Dr. Thomas Groß is a Lecturer in Privacy, Security and Trust at the School of Computing Science at Newcastle (since 2011). Previously, he was a researcher in the Security and Cryptography group of IBM Research and the IBM Corporation’s Research Relationship Manager for privacy. Thomas’ research interests are in security and privacy, where he advocates a systematic approach to cyber security. Thomas currently focuses on cloud security assurance, considering the cloud as a critical infrastructure and, by that, a major battlefield as well as attack platform of adversaries. In addition, he pursues strong electronic identification as key infrastructure in offering a trust root and privacy protection to mitigate residual risk for citizens. Having received an extensive certified training in applied psychology and lively interest in behavioural economics, Thomas is convinced that human factors are essential for cyber security, which he researches in the Cyber Security Research Institute on Choice Architecture for Information Security. Thomas has numerous publications as well as 25 patent applications (4 granted) in security and privacy.