different person

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (pause) (unclear) (NAME)'s ganning 'oh will you not be nice to her for once' I went (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

couldn't even (unclear) nice to her just for a second (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I couldn't I really couldn't she's (pause) I've never getten on with her she goes 'oh every time I see you you ask us for tabs in the morning' I gans 'you do what' she goes 'every time I see you you ask us for tabs' I goes '(NAME) the first thing you say is hello have you got any (interruption) tabs'

Speaker 2:

any tabs

Speaker 3:

(unclear) you're just going well (pause) so (unclear) (NAME) (unclear) 'you always ask us for them doesn't matter if you've got your own or not'

Speaker 2:

you know (pause) (NAME) (unclear) (NAME) (unclear) bus with

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) taking the mickey out about you and (NAME) (NAME)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's all right I'll let you off

Speaker 3:

(laughter) oh I didn't think she was though

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I didn't think she was

Speaker 2:

she says she was (unclear) she's dead quiet when she's by herself she was just sitting there like

Speaker 3:

I think she's great me

Speaker 2:

she wasn't even giving the (unclear) for a change

Speaker 3:

oh she's really canny

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) (pause) just think it could have been nice and peaceful if I'd never getten a bus in the morning

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I wouldn't have known her

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

are you you're sitting on my back seat (pause) that's mine

Speaker 3:

(laughter) she's she's forward like she's a forward lass

Speaker 2:

a big lass wouldn't like to mess with her

Speaker 3:

oh she's (unclear) I was carrying on and fighting with her and when we got off the bus she turned round booted us one

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh (unclear) going to get you back for that so I went in to see her at work really bugging her (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I'm looking forward to lying in bed for the next couple of days like

Speaker 3:

(NAME) you're making us sick

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's not (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

it's me that's on the sick

Speaker 3:

aye true actually I get bored of sitting in the house

Speaker 2:

(unclear) caravan (unclear) double bed

Speaker 3:

aye (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no (unclear) I've yet to ask my dad

Speaker 3:

ah divn't get your way with one ask the other

Speaker 2:

well why not

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) she can come with us she should lie on the other bed I'll just lie (unclear) bed

Speaker 3:

should get yourself a hard board man

Speaker 2:

I've got one undernea underneath my mattress but it's freezing cold

Speaker 3:

put a hot water bottle on it (unclear) lie on it

Speaker 2:

haven't got a hot water bottle

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

buy one

Speaker 3:

buy one yeah

Speaker 2:

went to the chemist today to get my prescription she says 'Gary (NAME)' I says 'no my name's (NAME)'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) it's completely different (unclear) my name was in like block

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'Gary' and who's 'Gary'

Speaker 3:

' my name's (NAME)' (unclear) there like

Speaker 2:

she says eh 'how old are you' she says I says 'ehm eighteen' she says 'are you still at school' I says 'yes' (laughter) 'yes'

Speaker 3:

how'd you get away with that like

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so you got it for nowt

Speaker 2:

(unclear) because you know you know when you've got to tick the boxes

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I ticked that I was eh n under nineteen and still in full time education but if she asked (unclear) in college but she says 'are you still at school' I says 'yeah' but I left school three year ago (interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

aye I left school two year ago (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

my sp my spirit's still there but (pause) that's about it

Speaker 3:

oh well my spirit might be there but (pause) (laughter) guarantee I'll never get back in there

Speaker 2:

no (pause) (unclear) anyway

Speaker 3:

mm true (unclear)

Speaker 2:

one week (unclear) week but I wasn't as bad as him (NAME)

Speaker 3:

that was ridiculous that like

Speaker 2:

his dad used to just keep him off because he was (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) he ha he had a nose bleed in the middle of the night so we're keeping him off the day

Speaker 2:

in other words I'm going to cash and carry the day to see what else I can buy

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

see if I can get get another remote control car

Speaker 3:

he's spoilt like

Speaker 2:

he's still got them all he's still got the the remote controls

Speaker 3:

I (pause) keep seeing him he plays with them in the street in the summer

Speaker 2:

he's got a mountain bike now man (unclear) (unclear) yesterday (pause) I was on the bus like we were (unclear) Westerhope

Speaker 3:

mm (unclear) like he's got the car and he gans and buys a mountain bike (pause) (unclear) strange people

Speaker 2:

Plessey goes up to Plessey Woods man

Speaker 3:

oh aye him and (NAME)

Speaker 2:

shall we go down to the (interruption) woods today

Speaker 3:

woods today

Speaker 2:

no I I was thinking about getting well I had a mountain bike and then (pause) our (NAME) stripped it because (unclear) (pause) his eh son's bike

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like I pulled the brake and I went over the handle bars and like (pause) crushed the gears (pause) crushed the gear chain at the back (pause) and the whole the both pedals come off

Speaker 3:

