Auditory Cognition

The Auditory Cognition Group is a dynamic research group with members at Newcastle University Medical School, the Wellcome Centre for Human NeuroImaging at University College London, and at the Human Brain Research Laboratory at the University of Iowa. The principal investigator is Professor Timothy D Griffiths FMedSci.

A major focus of our current work is to establish key aspects of auditory cognition that determine the ability of subjects with hearing loss to detect speech in noise. Problems with this are associated with hearing loss when the ear does not work properly, but subjects with hearing loss have widely differing abilities determined by brain mechanisms as well. We also study the effect of brain disorders on auditory cognition. A number of disorders are associated with deficient auditory cognition including common developmental disorders like dyslexia, acquired disorders like stroke and degenerative disorders like dementia. Tinnitus and auditory hallucinations are derangements of auditory cognition. We also study disorders of emotional sound analysis.

Newcastle University Medical Sciences Doctoral Thesis Prize

Dr Meher Lad has just won the Newcastle University Medical Sciences Doctoral Thesis Prize