Project updates

Co-design work beginning Autumn/Winter 2020

We had planned to hold co-design workshops over Spring/Summer 2020.

However, due to coronovirus these workshops have been postponed. Instead we have spent time planning how we can still bring together people when we cannot meet face-to-face. 

We want to bring together young people, parents and healthcare professionals to share their views and ideas on how we can help young people to be active after being treated for a cancer or brain tumour. Ideas may include things such as providing education or training, developing a support package, developing a mobile app or something completely different!

By speaking to young people, and involving them in the design process, it will help us to know what it is they want and need. By involving healthcare professionals it will help us to understand what might actually fit within the services they are already providing to these young people.

The aim of working together is to discuss and develop ideas with the aim of identifying new ways of promoting, supporting and improving physical activity in young people who have had cancer or a brain tumour.

To be able the achieve this we will be offering 3 options by which people can get involved and share their views and ideas.

  1. Online workshops (with groups of around 5-10 people). These will be online using video-conferencing software.
  2. Individual or small group interviews (with a maximum of 3 people). Individual interviews may be online or over the phone. Small group interviews will be held online
  3. Online collaborative groups where people can contribute and respond to posts in their own time. These online groups will either be held on a closed/private Facebook group, WhatsApp or another closed platform.

Young people and parents who join us in this process will receive a shopping voucher as a thank you.

Workshops/interviews will be held separately for young people, parents and healthcare professionals. 

More information is available in the Project documents section.

Last modified: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 12:48:22 BST