(unclear) seen our (NAME) he never comes up here anymore does he

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

last time I seen him (unclear) remember when he stood and threw the knife (pause) (unclear) between the spokes chuff straight through his tyre (laughter) that's the last time I seen him (unclear)

Speaker 2:

haven't seen him for ages

Speaker 3:

be about four about four or five year ago

Speaker 2:

tell you who I seen recently remember (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye seen him I seen (unclear) the hundreds (unclear) seventy three

Speaker 2:

I had my eh (pause) Walkman in my back pocket and I didn't (unclear) feel it come out

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and he he was on the bus and he (unclear) sitting beside us

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) picked it up and says 'does that belong to you'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he's just getten the (pause) it's an XR Two (unclear) Fiesta (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

he's always getting new cars

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear) the buses

Speaker 3:

she'll have she'll be having her bairn soon

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

oh aye yeah

Speaker 3:

still don't know her name

Speaker 2:

I know but they're dead quiet but they're dead canny

Speaker 3:

(unclear) dead canny (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

they were supposed to come over for my eighteenth birthday party (unclear) they never made it (unclear) surprised (unclear) eh everybody slept that night

Speaker 3:

oh I was knackered (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) was like twenty past two the next morning that eh the next afternoon I got up

Speaker 3:

(laughter) you like

Speaker 2:

it was the ninth of August I was like I just slept like for a day and a half (laughter)

Speaker 3:

it was a good night actually

Speaker 2:

and the morning

Speaker 3:

it was a really good night

Speaker 2:

like we were sitting here at half past six in the morning waiting for the taxi coming for our (NAME) (pause) I had to give him (pause) I I got I got about ninety six pound I had ninety one left because I had to give him a fiver for the taxi

Speaker 3:

(laughter) did you get it back

Speaker 2:

uh-huh about three year after (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) three (unclear) (NAME) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) three days

Speaker 3:

three days

Speaker 2:

it felt like three year

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he's just getten Sky in

Speaker 3:

has he

Speaker 2:

bought it outright (pause) hundred and fifty six (pause) pound plus fifteen pound a week (pause) ehm month for the films

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

auntie (NAME) is getting Sky but she doesn't know how she's got it (unclear) you know it's not like cable

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so she thinks it's some she's picking somebody else's frequencies up

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's a excellent picture as well (unclear) she says 'what's that big guy called like the big guy who talks like that don't push me' (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Sylvester Stallone and (unclear) (NAME) says well that was on he says that was eh Stallone Cobra

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and ehm (unclear) there was this other big bloke he was like tall he had spiky hair 'I'll be back' (unclear) was like Arnold Schwarzenegger was on last (interruption) night as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

eeh I watch all the old Sons and Daughters and Home and Away and Neighbours (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't bother they divn't get no better when they get (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

Eastenders she says you should have seen the plight of some of them (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (unclear) (interruption) (unclear) (interruption)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) (interruption) what

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so's Coronation Street it's on from half seven to half past eight

Speaker 3:

just they're just competing with (pause) each other now

Speaker 2:

mm I'd rather watch Coronation Street

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't Eastenders last week was (interruption) classic

Speaker 2:

(unclear) that's the only time

Speaker 3:

that was (pause) probably the best ones (interruption) I've ever seen

Speaker 2:

(unclear) in the papers (unclear) ehm they reckon (pause) if Michelle had been shot she would have been dead because like she had a bullet like a bullet wound there and there was blood

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yet yet when they said it was her leg

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

in the hospital (unclear) Grant smashed over the head he should have been unconscious then the next thing you know he's driving to hospital

Speaker 3:

aye that's right he was out for the count (interruption) remember

Speaker 2:

he was like 'I'm not here anymore' (unclear) you know the next thing they're speeding along the motorway

Speaker 3:

(unclear) they're both hard cases like him and Phil

Speaker 2:

proper Reggie and Ronnie Krays aren't they

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) them should have been in that film eh The Krays like

Speaker 3:

no the Kemp twins

Speaker 2:

they were good like but (pause) it would have been good just to see them

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

acting (pause) the fantasy out

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I like the Krays film I'm going to buy it soon they've just selt it (unclear)

Speaker 3:

'you laughing at me I'll teach you to laugh' (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

remember that was was on the telly that

Speaker 2:

Channel Four (pause) when it had the banned like not the banned season but like eh (pause) things they don't show anymore

Speaker 3:

aye (pause) did you see Betty Blue when it was on

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

that was a right parcel

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it was the subtitled version it was pure (interruption) (unclear) ridiculous

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it was like

Speaker 2:

did you watch Mean Streets on Sunday

Speaker 3:

(unclear) what

Speaker 2:

Mean Streets Harvey Keitel and eh Robert De Niro

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

probably the one of the worst films that's ever been out it's like The Krays but like (pause) with The Silence Of The Lambs in the middle

