City-Regions as Intelligent Territories: Inclusion, Competitiveness And Learning

CRITICAL is an international research project funded by the European Commission's 5th Framework Programme for Research and Development. The research covers a three year period and work began in February 2003.

CRITICAL aims to understand the learning processes which take place within cities by examining a range of formal and informal networks within which learning and knowledge development take place. The project will focus on four city-regions, Dortmund in Germany, Dublin in Ireland, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the UK and Tampere in Finland. The project will contribute to progress in understanding the changing role of large cities in their national and regional territories and to the understanding of territorial learning processes, knowledge dissemination and transfer, and social networks in a number of different urban environments. The project has been designed to ensure relevance to, and involvement with, a number of city-based agencies. Indeed one of the outcomes of the project is a set of tools to help cities apply learning as part of a more holistic development strategy.

There are five detailed objectives within the CRITICAL project.

A series of roadshows will be held during November and December in locations throughout Europe and in Melbourne, Australia to disseminate the findings of the CRITICAL Project. This will be followed by an academic conference in December in Berlin.

Meet the Team

CURDS, University of Newcastle
ERC, Trinity College Dublin
ERP, University of Dortmund
Sente, University of Tampere

The Research Project

Work Programme
CRITICAL related conferences and links
CRITICAL Publications, Presentations and Conference Papers

CRITICAL Workspace

Access to the following documents is restricted to CRITICAL partners only.

Critical description
Aims and objectives of the project- ppt


Newcastle  Finland  Dublin  Dortmund  Melbourne  Newcastle  Copenhagen  Potsdam

Teleconference Minutes

Teleconference 24/05/04  Teleconference 28/06/04  Teleconference 13/09/04  Teleconference 08/11/04  Teleconference 09/12/04
Teleconference 15/04/05

Case Study Materials

Communities of Practice explained
Arena and City Report Templates
Case Study Arenas
Case Study Grid
City Reports

Maintained by - Last modified on 2nd November 2005.