
Professor Jimmy Steele (1962 - 2017)

  • Previous Head of School and Professor of Oral Health Research and Chair of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear CLRN (Oral and Dental)
  • School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University

Professor Jimmy Steele CBE BDS PhD FDS RCPS FDS (Rest Dent). Jimmy graduated in dentistry from Dundee in 1985. After hospital appointments in Dundee, Perth and Glasgow, and obtaining FDS, he was appointed as a lecturer in Restorative Dentistry in Newcastle in 1989. His PhD was a large scale epidemiological survey of oral health in older adults, funded by the Department of Health and awarded in 1995. He was appointed a personal Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry in 1999 and then a personal chair in Oral Health Services Research in 2003. He is also an NHS consultant in Restorative Dentistry in Newcastle. His experience in the epidemiology of adult and children’s dental health is extensive and has included leading roles in several large scale national surveys (including NDNS65+, ADHS 1998 and 2009, and CDHS 2003 and 2013). His health services research includes work in primary care, including clinical trials, quality of life measurement and more recently health economics. Professor Steele has authored and contributed to a range of books covering clinical areas such as preventive dentistry, restorative dentistry, occlusion and statistics. He is oral and dental lead for the UKCRN and led the “Independent Review of NHS services in England” in 2009 (aka the Steele review). He is Head of Newcastle School of Dental Sciences. Jimmy will have an overseeing and co-ordination role, particularly in relation to dentist recruitment and payment. At a local level he took responsibility for overseeing the feasibility study in the Newcastle area and local recruitment. He will also be involved in subsequent analysis and writing, particularly in terms of interpretation of findings in an NHS environment.