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

have you seen eh Cape Fear

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

that's excellent with Robert De Niro that

Speaker 2:

I liked in Misery when she's eh (pause) he slammed the type writer off her head

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'pituff' ooo (laughter)

Speaker 3:

so weird man

Speaker 2:

it's good though (pause) still can't beat Basic Instinct (unclear) that ice pick

Speaker 3:

mm (laughter) it was just so sick (unclear) good in the opening they're making a Basic Instinct Two

Speaker 2:

supposedly yeah because like at the end like she's reaching for the ice pick and she

Speaker 3:

aye she t cracks her arm back oh it was like 'oh (unclear) was that the end'

Speaker 2:

i i is he dead

Speaker 3:

is he dead no he's alive couldn't kill Michael Douglas he never gets killed

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's like did you see Raw Hide Sunday afternoon

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Clint Eastwood in the first one (pause) with Clint Eastwood

Speaker 2:

was it on was it I never seen it

Speaker 3:

(unclear) looks really young

Speaker 2:

that's what he made his eh name in

Speaker 3:

aye there's a bloke he's the only bloke ever to have hit (pause) Clint Eastwood in a film (pause) and lived

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

till the end (pause) like not get killed in the entire film (pause) really weird

Speaker 2:

I liked him in that that Rookie (interruption) when he was chasing

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen that

Speaker 2:

he was like there was this car you know the car carriers

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he was in one of them and he was like fighting loads of blokes it was (pause) quite funny

Speaker 3:

did you see the Big Breakfast on Friday morning

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

with eh with all the teeth on

Speaker 2:

with who

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (unclear) did you not see the teeth somebody had eh

Speaker 2:

oh the g the gold (unclear) (interruption) it was in The Chronicle

Speaker 3:

(unclear) aye well it was on the Big Breakfast on Friday morning

Speaker 2:

was it (laughter)

Speaker 3:

aye it eh fifty five year old man rang in

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

says he wouldn't go back (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

on the bed with Paula (laughter) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) it was really weird like

Speaker 2:

I like watching the Big Breakfast like well not Big Breakfast just (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye because the I walked in and (NAME) goes 'have you lost your front teeth' I'm like (pause) 'you what'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

she goes 'have you lost your top set of teeth' I'm like 'no' she goes 'well do you want these to replace them' I was like 'ah get away'

Speaker 2:

(unclear) she's like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she was she must have been drunk

Speaker 3:

oh she's crazy man

Speaker 2:

she's always drunk they say

Speaker 3:

who (NAME)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) she's always drunk come the night time

Speaker 3:

oh (unclear)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) she doesn't work on a night time in there

Speaker 2:

does she not

Speaker 3:

(unclear) two lads that used to be in their sixth form when I first started (pause) high school (pause) working there I went in once and I c couldn't get moved for old blokes

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) Jesus Christ

Speaker 2:

it's a proper old man's pub man

Speaker 3:

(unclear) so it's still a I think it's a great little pub me (interruption) just me

Speaker 2:

it's a (pause) canny size I wouldn't say it was little

Speaker 3:

it's just (pause) basically a place to go out and meet people because everyone (pause) it's dead handy for everyone (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) man you get half the j Chronicle in there and the reporters man

Speaker 3:

true you know that

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

you know that journalist who got (unclear) he's in there every day

Speaker 2:

even the the eh the paper sellers as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's not too bad working for The Chronicle like you get free papers every (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's even (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) like The Chronicle like

Speaker 3:

they have to keep extending the library and that they keep building

Speaker 2:

(unclear) big cabinets (pause) massive cabinets holds about three thousand files (pause) at a time on each side and there's like four sides so that's like (unclear) (interruption) quite a few (laughter)

Speaker 3:

mm I'd get lost me

Speaker 2:

no they just give you the number and once you get (unclear) it's like one one to three thousand four (unclear) four (unclear) three

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's not too bad it's easy to find (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) just like cut the paper out and

Speaker 2:

stick it on another piece of paper and that's it

Speaker 3:

is that it you get paid for doing that

Speaker 2:

I was talking to one of the lads (unclear) he's a he plays at drums he's like he's a musician and he's got his own band

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he turned down a chance to play (pause) backing all the backing for The Shamen

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and then they they before they became actually famous and then he he missed a chance of going for a three month cruise (pause) with The Shamen (pause) and turned it down

Speaker 3:

(unclear) Bahamas

Speaker 2:

all over the world

Speaker 3:

mm I was going to say if it was in the Bahamas that's where he died (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

that's where The Shamen died the lead singer of The Shamen

Speaker 2:

was it

Speaker 3:

aye you know where they've got Mr C now in The Shamen

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

because he took over

Speaker 2:

Move Any Mountain

Speaker 3:

aye Move Any Mountain because that was dedicated to the bloke that died fell off his boat

