News & Events
Dissemination event in Newcastle

The Newcastle team ran a dissemination event at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences (at Newcastle University) on April 17th 2018 at King George VI Building, Howden Room, 1-2.30 pm.
Dr Joana Almeida and Prof. Sue Robson shared the key quantitative findings of an online survey sent to students and staff across the partner institutions, as well as other European HE institutions. They explored the viewpoints of 342 students and staff on internationalisation at home, namely: (a) opportunities for intercultural development, (b) extent of interaction between international and home students, (c) key activities of Internationalisation at Home, and (d) support services. A discussion was held on the project outputs (see Outputs), namely the development of the Evidence Framework.
Last modified: Tue, 29 May 2018 11:20:12 BST
