
Commons Select Committee: watch online

The UK House of Commons' Select Committee on Science and Technology met yesterday to discuss medical device regulation.  They heard oral evidence from a panel of experts including Tom Joyce.

The panel also included Dr Carl Heneghan, GP and Reader in Evidence-Based Medicine, Director of the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford; Professor Stephen Westaby, Surgeon, John Radcliffe Hospital; and Dr Suzette Woodward, Director of Patient Safety, National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA).

The Committee covered a wide range of subjects around current regulation and repeatedly returned to recent problems with metal on metal hips as an example of issues within the regulatory and legislative systems.

Commons Select Committees are designed to deal with the day to day detail of parliamentary business and make recommendations to the UK govenment.

You can watch the session again here.

Last modified: Thu, 24 May 2012 12:20:19 BST