Speaker 2:

he just he turned them down thr the three month cruise (unclear) around the world he just (unclear) so y he ends up playing this (pause) eh The Tap And Spile and eh (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I think he was rather gutted because he was going to get like a hundred quid

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

did you see The Shamen when they were on the Nunsmoor

Speaker 2:

no it was a free (unclear) (interruption) free (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye (unclear) you couldn't see them (interruption) there was like loads of hippies (unclear)

Speaker 2:

we could we could hear them

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

we could hear them that was it

Speaker 3:

I could hear them you couldn't miss them (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

they're probably trying to get The Prodigy down there as well

Speaker 3:

oh they'll never get The Prodigy there unless they paid them

Speaker 2:

but aye they'll pay them but it'll still be free for us

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but (unclear) get there for the hippies

Speaker 3:

(unclear) actually seeing the hippies actually turning up for The Prodigy with their like

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear) up for The Shamen didn't they

Speaker 3:

(unclear) well The Shamen's ambient though (pause) (interruption) and everything

Speaker 2:

(unclear) it's indie indie band

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

should just hoy all the (pause) the hippies into The George and Dragon and lock them in just leave them there

Speaker 3:

(laughter) that's another weird place The George

Speaker 2:

that's where you can find gold sovereigns

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

there must have been a fight or something because it was like completely dented (unclear) out of shape (pause) like dented on the (pause) the bottom

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so it was like sticking (unclear) the other finger properly get it reshaped

Speaker 3:

(unclear) put it in a pair of tongs (pause) then open the tongs out (pause) or put it into a pawn shop and get your money for it

Speaker 2:

(laughter) she says 'I'll sell it (unclear) get plenty of beer next week' I says '(NAME) you sell that and I'll never speak to you again because I want it'

Speaker 3:

(unclear) she's phoned you for

Speaker 2:

no she says 'you're getting something (pause) something in the post within a couple of days' because she sent (unclear) off the day

Speaker 3:

could be a letter bomb

Speaker 2:

she says (laughter) or a chain letter

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she says it's a 'Miss You' card with something else so probably stuck (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I divn't want to know (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) with her finger chopped off in it as well

Speaker 3:

oh (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

little match box (unclear)

Speaker 2:

a little something for you (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

a little finger with it (interruption) on

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she's put it on her wedding finger

Speaker 3:

why (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

it's unlucky though

Speaker 3:

I know like wor lass wears a (pause) (unclear) (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I just I just want that ring because it would look amazing

Speaker 3:

I don't like sovereigns

Speaker 2:

she she's got the same one on the l like (unclear) it's her little finger

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's just a little bit smaller it's a man's and she's got the (unclear) she's even got a man's watch man

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

proper gadgie

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I haven't seen her so I couldn't pass (interruption) judgement

Speaker 2:

you'll probably see she'll be be coming here on Friday (unclear) picking her up at nine o'clock

Speaker 3:

in the morning

Speaker 2:

at night

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

she thinks she's banned (unclear) she's a Mackem she says she says 'banned'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) (unclear) with a Mackem

Speaker 2:

picking her up well she's an (pause) Sunderland supporter (pause) picking her up from Haymarket at nine and then (pause) taking her back (pause) on Saturday and then she's at a concert

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and then we'll go out clubbing from there

Speaker 3:

(unclear) at The Venue like

Speaker 2:

The Venue and then Limelight's (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

why don't you just stay in The Venue

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

why don't you just stay in The Venue

Speaker 2:

because it's only open to twelve

Speaker 3:

is it

Speaker 2:

Limelight's is a right con we got these fliers right and it didn't say like (pause) what date they were for

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

what day they were for or like what you would wear so we got there stood like fifteen minutes in the queue (pause) everybody says like it says a pound before a certain time we got there for five to eleven handed them over he says 'eh that'll be three fifty' I says 'well it says a pound' he says 'well it's not valid for Saturdays' (unclear) stood there for fifteen minutes

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and (unclear) (unclear) on the ticket (unclear) paying three fifty for like two hours and that was it

Speaker 3:

it's like when you gan we gan to Madison's like (unclear) (unclear) twelve o'clock to like half past one the doors are still open you still pay a fiver for half an hour

Speaker 2:

(unclear) kids there last time we went (unclear) 'hold on I'll give you I'll give you all the money I've brought if I can just go in and see my mate' this kid like pulled out ten quid (unclear) he was only in for about ten minutes (unclear) straight back out

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I went out with seventeen pound (pause) in South Shields I spent about one and a half rounds right put half and half with the mate like for one round (unclear) five quid that was like three quid like two fifty each and then I bought one round and then I spent more at the fair the next day I spent nine quid at the fair

Speaker 3:

(unclear) doesn't I wouldn't do nowt like that I don't like fairs or (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) it was good

Speaker 3:

