Sophie Allen


Sophie is currently an NIHR funded post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Birmingham. Her current research focuses on the mechanisms of sarcopenia in ageing and chronic inflammatory disease states e.g., rheumatoid arthritis and chronic liver disease, with a particular interest in the gut-muscle axis. Sophie completed her PhD at the University of Birmingham under the supervision of Prof Leigh Breen where she investigated the mechanisms of sarcopenia in chronic liver disease using both in vitro and in vivo techniques.

ISTRC 2023 summary

Conference attendance at ISTRC 2023 provided me with a valuable opportunity to disseminate my latest research amongst experts interested in sarcopenia research. I was able to present a poster presentation which allowed me to form new networking connections, including researchers with an interest in pre-clinical models of sarcopenia, and how these findings translate to clinical practice. Furthermore, the conference dinner and the ART, early career researcher networking breakfast provided yet more key opportunities to network with researchers in the field of sarcopenia. These networking opportunities were of particular importance to me as an early career researcher due the global pandemic restricting these opportunities during my post-graduate studies. Together, these interactions have helped to improve my communication skills and learn more about clinical sarcopenia-based research which I hope to apply to future research. I would like to thank the ART network for the opportunity to attend this conference.