Take Part
Sign up for our 2-hour computer-based study!
What determines our ability to understand speech in noisy situations?
Having difficulty understanding people in noisy environments is a common complaint of those attending auditory clinics, especially as we age and even when hearing is normal. This can cause social isolation and a lower quality of life, among other issues. Understanding what determines our ability to extract speech from a noisy background will help us find solutions to this prevalent problem.
What will I do?
You will need to make a visit of just under 2 hours to our lab in The Medical School at Newcastle University. You will first get your hearing tested, and your results will be shared with you. Then, you will complete a number of short tasks that test different aspects of your hearing and cognitive abilities. You will be compensated for your time with a payment of £20 as well as a copy of your hearing test.
Who can take part?
To be able to take part you must:
- be between 25-70 years old.
- be a native English speaker (born and raised in an English-speaking country).
- not have a history of neurological or psychological disorders.
- not be taking psychotropic drugs or medication.
- not have a speech or hearing disorder.
- not wear a hearing aid.
If you would like to take part, please contact Hasan at h.colak2@newcastle.ac.uk.