Experimental Treatment Arms

The AuToDeCRA-2 study will recruit 20 participants in total. These participants will be randomised into one of five (5) arms. The arms are as follows:

  1. Injection of a lower dose of the experimental medicine, TolDC, into lymph nodes located in the groin.
  2. Injection of the experimental medicine, TolDC, into lymph nodes located in the groin.
  3. Injection of the experimental medicine, TolDC, into the knee joint.
  4. Injection of the experimental medicine, TolDC, into the skin of the upper thigh.
  5. No TolDC medication given (control arm).

All participants will continue to receive their usual RA medication (if currently on treatment) alongside this study. 

Lymph nodes are small glands in the body where cells from the immune system congregate. The standard dose was used in knee joints in the earlier AuToDeCRA study and was shown to be well tolerated. Because we think that tolDCs need to get to the lymph nodes in order to work, we are also investigating whether a lower dose would be sufficient when injecting directly into a lymph node (arm 1).