FiCTION Champions

Professor Jimmy Steele (1962-2017)

  • Previous Head of School of Dental Sciences at Newcastle University & Professor of Oral Health Services Research
  • Professor Jimmy Steele, a strong advocate of the study, explained the importance of FICTION

"Much of what we do in dentistry is not supported by evidence. This does not make it invalid, indeed much of what we do makes great biological sense. However, when it comes to deciduous (baby) teeth we really do not know what to do where there is decay. The technician in us says we should cut out the decay and fill it. The patient in us says we would rather not have that - can we not just try to nurse the tooth through. There is nothing much to help us make that decision. Maybe technology can offer us something different.

FiCTION is a unique and important study, it is designed and powered to answer this fundamental question. For the patient, the taxpayer and the dentist the outcome is important as it will determine, hopefully definitively, the best course of action when faced with childhood decay. Trials like this are not easy, and not cheap, but if done well they will give us a clear answer to a simple but important question with inestimable long term benefits."