
Tameezan wa Gathui

Tameezan wa Gathui is an energy practitioner with over 25 years’ experience working in renewable energy in both the private and development sectors in Kenya. She is currently the energy portfolio coordinator in Practical Action Consulting, the development consultancy arm of the Practical Action Regional Office in Eastern Africa. Her areas of specialization include solar photovoltaics and bioenergy. Her work experience encompasses project conceptualization, project design, project management, training, fund raising and policy engagement. She is currently responsible for managing action research projects and consultancy assignments in PAC EA focusing on improved household energy access in low income households in Kenya. Her solar PV portfolio comprises system design, equipment specification and procurement; installation supervision; technical and end-user training, system performance monitoring, maintenance and repair and financing of renewable energy solutions for households, communities and small businesses. Her experience in bioenergy includes design and implementation of qualitative household energy baseline assessments; conducting action research; use of participatory approaches in bioenergy market development and grassroots policy engagement. She has shared lessons and experiences from Kenya with renewable energy stakeholders in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, India, Peru, Spain and the UK, and is networked with key stakeholders in the renewable energy sector in Kenya