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Writing from the stemistry lab

Never-changing world

by Beverley Addy

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Small changes are afoot
A foot into a hand
But with the changing wind
It changes back again
Evolution’s little joke
On fossil hunters, gullible folk
A little trick to keep them guessing
An ever-changing lesson
When feathers turned to scales
Or legs emerged from tails
Even with the latest findings
Lots of pieces are still hiding
And talk about missing links
Put there just to make us think
Mother Nature’s a wily one
She’s really got a sense of fun
I cannot wait to see what comes
How about snakes with bums
Or elephants with trunks for tails
Little wings on humpback whales
But will our human race
Keep up with this changing pace
When those that wouldn’t live
Medicine a future gives
Natural selection grinds to a halt
But take that with a pinch of salt
As the gene pool becomes an ocean
It offers up endless options
An Ma’ Nature’s such a clever gal
If there’s a laugh to have she will