1. Yevseyeva I, Morisset C, Gross T, van Moorsel A. Decision Making Model of Influencing Behavior in Information Security,“Computer Performance Engineering”, Ser. LNCS (vol 8721), Springer, 2014, pp. 194-208.
2. Morisset C, Yevseyeva I, Gross T, van Moorsel A. A Formal Model for Soft Enforcement: Influencing the Decision-Maker, “Human Aspects of Information Security”, Ser. LNCS (vol 8533), Springer, 2014, pp. 340-351.
3. Yevseyeva I, Morisset C, Turland J, Coventry L, Gross T, Laing C, van Moorsel A, Consumerisation of IT: Mitigating risky user actions and improving productivity with nudging, CENTERIS’14, 6th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, Procedea Technology (vol 16), Springer, 2014, pp. 508–517.
4. Morisset C, Gross T, van Moorsel A, Yevseyeva I, Nudging for Quantitative Access Control Systems. In T. Tryfonas, I. Askoxylakis (Eds.) “Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust”, Ser. LNCS (vol 8533), Springer, 2014, pp.340-351.
5. Jeske, D., Coventry, L., & Briggs, P. (2014). Decision justifications for wireless network selection. Paper submitted to Socio-Technical Aspects of Security and Trust (STAST) Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 18 July 2014. In press.
6. Coventry, L., Jeske, D., & Briggs, P. (2014). Perceptions and actions: Combining privacy and risk perceptions to better understand user behavior. Workshop proposal, Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2014, July 9-11, 2014, Menlo Park, CA. http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2014/workshops/privacy/s2p3.pdf
7. Coventry, L., Briggs, P., Jeske, D., & van Moorsel, A. (2014). SCENE: A Structured Means for Creating and Evaluating Behavioral Nudges in a Cybersecurity Environment. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for Designing the User Experience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 8517. Part of 1 of the Conference proceedings of the Third International Conference DUXU held at HCI International, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07668-3_23.
8. Jeske, D., Coventry, L., Briggs, P., & van Moorsel, A. (2014). Nudging whom how: IT proficiency, impulse control and secure behaviour. Paper submitted to “Personalizing Behavior Change Technologies” CHI Workshop, April 27, Toronto, Canada. http://personalizedchange.weebly.com/1/post/2014/03/nudging-whom-how-it-proficiency-impulse-control-and-secure-behavior.html