(unclear) on Saturday like I bought the round (pause) (unclear) like four people (pause) and like they were all like spirits (pause) and pints so I was I was working (unclear) like six quid (pause) she wants two ninety five I was like

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

'excuse me I think I'll have another round of them please'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) wor lass was drinking Purple Passions all night oh they were gorgeous

Speaker 2:

wor (NAME) got wor (NAME) and his mates got stung on sat eh Friday just gone (pause) (unclear) like you know how it's (unclear) dance floor where you have like the Pils the Castaway or the (pause) Max

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

well I got the Max which was two thirty for two (pause) and they got eh (pause) something completely different so like it cost like seven quid for like three people

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and it wasn't what they wanted

Speaker 3:

was it not

Speaker 2:

no they wanted like the Pils for like two two for two thirty and they only got one for two thirty

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

how'd they manage that like

Speaker 2:

they got something they got something that wasn't on special

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so then wor (NAME) started the tr the treble Bacardis (unclear) trebles for singles

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) was like (pause) ugh

Speaker 3:

(unclear) it's always cheap cheap the like cheap whiskies and that

Speaker 2:

just watered down

Speaker 3:

I know

Speaker 2:

(unclear) he says 'oh (unclear) gan to Central Park for the pound a pint' he says 'no thanks'

Speaker 3:

excellent Central Park

Speaker 2:

it's all right but the music gets a bit dodgy to to start off with then it gets it gets packed (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) excellent because everyone gans there before they gan to the Ritzy

Speaker 2:

it's really really really packed

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) sitting there and you've got your drink right next to your chin you go frightened in case you get like hit

Speaker 3:

oh we never stood in there we either gan right up the back you know where the (pause) (interruption) bandits are

Speaker 2:

that's where we were we up beside the the bar (interruption) the bottle bar

Speaker 3:

the back bar aye (unclear) because eh normally (NAME) not (NAME) (pause) eh (pause) (NAME) used to work in the basement she works up she normally does the bottle bar (pause) and it'll be like 'three bottles' (unclear)

Speaker 2:

we we just (unclear) there just had whisky races

Speaker 3:

(laughter) couldn't (unclear)

Speaker 2:

just just with ice and just whisky straight and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

one two three (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

the last last time I done that my mate got like (unclear) he was like he had to end up sucking his T shirt because he spilt the lot (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (unclear) that's sick

Speaker 2:

(unclear) got stopped and asked (unclear) eighteen (unclear) there 'got a photograph' 'there' 'okay (unclear) calm down now' (laughter) (unclear) all (unclear) mates didn't have one so they had to go out

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

didn't have any ID so they had to go out

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (interruption) shocking

Speaker 2:

I was like sitting there with like three pints (unclear) 'that's mine that's mine and that's mine'

Speaker 3:

(unclear) we (unclear) once and eh he goes 'eh we can't let yous all in' (unclear) goes 'why not like' we goes 'we've all got ID' (pause) he goes 'it's not fair because it's all lads we cannot let like a group of twelve lads in all at once' so we gans 'right' so we tottled off again so me (NAME) and (NAME) (pause) walked in he gans 'fine' and then three others (pause) tottled in (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and he goes (interruption) 'yous are cocky'

Speaker 2:

Noah's Ark

Speaker 3:

'yous are cocky yous are cocky like' we goes 'well you said we couldn't all come in at once' (laughter)

Speaker 2:

we (unclear) Half Moon he just (pause) says 'as soon as you finish your drinks just move'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) like about twenty (unclear)

Speaker 3:

the Half Moon's tiny man

Speaker 2:

it's not very nice drinking here anyway

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I drink bottles when I gan in there

Speaker 2:

(unclear) like nine pound for like three people or something for a round

Speaker 3:

I couldn't couldn't afford to buy a round down there

Speaker 2:

I just (unclear) gents' toilets (unclear) bar just go like that

Speaker 3:

mm because like because when you gan in the Groat House they're dead friendly but (pause) they're obnoxious so

Speaker 2:

I've still got my Basement membership card man

Speaker 3:

so have I

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'll probably always keep it as memory

Speaker 2:

as a r as a red (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye as a reminder (pause) of what a bad time I used to have

Speaker 2:

it was bad in there like

Speaker 3:

(unclear) I used to drink there like all the time

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I was in there once that was it

Speaker 3:

(unclear) every weekend every day

Speaker 2:

I want to try the Boat again (unclear)

Speaker 3:

you wouldn't get me in there (pause) I'd probably time I'd only go is if (NAME) was if I knew for definite (NAME) was DJ-ing

Speaker 2:

(unclear) port starboard bow woomsh straight in the water

Speaker 3:

(laughter) can't get up on deck though

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's just like

Speaker 2:

no just (unclear) my mate because he's running it lately

Speaker 3:

mm (pause) The Empress is canny (unclear) there

Speaker 2:

