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The network was co-initiated by Jonathan Pugh, Chantal Mouffe and Doreen Massey in 2004. Jonathan Pugh is overall Director, managing the network on a daily basis. Deborah Thien is the United States Director and Swapna Banerjee-Guha is Director of the South Asia nodes.

Along with support from the other twenty five network node directors, Jonathan has had help from Colin Riordan, Noortje Marres, Deborah Thien, Nigel Thrift, Grant Henderson, Ronan Paddison, Gerry Doherty, Neil Marshall, David Featherstone, Zoe Pugh, David Murakami Wood, David Chandler, the Institute for Environment and Sustainabilty at Newcastle University, Andy Gillespie, John Pendlebury, Alastair Bonnett, Paul Benneworth, Jean Hillier, Geof Vigar, Shirley Mulvenna, Sue Tata, Penny Kelly, Oliver Moss, Liza Griffin, Caspar Hewett and ‘The Great Debate’ team. 

(If I have left you out, please email me at !)







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