Body Shape Validation Study


Principal Investigator: Susan Lennie

School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences, Newcastle University


You are being invited to take part in a research study conducted by a Master of Dietetics student in the School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences at Newcastle University. Before you decide, it is essential for you to understand why the research is being carried out and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully and discuss it with others. Feel free to ask us if anything needs to be clarified or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether you wish to take part. 

Study Overview

Obesity and associated disease risks are significant public health concerns. Understanding where a person stores their body fat can help identify those who are at greater risk of developing some diseases.  Traditional methods of assessing body size and shape can be difficult to perform and time-consuming.   Simple tools, such as images that ask people to self-identify their body shape, have been available for many years, but are often used measure satisfaction with body shape.  Some picture-based tools have been developed to help people classify their own body shape, but very little research has been done to check that people classify themselves correctly.  

In this study, we want to test whether women can accurately self-identify their body shape using two of these picture-based tools when compared to traditional measurements of body shape. 

Why have I been invited to take part?

We are looking for adult women (over 18 years) of all ages, shapes and sizes to take part in our study.  We want to see if these picture-based tools are helpful to assess body shape in real-world women.  Unfortunately, currently, we are not able to recruit women who are pregnant or lactating, have a history of eating disorders, or are unable to participate in the physical measurements.

What will happen to me if I take part?

In this part of the research, we are seeking females aged over 18 years to have the following measurements taken:

  • Weight 
  • Height
  • Waist circumference
  • Hip circumference
  • Chest circumference
  • Thigh circumference
  • Tricep skin fold
  • Subscapular skinfold

Participants will also be asked to record their bra size via an electronic form as well as identify their specific body shape using two picture-based tools.  Data collected will be analysed to determine if the picture-based body shape tools identify the same body shape compared to the body measurements. If you decide to participate, the measurements will be taken at a suitable location and will take approximately 30 minutes.  

You will be presented with an iPad containing your unique ID. Here, you will click next and submit your bra size. You will then be asked to identify which body shape represents your body shape against a series of images. This will be presented on the iPad, and you will select the letter next to the image you identify as a reflection of your views of your current body shape. The researcher will not be watching you complete these steps, and the ID number will allow the data to remain anonymous.  

In preparation for the physical measurements, we will ask you to bring and wear a sleeveless sports top and loose shorts to the clinic. Subsequently, we will measure your weight and height using standardised equipment and then begin the body shape testing, starting with marking precise locations on the skin for the testing.  You will be marked using an erasable pen on the back of the right arm and on the shoulder blade. We will then use skinfold callipers to take measurements. These measurements should not cause discomfort, and no risks are associated with these methods. After taking the skinfold measurements, a series of measurements, using a tape measure, will be taken to examine the circumference of specific body areas. Four circumference measures will be recorded, which include your waist, hips, thigh and chest circumferences. 

After the study visit, we are happy to give your personal feedback via email, if requested, based on the anthropometric measurements made on the day.  We will not diagnose any health issues, but where appropriate, we will indicate how your results relate to health risks according to current guidance.  

Risks and Discomforts

There is no known risk from anthropometric measurements in the population. If you feel any of the measurements will cause psychological discomfort, please understand that you may withdraw from the research at any time. Your confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained.


Participation in this research will help us identify whether women can accurately determine their body shape using picture-based tools.  This may help future researchers gather reliable data from large populations without physically measuring everyone.  However, there is no direct benefit to you.

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal from the Study

You have the right to leave a study at any time without penalty.  You may refuse to do any procedures you do not feel comfortable with or answer any questions you do not wish to reply.  If you withdraw from the study, you may request that your research information not be used by contacting the investigators listed above and below.


As a thank you for participating in our study and to cover reasonable expenses, participants will receive a £10 shopping voucher. 


If you decide to participate in this project, please understand that your participation is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time with no penalty.  You also have the right to refuse to answer any question(s) for any reason with no penalty.  In addition, your privacy will be maintained in all publications or presentations from this study.  You will be assigned a unique study identification number, which will be used to store data electronically.  Your name will not be written on any paper copies of data collection and will never be disclosed in any research documents arising from this study.  As described above, your image will be processed to remove all identifiable information.  All information you provide will remain strictly confidential and anonymised.

Universities and organisations overseeing research governance may look at your study records.  A study number rather than your name will be used on all study records, so you will not be identifiable should this occur.

Has this study received ethical approval?

This study received ethical approval from the Newcastle University Research Policy Intelligence and Ethics Committee on 23/02/2024.

Who should I contact for further information relating to the research?

Please get in touch with r Susan Lennie:

  • if you have any questions about this study or your part in it
  • if you have questions, concerns or complaints about the research, or
  • if you would like information about the study results when they are prepared.

Who should I contact in order to file a complaint?

If you have any concerns or complaints you feel can be resolved informally, please contact the lead researcher or the study supervisor using the contact details above.  

Formal complaints should be submitted in writing using the Reporting Allegations of Misconduct Form and submitted by email to alongside any supporting evidence.  Formal allegations will be treated confidentially.  Anonymous allegations will be considered at the discretion of the University.  If you wish to complain about how your data is handled, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (contact details as above) who will investigate the matter.  If you are not satisfied with their response you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

[Participant Information Sheet, Version 2, 14/03/24]


If you are interested in registering to participate in this study, please complete the form at the link below.

Registration Form