CT Scans

Eligible for STICH II

Ineligible for STICH II

This picture shows a scan of a patient who would be eligible for STICH II. The patient has a lobar intracerebral haematoma, close to the cortical surface. The volume of the haematoma is within the 10 – 100 ml criterion. There is no evidence of hydrocephalus or intraventricular haemorrhage and the haematoma does not extend into the basal ganglia, and is not associated with trauma, tumour or aneurysm.

In contrast this picture shows the scan of a patient who has a haematoma that would exclude them from STICH II. The haematoma is not within 1cm of the cortical surface of the brain. It extends from the lobar region into the basal ganglia. There is evidence also of intraventricular haemorrhage.

Last updated 16 Mar 2007 © Stich