Supplementary Volumes



Histos Supplement 4



Anthony Ellis, ed., God in History: Reading and Rewriting Herodotean Theology from Plutarch to the Renaissance (2015)



Full text



Individual papers:


        Anthony Ellis, Preface, 1-16


       Anthony Ellis, Introduction, 17-40


       John Marincola, Defending the Divine: Plutarch on the Gods of Herodotus, 41-83


       Vasiliki Zali, Fate, Divine Phthonos, and the Wheel of Fortune: the Reception of Herodotean Theology in Early and Middle Byzantine Historiography, 85-126


        Mathieu de Bakker, Explaining the End of an Empire: the Use of Ancient Greek Religious Views in Late Byzantine Historiography, 127-71


        Anthony Ellis, Herodotus magister vitae, or: Herodotus and God in the Protestant Reformation, 173-245


Last updated: 14.01.16


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