I was there a couple of weeks back (unclear) my mate Mr Quadreen was buying the drinks

Speaker 3:

(unclear) what

Speaker 2:

Mr Quadreen was buying the drinks

Speaker 3:

who's that like

Speaker 2:

the lad that who whose Boat it is

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and then the lad (unclear) that runs it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

ehm just have what you want stand behind the bar (unclear)

Speaker 3:

come out completely blitzed

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I didn't know if I was still in the Boat when I got home it was like (pause) definitely haven't got sea legs like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) felt like (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) like when we went away (pause) to Belgium we went across in the boat it was like that (pause) and somehow my legs just seemed to go at exactly the same time (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so I was (unclear) (interruption) honestly we got on

Speaker 2:

(unclear) over to Spain last year just never never slept on the way back

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and there was a ferry there a British ferry but the French (pause) security wouldn't let we on

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

they says 'oh it's too full it's too full' but when we got there (pause) (unclear) got there he says 'oh it's not full it's just we don't want to let yous on' so he completely stripped the bus for like drugs (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

didn't find a thing we just had to stand and wait (pause) like I was like I got off the bus and it was like eh I've had no sleep (unclear) 'wee hoo wee hoo wee hoo' it was like a Charlie Chaplin film

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (unclear) they open the bar at like it's half an hour we were half a mile out (unclear) British waters or French waters so they opened then (unclear) because I'm like nine o'clock in the morning and then all of a sudden there's like hordes of people at bar and you're like

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Jesus are these people for real 'let me at the front' (laughter)

Speaker 2:

it's good on it's good on the bus like because like once you get like (pause) past the (pause) you go on the ferry to c eh (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear) Dover

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm like not them that's over sixteen can start drinking and like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

you see all these like (pause) over sixteens drinking loads of bottles and that we bought eh (pause) twenty four cases of Sphinx it was like Brown Ale

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

for a fiver at the French depot (pause) wasn't too bad

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) really tired (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) shattered (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I'll probably never sleep the night though

Speaker 3:

I (unclear) got to stay awake all day

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

to try and soften my back up tablets (unclear) and like all the dye comes off on my hands

Speaker 3:

(unclear) you don't want to just (unclear) (unclear) just put it in your mouth and swallow it

Speaker 2:

uh-huh I do but (pause) like my hands being like moist (interruption) with sweat

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yeuch (pause) they taste nice when they go down but after that your stomach feels empty

Speaker 3:

(unclear) have to take owt like that

Speaker 2:

aye well she says they're inflammatory tablets

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

inflammatory because my back's inflamed

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I think (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's why my bone's like somewhere out there

Speaker 3:

(NAME) I don't know why you just don't go on permanent sick

Speaker 2:

that's what our (NAME)'s on

Speaker 3:

the permanent sick (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

couldn't keep my eyes open oh I wish it was Saturday

Speaker 3:

I don't (unclear) don't want them to come

Speaker 2:

(unclear) it was Friday night

Speaker 3:

that'll do me

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) (pause) actually I can't this weekend either because I need my money (pause) (interruption) (unclear) birthday present

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh I wish she could have her birthday (pause) a month after mine

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

not like four like two days after (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

this this eh (pause) street's gone right down hill like (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

two Skodas in one street

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

oh the canniest people on the street probably own them like

Speaker 2:

apart from my mum

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (pause) apart from mine and all (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) the thir the third canniest (interruption) people

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and (NAME) (NAME)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(NAME) (NAME) at the bottom (pause) Mr Meldrew man (NAME) (NAME) you know (NAME) down the bottom

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) don't get us confused

Speaker 2:

oh my back's stiff

Speaker 3:

I don't know who do you know who's got in eh (NAME)'s house now

Speaker 2:

you see them on the corner the corner of here

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's their nana

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

her next door's living with (pause) went back with that lad

Speaker 3:

has she

Speaker 2:

my mam says 'I don't want to hear nothing about them just don't tell us nothing'

Speaker 3:

is that who the bairn is that who's (unclear) (NAME)'s father like

Speaker 2:

no (unclear) his father died

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but that's just that's just a proper lunatic that she's going with next door

Speaker 3:

he looks it

Speaker 2:

(NAME) doesn't like him

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (pause) (NAME)'s just tiny

Speaker 2:

he's like six year old you know

Speaker 3:

how old is he

Speaker 2:

six he can't even speak properly neither

Speaker 3:

well that's their fault that you know

Speaker 2:

I know they still treat him like a three year (interruption) old

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's the baby for the (unclear) family so like (unclear) (unclear) 'what you say' (laughter)

Speaker 3:

it's like (NAME) can talk excellent he's only three

Speaker 2:

oh well 'hi (NAME)' 'hiya all right'

Speaker 3:

he's got a really (unclear) voice (unclear) like 'ah'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

so has his mam like so

Speaker 3:

oh (pause) can't say nowt wrong against (NAME) though

Speaker 2:

