The Unaccountability of the World
Professor Hartmut Rosa (University of Jena): 2 November 2023, 3:30pm, Newcastle University via Zoom
Professor Rosa is a renowned sociologist who will bring his concepts of 'acceleration' and 'resonance' to bear on our thinking about the human condition today. If you want to get a first taste of his ideas, you may want to watch this TED talk:
Access Professor Rosa's TED talk >
He will speak about his latest publication, which is an accessible account of his theories of acceleration and resonance; you can access it through our library, if you want to do some preparatory reading:
Access Professor Rosa's book, 'The Uncontrollability of the World' >
To access the Zoom, please follow the following link or input the meeting id:
Meeting ID - 82607401636

The Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a proposed concept to outline a geological epoch marking significant human interaction and intervention upon the natural world. The anthropogenic change of Earth systems, in particular the biosphere and atmosphere, forms the biggest global challenge for human societies in the 21st century. It can only be addressed in a concerted political effort through scientific research, socio-economic transformation, and a philosophical rethinking of our cultural habits.

What we do
The work we do guided by the Newcastle Approach as part of NUHRI.
Developing a transdisciplinary response to the 'Anthropocene'.

Who we Are
Meet the Steering Group behind our research.

Join us and partners in upcoming events relating to the Anthropocene. Or browse our archive of past events.
Anthropocene Network
Our research and outreach initiative with colleagues at Leicester, Exeter, Bloomington, and Copenhagen. As part of this joint initiative we have produced a series of blogs and a glossary outlining key concepts regarding a humanities driven approach to the Anthropocene.
Blogs written by members of the Anthropocene Research Group, members of our network and students who are keen to engage with Anthropocene research.
Short and accessible summaries of the aforementioned key concepts produced from our humanities driven approach to the Anthropocene.

Anthropocene Postgraduate Community
Discover the work of our two postgraduate students and events and opportunities for postgraduates held by Newcastle University Anthropocene Research Group.