
Final report: Digital Credit, Mobile Devices and Indebtedness: Online Borrowing PDF 770Kb

Our report, Digital Credit, Mobile Devices and Indebtedness: Online Borrowing in the High-Cost Short-Term Credit Market, is now available to download. It contains our findings and recommendations for improving the market for consumers.

Briefing note: General PDF 234Kb

This is a briefing note to accompany the final report. It is suitable for everyone who has an interest in the research.

Briefing note: Regulator PDF 235Kb

This is a briefing note for individuals responsible for, or interested in, regulation in the credit industry.

Briefing note: Consumer advice organisations PDF 235Kb

This briefing note is for individuals working for consumer advice organisations.

Research papers

The following publications are based on our high-cost short-term credit research. More to be added.

Anderson, B, Langley, P, Ash, J & Gordon, R (2020) 'Affective Life and Cultural Economy: Payday Loans and the Everyday Space-Times of Credit-Debt in the UK', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 45(2): 420-433, https://doi.org/10.1111/TRAN.12355

Langley, P; Anderson, B., Ash, J & Gordon, R (2019) ‘Indebted Life and Money Culture: Payday Lending in the United Kingdom’, Economy and Society, doi.org/10.1080/03085147.2018.1554371

Ash, J; Anderson, B; Gordon, R & Langley, P (2018) ‘Digital Interface Design and Power: Friction, Threshold, Transition’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, doi.org/10.1177/0263775818767426

Ash, J; Anderson, B; Gordon, R & Langley, P (2017) ‘Unit, Vibration, Tone: a post-phenomenological method for researching digital interfaces’, Cultural Geographies, early online, doi:10.1177/1474474017726556