(laughter) (NAME) looks a proper gadgie with her uniform on these big shoulder pads (interruption) sticking (unclear) arms (interruption)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) mm (interruption) she lives up Darras Hall (unclear)

Speaker 2:

I like her car (unclear) GT

Speaker 3:

aye (unclear) I found out yesterday my my mate's lass is up the (unclear) and I goes (unclear) and I went 'no' turns out she's only got a month to go

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I was like 'shows you how quickly news gets to me'

Speaker 2:

(laughter) takes (unclear) eight month

Speaker 3:

takes eight month (pause) he gans 'oh I'm fed up man I divn't want to be reminded of it'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I gans 'well you played the game you got to pay the consequences'

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (interruption) (unclear) (interruption)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (unclear) (pause) (interruption) true

Speaker 1:

running out of (interruption) conversation

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) need a deep breath

Speaker 3:

need something

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

are you both working

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm working for The Evening Chronicle just on placement through college

Speaker 1:

(unclear) doing The Chronicle

Speaker 2:

it's (unclear) the sports (pause) on the back page if they're looking for a story I've got to go and find it

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

it it's for a year and then (pause) decide whether to keep us on full time

Speaker 1:

what's the college course

Speaker 2:

it's Quay College down (unclear) Gallowgate Newcastle

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

it's quite nice g it's getting a bit getting a bit full now because like (pause) it's getting a a weekly intake of like fifteen people every week

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

it's a bit too much they're having to having to start letting people go

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) I'm there for another year so I dread to think what happens to me

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

'I'm sorry but you're out'

Speaker 3:

(unclear) cobwebs on you

Speaker 2:

I'm the old I think I'm the oldest one there man apart from the TFWs Training For Work

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

the (unclear) people

Speaker 1:

how old are you now (NAME)

Speaker 2:

I'm nineteen in August

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

so are you in college as well

Speaker 3:

yeah I'm at Newcastle College

Speaker 1:

what are you doing there

Speaker 3:

eh graphic art and design

Speaker 1:

oh (unclear)

Speaker 3:

so hopefully one day I'll become a designer

Speaker 1:

is that (pause) just started that now this year

Speaker 3:

oh no I've been (interruption) there for two year

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

oh is it a three year course or something

Speaker 3:

no it's a two year course but I failed it last year

Speaker 1:

oh right

Speaker 3:

so I've had to resit it then I want to go on and do a HND

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

like a half degree

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'll be there until the year dot (laughter)

Speaker 1:

you're liking it then

Speaker 3:

yeah I love it I really love college it's one of the best it's like I didn't do that well at school so it's the best thing I ever did was go to college

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that I come in from (pause) what I'm doing now I like come to do media (pause) (unclear) combine the two

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

you might see (unclear) top journalist (unclear) (unclear) (pause) I'll be I'll be doing interviews

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) I'll int I'll interview you on your eh designing techniques

Speaker 3:

(unclear) rich yacht

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm going to own one of these days (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

with your crocodile skin boots

Speaker 3:

aye wor lass gans 'you live in a fairy tale world' I goes 'well it's better than the real thing' (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) safer as well

Speaker 3:

yeah true

Speaker 1:

did you go to school together

Speaker 3:

yeah (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah (unclear) I got the bus he walked (laughter)

Speaker 3:

aye he was the year above me

Speaker 1:

which school was that

Speaker 2:

just West Denton high (interruption) school

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

actually went to like first school together (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and middle school

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and high school

Speaker 2:

well I went to Walbottle first and I was supposed to be there for eight weeks and I just didn't like it (pause) so got straight on s straight on the phone to West Denton and said I'm coming up in a couple of weeks' time (pause) should have been there from the start actually (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

that's Walbottle for you (unclear)

Speaker 2:

there was only one person I knew there and that was a lass

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

no (NAME) (NAME)

Speaker 3:

oh she lives in West Denton now

Speaker 2:

I seen her in the town a couple of weeks (unclear)

Speaker 3:

her sister's a right nut

Speaker 2:

proper fat as well

Speaker 3:

(laughter) what her or her sister

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

her or her sister (laughter)

Speaker 2:

both of them actually

Speaker 3:

would you say that to (NAME) though

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

would you say that to (NAME) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(laughter) no eh ahem (unclear)

Speaker 1:

so you're are you both you're both the same age then are you

Speaker 3:

no I'm eighteen on Wednesday

Speaker 1:

oh right

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so there's a party due

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

(unclear) big party

Speaker 3:

no I'm just (pause) (interruption) going out with my friends

Speaker 2:

(unclear) quiet night in

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (unclear) weekend starting on a Wednesday (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) just make a weekend of it man just (unclear) Friday Saturday and Sunday night

