News & Opportunities

Postdoctoral Research Associate position available

We are seeking a highly motivated individual for a project aimed at characterising the permanent adhesive of the barnacle cypris larva. The focus is adhesive proteins, building on recent progress in our laboratory on non-proteinaceous components and the dynamics of secretion.

The project, which is a collaboration with the University of Essex and funded by the US Office of Naval Research, is part of a programme that aims to advance our understanding of the process of marine biofouling, driven by the need for more sustainable antifouling solutions.

You will have a PhD in molecular biology, biochemistry or in a related discipline, proven research and organisational skills, and possess excellent communication skills. You should be able to work independently as well as part of a team, and take responsibility for the day-to-day management of the project.

The post is full-time and for a fixed term to 30 April 2023 in the first instance. For informal enquiries please contact Prof Tony Clare,

Last modified: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 22:57:02 BST