Oscar Flores Flores


Oscar is a physician trained in Peru at Universidad de San Martin de Porres, has a Master in Global Health and Development from University College London and a PhD candidate in International Health at Johns Hopkins University. He holds an NIH Emerging Leader Global Award, and is a junior faculty at the Centre of Research on Aging at Universidad de San Martin de Porres. His primary research interest is developing and adapting evidence-based interventions to improve health and wellbeing of older adults at primary care settings.

ISTRC 2023 summary

My attendance at the International Sarcopenia Translational Research Conference 2023 was an enriching professional and personal journey. Newcastle, the host city, greeted me with its charming atmosphere, and I was fortunate to enjoy pleasant weather throughout the event. The conference venue and facilities were impressive, providing an ideal environment for networking and collaboration. I extend my gratitude to the organizing committee for their warm hospitality.

Engaging discussions during poster presentations, working groups, talks, and dinners were a highlight of my experience.

What truly made this conference exceptional was the diverse range of perspectives and insights shared by researchers from around the world. I believe that the continued growth of the ISTRC, with a broader representation of speakers and attendees from different continents and settings, is crucial for advancing global sarcopenia research. This expansion acknowledges the unique challenges we face in various regions, challenging the notion that a one-size-fits-all approach is enough.

I was especially intrigued by the intervention trials incorporating an implementation science approach, which provided valuable insights and motivation for applying existing evidence to practical solutions. In addition to the enriching content, I had the pleasure of meeting passionate and like-minded researchers. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with them soon.

Overall, my experience at the conference was both enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. It has undoubtedly contributed to my research and practice in the field of sarcopenia.