Postgraduate Network
Postgraduate Network
Opportunities for Postgraduate Students at Newcastle University to get involved with the University and Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty
The network provides an interdisciplinary space for postgraduate and early career researchers to meet and share ideas, and to engage with the activities of the Anthropocene Research Group. Sign up to the mailing list to stay informed and involved in social events, talks, regular reading group sessions, walks and workshops and please get in touch if you would like to join or connect with us:
Current and Past Students

Olivia McCannon
Creative Practice PhD

Caroline Rae
P.hD Candidate

Postgraduate Opportunities
Discover the variety of opportunity Newcastle University Anthropocene Research Group offers for Postgraduates.
Social events, talks, regular reading group sessions, walks, workshops and more!

Postgraduate Work
Discover what our postgraduate researchers work (or have worked) towards through these examples of postgraduate work with the Newcastle University Anthropocene Research Group.
Developing a transdisciplinary response to the 'Anthropocene'.