Giulia Raffaele


Giulia is a fourth-year medical student at King's College London, originating from Italy, with a strong passion for academic research and geriatrics. For three years, she has partnered with Guy's and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trusts, publishing notable studies on atrial fibrillation. Currently, Giulia focuses on twin studies and the microbiome, seeking to improve geriatric health. Her dedication extends beyond research as she advocates for enhanced access to healthcare for older adults. She hopes that her contributions to geriatric healthcare will inspire and assure a brighter future for elderly patients.

ISTRC 2023 summary

Attending the ISTRC 2023 conference as a 4th year medical student has been an invaluable experience that significantly enriched my research endeavours. The conference offered me a platform to connect with like-minded researchers, fostering an exchange of ideas and insights that will profoundly impact my future work. Meeting with those who have conducted similar validation studies opened doors to collaborative possibilities and a fresh perspective on my research methods.

One of the highlights of the conference was the opportunity to listen to renowned experts in the field. Their innovative insights and groundbreaking research not only broadened my horizons but also revolutionized the way I perceive the aging process.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the ART of Healthy Ageing Network for providing me with the opportunity to attend this conference through their award program. Their commitment to fostering inclusivity and removing barriers within the academic and research community is commendable. This support ensures that conferences like ISTRC are accessible to students and early researchers, promoting diversity of thought and enhancing the quality of research.

Furthermore, I am thrilled to share that I was honoured with the Best Poster Prize at the conference, which serves as a testament to the positive impact of my research. This recognition not only bolsters my confidence but also motivates me to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field of healthy aging.