Speaker 3:

no (unclear) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday night

Speaker 2:

see if you can beat mine from half past nine to half past six in the morning

Speaker 3:

(NAME) I'll be lucky if I'm (unclear) go out on the Wednesday night the way I feel

Speaker 2:

it'll be like half p it'll be half past nine (unclear) to half past ten at night (laughter) the same night

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I didn't catch your name (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

(unclear) one or two details

Speaker 2:

(NAME) one

Speaker 3:

(laughter) the original

Speaker 2:

(NAME) the first me (pause) and the only

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

mm (pause) you're the youngest then are you

Speaker 2:

yeah I'm the baby of the family

Speaker 1:

how many (pause) others are there

Speaker 2:

there's another three of we (pause) eldest is forty one (pause) that's my sister (pause) and then I think (NAME)'s th I don't like to say his age in case I get wrong he's about thirty five or thirty six (laughter) he'll probably hear this tape he'd kill us our (NAME)'s (pause) thirty in May (pause) so we're going to have a big party he wants me to do the disco (pause) I've got to get hold of some decks

Speaker 3:

(unclear) from the

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

can you get any from the (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) because like you've got two of them in it got two sets (pause) in fact they've got three

Speaker 3:

it's not just decks you want you want speakers as well

Speaker 2:

aye they've got speakers as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's massive the size of a television

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

there's a couple of lights (unclear) (pause) I was supposed to be getting a strobe for thirty five pound just a little small one (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I might go down to beside Trax they've got them there

Speaker 3:

Aiken's (pause) do they sell them in Trax now

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

ba I wonder if bass ge Bass Generator has them

Speaker 3:

it's a box (pause) (unclear) does upstairs open no it's not open is it upstairs (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no it's just empty

Speaker 3:

yeah because when it first opened that was like decks and mixers and that

Speaker 2:

I just looked in I thought oh where's where's Bass Generator

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) I went downstairs and like this big wooden cover and loads of people were sitting on it (pause) pushing each other off it and then there was about (pause) full wall of eh just records

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

twenty five pence each (interruption) or five for a quid

Speaker 3:

I remember the la I remember the last time I went in (pause) 'lock the doors'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

'we've got a customer'

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

'make him pay'

Speaker 2:

get some canny records in there mind go down

Speaker 3:

I was only after Open Sesame (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

were you I wanted the Chicken Song definitely (pause) (unclear) getting it ordered but (pause) it it's the (unclear)

Speaker 3:

mm I want (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no there was this lad got it at the caravan on tape (pause) just off the night club

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I just want that record it come on on Saturday (unclear) away

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and then I Like To Move It come on

Speaker 3:

aye my sister taped some canny songs off the charts like (pause) eh (pause) (unclear) I Like To Move It and a few others (unclear)

Speaker 3:

sheet beetle metre I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I met him hat ant battle batter draft it cart can't carter pot totter bottle font salt I got it caught daughter (pause) chortle haunt I bought it boat total motor I wrote it put footer put it in boot Bootle hooter bite title mitre pint bite it out foun fount outer pit bitter brittle print I hit it hilt beak wreck back I seek it I wreck it I back it (pause) bank lamp leap cap steep it lap it apron matron micro Metro leprosy petrol acrid atlas hopper butter hacker topple bottle hackle whisper custard after whisker doctor chapter jumper hunter bunker appear attend occur appearance attendance occurrence alpine altar polka staircase half past half cut automatic Jupiter (pause) epileptic sheet read breeze key gate made may boat load (pause) go boot brood booze brew out loud cow sight side size sigh sighed knife five knives dive dial Friday diary I've got to do it tomorrow I had to put it off he meant what he said he's booking separate tables for supper a simple sentence pick up a packet of fire lighters pack pack it in or beat it he's putting it off he's put in a bid jump up on the tractor he won't do it that in a hurry put a comma in it

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

sheet beetle metre I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I met him hat ant battle batter drat it cart can't carter pot potter bottle font salt I got it caught daughter chortle haunt I bought it boat total motor I wrote it put footer put it in boot Bootle hooter bite title mitre pint bite it out fount outer pit bitter brittle print I hit it hilt beak wreck back I seek it I wreck it I back it (pause) bank lamp leap cat eh cap steep it lap it apron matron micro Metro leprosy petrol acid (pause) atlas hopper butter hacker topple bottle hackle whisper custard after whisker doctor chapter jumper hunter bunker appear attend occur appearance attendance occurrence alpine altar polka staircase half past half cut automatic Jupiter epileptic sheet read breeze key gate made may boat load (pause) go boot brood booze brew out loud cow sight side size sigh sighed knife five knives dive dial Friday diary I've got to do it tomorrow I had to put it off he meant what he said he's booking separate tables for supper a simple sentence pick up a packet of fire lighters pack it in or beat it he's putting it off he he's put in a bid jump up on the tractor he won't do that in a hurry put a comma in it

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